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AITA Monthly Open Forum May 2024: Rule 4

Keep things civil. Rules still apply.

We’ve highlighted some changes to a couple of rules the past few months, so we figured we’d go with a simple one this month - Rule 4, Never Delete An Active Discussion.

This may be the most straight-forward rule of the sub. In fact, we don’t even cover it in our FAQ. And if you’ve ever taken the time to look, you know we cover a lot!

For the purpose of our sub, a discussion is deemed active for the first 48 hours. Once comments have begun rolling in, we do not permit OPs to delete the thread. Of course, a removal by a moderator for a rule violation is different. But, we sometimes see an OP post and then try to delete once things don’t appear to be going their way. That’s a rule violation.

Why is it a violation? If someone has taken the time to read your post and give genuine feedback, it is inconsiderate to dip out early because you don’t like the responses. You have to be prepared to see comments saying you’re the asshole in the situation.

One thing that is sometimes brought up in the monthly forums is why doesn’t the sub have a karma minimum to post, or some other form of verification. As stated in the rule, throwaway accounts are perfectly fine, for those who want to maintain some privacy.

As always, do not directly link to posts/comments or post uncensored screenshots here. Any comments with links will be removed.

We'd like to highlight the regional spinoffs we have linked on the sidebar! If you have any suggestions or additions to this, please let us know in the comments.

AITA for telling my SIL that taking care of her kid is her job and she shouldn't expect others to do it for her?
AITA for telling my SIL that taking care of her kid is her job and she shouldn't expect others to do it for her?

I have 2 kids (F3, M1). I am also a pharmacist and I like to spend my free time learning to play basketball, learn to play the violin and learn new languages so you see I'm pretty busy at day.

My in laws have been so supportive. My MIL is an angel. She told me that it makes her very happy to see me improve myself and she volunteered to babysit for us. She babysits whenever we ask and never asks for money because according to her she doesn't want to get paid for spending time with her grandkids.

The problem is that my BIL's wife (I'm not sure what it's called in english so I will call her SIL) who is a SAHM thinks she is entitled to the same thing. Don't get me wrong my MIL babysits for her too but she will do it occasionally not every day.

She only has one 4yo son and she doesn't work and she is not interested in learning anything yet she thinks MIL should babysit for her everyday so that she can "relax".

Yesterday she snapped at MIL and told her she either has to babysit for both of us or for none of us. I told her that taking care of her kid is her job and she shouldn't expect others to do it for her.

She called me an asshole and said it's none of my business.

40g of protein. 27 vitamins and minerals. A full meal in a bottle... ARE YOU NOT IMPRESSED!?
40g of protein. 27 vitamins and minerals. A full meal in a bottle... ARE YOU NOT IMPRESSED!?

AITA for leaving my ex to sit and take care of his child and taking a business class upgrade to myself?
AITA for leaving my ex to sit and take care of his child and taking a business class upgrade to myself?

I (30f) have been dating "Matt" (33m) for about a year. Matt has a kid "Alex" from his first relationship, the kid is under 2yo. Every now and then I used to look after Alex when Matt was at work (we don't live together but they stay at mine every now and then)

We decided to go on holiday for 10 days at the start of May and due to some family drama Alex had to go with us. The flights were over 8 hours long and I have booked the tickets for all of us. During the flight and the holiday I have spent nearly all my time was spent looking after Alex while Matt had the time of his life. Some things came to my attention (he was still seeing his ex) which resulted in us breaking up at the end of our stay.

On the flight back we were all sitting together and a flight attendant approached us and asked my ex if he wanted an upgrade to the business class. Before he could say anything I have mentioned it was me who bought the tickets and used my own account to pay for them, so an upgrade should go to me, the flight attendant was trying to argue at first as she assumed Alex was my child, but I told her that's not the case and ended up having an upgrade so I can relax after spending all this time looking after Alex.

After the flight Matt, a few other passengers who assumed I am the mum as well as some family members and friends called me an asshole for not giving the upgrade to Matt, even after I have mentioned the flight attendant didn't say anything about Alex being allowed to join Matt.