all 139 comments

[–]MicrowavedGerbil2 881 points882 points  (18 children)


[–][deleted] 296 points297 points  (3 children)


[–]itshowitbeyunno 65 points66 points  (1 child)


[–]Leptep 41 points42 points  (0 children)


[–]smacksaw 27 points28 points  (0 children)

When your law office is in your mom's basement and you charge in billable tendies

[–]champchumpchompchimp 55 points56 points  (3 children)

[–]Okami0730 3 points4 points  (1 child)

He has a neck to have a beard??

[–]champchumpchompchimp 0 points1 point  (0 children)


[–]bloodthickerwater 5 points6 points  (0 children)


[–]caseyape 2 points3 points  (0 children)


[–]ZMONEY44 2 points3 points  (0 children)

M’ Tuna

[–]SGGCurserGod 20 points21 points  (3 children)

Underrated m8 😂

[–]reficulmi 80 points81 points  (0 children)


[–]champchumpchompchimp 0 points1 point  (1 child)


[–]Backdrop2 0 points1 point  (2 children)


[–]Aemiq 3 points4 points  (0 children)

M'erry cake day

[–]ThatOneEverythingGuy 1 point2 points  (0 children)

M'appy cake day

[–]SaoirseAva 624 points625 points  (12 children)

All that hair isn't hiding your baby face, my dude

[–]Swichts 380 points381 points  (9 children)

If he got a clean haircut it would make him look older. This looks like someone refusing to let go of the emo era.

[–]bruceyj 134 points135 points  (5 children)

If this guy shaved his head he’d look like action Bronson

[–]nebulize 60 points61 points  (2 children)

Passive Bronson

[–]Waghlon 23 points24 points  (0 children)

Action Bronson looks very passive already

[–]Bismothe-the-Shade 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Action Bronson't

[–]2suns-in-the-sunset 38 points39 points  (0 children)

Class Action Bronson

[–]purplekirk 3 points4 points  (0 children)

"Catch me in the water using your mom like a jet ski"

[–]slyfoxninja -3 points-2 points  (2 children)

Emo isn't Metal loser.

[–]Swichts -1 points0 points  (1 child)

Grow up

[–]slyfoxninja -1 points0 points  (0 children)


[–]treesgrater 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Or his double chin

[–]Balls-over-dick-man- 7 points8 points  (0 children)

“What did you expect me to do? It was Homelander!” - Mesmer to Billy butcher

[–]crabcakes52 122 points123 points  (0 children)

It’s a cross over from 90 day lawyer

[–]charlesdparrott 38 points39 points  (2 children)

The face says 13. The beard says 30. The hair says Hair Club for Men.

[–]RabSimpson 7 points8 points  (0 children)

The moustache also says 13.

[–]slyfoxninja 0 points1 point  (0 children)

No way man, I had a beard like that when I was 17.

[–]JonSneugh 37 points38 points  (1 child)

I am almost positive that is some rando the producers paid $50 to play the part of a lawyer. The whole situation was just so weird in the setup and the things he was telling Mohammed didn't even make sense.

[–]dawnGrace 1 point2 points  (0 children)

There’s billboards for his practice with his on it!

[–]hapianman 33 points34 points  (0 children)

“Gimme the Bieber haircut from 2010”

[–]czubizzle 88 points89 points  (0 children)

"How did he find a m'lady but I can't?"

[–]crystaljungle1 196 points197 points  (22 children)

Who would choose a lawyer that can’t even properly groom themselves? All that money for law school and you can’t cut your hair?

[–][deleted] 63 points64 points  (0 children)

The dude who hired him was a foreign guy with no money. They also were in a hick ass town in the middle of nowhere. He was a visa/immigration lawyer

[–]Roderick618 107 points108 points  (9 children)

Yeah, you’re pretty spot on. While it’s ok to look like this in many professions these days, Law is still quite conservative relative to other professions.

[–][deleted]  (7 children)


    [–]Aimer_NZ 65 points66 points  (0 children)

    'Yo guys what's goood?'

    [–]ClarkTwain 42 points43 points  (5 children)

    I don't know, that level of self confidence my comfort me. Like if he dresses like that, I bet he can kickflip me into an acquittal.

    [–][deleted]  (4 children)


      [–]ClarkTwain 10 points11 points  (0 children)

      Fucking tight, I love it.

      [–]HeckOffKid 6 points7 points  (2 children)

      Judge: ok that was sick AF objection sustained

      [–]eagle2401 2 points3 points  (0 children)

      Is this read from a new Idiocracy ?

      [–]Devious02 1 point2 points  (0 children)

      This thread has me dying

      [–]SooCrayCray 6 points7 points  (0 children)

      This good boy doesnt abide the rules, the rules bend for him and his grace.

      [–]Oregonian_Lynx 8 points9 points  (0 children)

      Or wash it! Greasy as hell

      [–][deleted] 25 points26 points  (0 children)

      Looks like he still does that “13 y/0 Bieber headshake” to move his bangs out of his eyes

      [–][deleted] 17 points18 points  (0 children)

      Homeboy looks like he graduated law school with a C average and his high school yearbook quote was “I don’t make waves, I ride em”.

      [–][deleted] 13 points14 points  (0 children)

      It’s like that episode of South Park where Eric glues Scott Tenorman’s pubes to his face.

      [–]Allensdoor 13 points14 points  (2 children)

      Action Bronsons younger lawyer brother

      [–]howie_rules 2 points3 points  (0 children)

      It’s like a character from the baby blue video

      [–]GrosRooster 1 point2 points  (0 children)

      What Bronson would look like with a luscious mane.

      [–]Brick-Dust 7 points8 points  (0 children)


      [–]kmartimcfli 5 points6 points  (0 children)

      I feel like this belongs on r/justfuckmyshitup but I can’t really explain why

      [–]erca111 5 points6 points  (2 children)

      He looks like a drummer for an emo band

      [–][deleted]  (1 child)


        [–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

        I think you guys are thinking of Bring Me The Horizon’s guitarist lol

        [–]jroddie4 8 points9 points  (1 child)

        imagine going through law school and thinking that this is the way you should look

        [–]babyfacedjanitor 3 points4 points  (0 children)

        Imagine going through high school and thinking that this is the way you should look

        [–]Hideinwell 5 points6 points  (1 child)

        He reminds me of that kid that played the elf in that one Santa Claus movie

        [–]Hideinwell 4 points5 points  (0 children)

        Spencer Breslin

        [–]CopperKuma 4 points5 points  (2 children)

        I am watching season 2 and literally just watched this episode. Then I opened up Reddit and here he is again. What the fuck EDIT: fixed spelling

        [–]Dukakis2020 0 points1 point  (1 child)

        Get your boo hole over to /r/90DayFiance

        [–]CopperKuma 1 point2 points  (0 children)

        I'm on my way now

        [–]CaptainBlocker 6 points7 points  (0 children)

        Holy shit it's Cr1tikal

        [–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (0 children)

        Mohammed has to have found him on some 1-800-number

        [–]SmeggyEgg 3 points4 points  (0 children)

        What is it about the tailoring of hick American lawyers?

        Brown suit, blue shirt and yellow tie. Is there some sort of uniform?

        [–]ZrinXochiquetzal 2 points3 points  (0 children)

        Nine or nineteen-hundred.

        [–]DirtyArchaeologist 2 points3 points  (0 children)

        He specializes in videogames law, more specifically he defends people against charges of princess kidnapping. All those creepy videogame bad guys kidnapping princesses, this is who they turn to.

        [–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

        Barber here. So many dudes still asking for this. In San Fransisco no less and still blame the fact there’s more men here than women and that’s why dating sucks

        It’s like 52% men 48 women or something not even that much different

        [–]EPM101 3 points4 points  (1 child)

        Is that Hailey Joel Osmund?

        [–]TheStreisandEffect 5 points6 points  (0 children)



        [–]AustinGX 1 point2 points  (0 children)

        GTFO of my room i’m playing runescape!

        [–]biscuitbutt11 1 point2 points  (1 child)

        I LOVE 90 day Fiancé. 😅

        [–]trustworthy-adult 1 point2 points  (0 children)

        i was reading it as 90 day finance the entire time until I noticed you used the special E

        I’m so dyslexic it hurts

        [–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

        He looks like he doing probono work to catch himself a 90 day fiance.

        [–]QSauceTheBoss 1 point2 points  (1 child)

        Is that.... Sam Tarley...?

        [–]iLLuZiown3d 1 point2 points  (0 children)

        He's destined to clean up the seven kingdoms one court case at a time!

        [–]GamerForEverLive 1 point2 points  (0 children)

        Kinda looks like JonTron

        [–]Migeul5 1 point2 points  (0 children)

        He looks like a failed job tron

        [–]Randyleighy 1 point2 points  (0 children)

        That show is scripted as hell and that cannot be an actual lawyer

        [–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        Seems about right.

        [–]omegalul23234 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        What happened to leafy?

        [–]Alt2221 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        His age is a quantum number

        [–]tunaboat25 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        I can smell this picture.

        [–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        looks like hes been there 90 days

        [–]fleepfloorp 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        Kinda looks like JonTron

        [–]SlapThatArse 0 points1 point  (0 children)


        [–]sunnysquid68 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        I think I recently saw a boy band he's in

        [–]Grombomb 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        I can smell the BO from here!

        [–]Podomus 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        He looks like Critical with a baby face

        [–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        Vape shop employee poses as lawyer.

        [–]jazzmaster_YangGuo 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        recently came across this show on hulu. me and lil bro started bets and shots on who stays a couple and the shots when we see awkward/cringe between the couples

        [–]ILIKEBREADBRO 0 points1 point  (0 children)


        [–]sailor-venus-in-furs 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        Looks just like my ex from 2006

        [–]Permanent10 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        Action bronson energy

        [–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        Totally looks like a kid with a fake beard

        [–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        While I wouldn’t necessarily like my lawyer looking like this, let the dude live his fucking life. Is he feels comfortable looking like that, good on him! As long as he does his job professionally, he deserves a chance.

        [–]Maxxi_paddi 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        That’s action Bronson!

        [–]BozhaTerminator 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        Im not convinced by that fake beard, Johnny

        [–]Dukakis2020 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        90DF has the best immigration lawyers.

        [–]millhows 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        He looks like the Family It guy meme.

        [–]BeaLack 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        Young Action Bronson.

        [–]Zojim 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        Honest question, what would you think is the oldest you can pull off the justin bieber hair without looking weird?

        [–]c0n73mn 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        You gonna look much better after you take the emo hair down! This style is annoying me

        [–]NikkiKitty92 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        Love that show

        [–]FgameCorpYT 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        Looks like the "What? What the Fuck?"Meme Guy (Edit: His name is JonTron) or a slim Jon Sudano

        [–]Johnnyboy77713 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        If he fianshaved his neckbeard he’d look only 90 days old

        [–]saltyfreshwaterman 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        Top: 13 year old Justin Beiber Bottom: I am a 40 year old bus driver that hits up students for booty calls.

        [–]Acenman567 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        Looks like johTron but fatter

        [–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        He looks like young action bronson

        [–]Elephantmenstruation 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        He made me laugh so much when I first saw him

        [–]WeAllJusSomeEggFr 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        That's moist cr1tikal after sitting inside making YouTube videos all day

        [–]Dudedowntheblock 0 points1 point  (0 children)


        DADDY chiill....

        [–]Zeeben97 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        Ah shit George and Anfisa are fighting again.

        [–]pm_ur_hairy_balls 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        Vincent Adultman?

        [–]stelleypootz 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        He looks like a hairy baby.

        [–]mines_4_diamonds 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        is that JonTron?

        [–]FireDemon009 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        John tron that you?!😂

        [–]Im14andthisissodeep 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        Brian Wilson... is... is that you?

        [–]send_me_potatoes 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        He looks like a randomized sim

        [–]i_came_from_mars 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        There is so much going on with this man and I don’t know where to start

        [–]AidenPearce806-1 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        That looks like jon tron

        [–]gschweska 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        No ducking way that’s not a 13 year old

        [–][deleted] -1 points0 points  (1 child)

        Average AHS subscriber

        [–]Dukakis2020 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        No he’s definitely a 4chan gamer

        [–]Hardluckois 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        Wow, that guy's cool!