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   May Day 2024

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Announcements & Events

Albanese Government Facing Charges of "Supporting War Crimes"


Last week ALP Senator Fatima Payman broke ranks with the official Party line when she spoke up in the Senate against Israel's acts of genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza. She also defended the supporters of Palestinian people's struggle using the chant, "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free."

more...- Posted on 2024 May 18


Workers Take Action at Osborne Naval Base in South Australia


AMWU and CEPU members employed by the federal government's Australian Submarine Corporation (ASC) have been taking industrial action against ASC to win better pay and conditions.

more...- Posted on 2024 May 18


Ukraine: Comic actor, serious scenarios


Russian military advances in the Ukraine have been viewed with alarm in Kiev and the western backers of the Zelensky presidential administration. Ukraine is faced with a long, drawn out military struggle it is unlikely to win in a straightforward manner. The development has also been accompanied by a classic Cold War spy scandal as Zelensky seeks to consolidate a reliable power-base of support with declining popularity amongst many Ukrainians ...

more...- Posted on 2024 May 17


For the independence of Kanaky/New Caledonia: no to unfreezing the electorate! no to recolonization!


The events in New Caledonia, to which France has just sent some two thousand police, are both a legacy of French colonialism, and an extension of France’s alignment with the US imperialists against the growing influence of China in the region.
The US wants to strengthen France’s capacity to deny independence to the Kanaks, fearing that an independent Kanaky might seek closer ties with China. 

more...- Posted on 2024 May 16


The legacy of Soviet revisionism: the view from Russia today.


Our Party has good relations with several groups of comrades in Russia. We won’t identify the source of the following description of conditions in Russia because of the danger its authors are in under the rule of the Russian imperialist bourgeosie and Putin’s government. Unfortunately, there are some on the Left in Australia who praise Putin for his rivalry with US imperialism and the NATO bloc. There are no grounds ...

more...- Posted on 2024 May 13


Inflation hits Interest Rate Relief: The Crisis Grows!


Price inflation increased from October to March by 1.6% . That was after a drop in the previous 6 months which had government ministers and economists cheering and carrying on about a series of interest rate cuts coming right up. 
On 7 May, the Reserve Bank swept those hopes aside and locked in the current rate, way higher interest rates than any in the last decade. Now talk is of ...

more...- Posted on 2024 May 12


Rival imperialists and their Ukraine agendas


A huge US-led military assistance package for the Ukraine has left little ambiguity in what the Pentagon appears to have assessed as a viable option for prolonging hostilities. 

more...- Posted on 2024 May 11


What is this economic crisis?


The capitalist economic system and US imperialist domination of Australia is very destructive for this country and the working class. 

more...- Posted on 2024 May 11


Free Palestine rally leads Melbourne May Day march


Highlight of this year’s May Day in Melbourne was the extended march through the city streets led by Free Palestine supporters who had already marched up to Trades Hall from the usual Sunday rally at the State Library.

more...- Posted on 2024 May 07


Free Palestine Rally Puts University of Adelaide in Spotlight


On Sunday, 5 May, supporters of Palestinian peoples struggle against Zionist Israeli government and its imperialist backers once again rallied on steps of Parliament House in Adelaide.

more...- Posted on 2024 May 06


How the Australian state machine breeds terrorism


In 2003, when Australia joined the US invasion of Iraq, Coalition politicians were obsessed with terrorist threats. 
They ignored the fact that imperialist war is terrorism at its worst. They ignored that Sadam Hussein was an enemy of Al Qaeda. They knew Iraq would become another wartime training ground for terrorists to overflow from the US war on Afghanistan declared just two years earlier, after 9/11.

more...- Posted on 2024 May 06


May Day rally in Adelaide – strength in diversity in action.


On Saturday 4 May, about 2000 people rallied at Tarntanya Warma (Elder Park) and in high spirits marched to Tarntanyangga (Victoria Square)

The rally and march was a "sea" of flags of different colours from the Aboriginal flag to many union flags to Palestinian flags, carried by unionists in their equally colourful union t-shirts.

more...- Posted on 2024 May 05


Organisation is the central aspect of the revolutionary question of arming the masses


There has been recent media coverage of the creation of a National Firearms Register with accompanying images of the destruction of firearms surrendered under the Permanent National Firearms Amnesty which began on 1 July 2022. Nearly 30,000 firearms and other weapons have been surrendered under the Amnesty. When these measures were first suggested, in 2018, we discussed the issue in the following article, which we thought it timely to reproduce ...

more...- Posted on 2024 May 03


May Day Solidarity - Victory for Palestine!


Palestinian Resistance Isolates Zionism and US imperialism
By Alice M.
Palestine’s fight for liberation is turning the US imperialist dominated world upside down.


more...- Posted on 2024 Apr 30


May Day – unite to lift the level of struggle


We are reprinting the font page of the paper Vanguard to be distributed free of charge at May Day rallies. The entire paper can be downloaded by clicking the link "Latest Publications" on the left hand side of our homepage. Our Party's statement follows:


more...- Posted on 2024 Apr 30


ICOR May Day statement


Our Party is an affiliate of the International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organisations (ICOR). The ICOR May Day statement was drafted by us and based onour own May Day statement which is the lead article on the hard copy of Vanguard which will be distributed at May Day rallies. We will post our statement tomorrow - eds.

more...- Posted on 2024 Apr 30


Civil defence and the imperialist agenda


The release of a report from a right-wing defence and security lobby organisation with strong links to the military-industrial complex was timed to coincide with the release of the government’s 2024 National Defence Strategy in Canberra. Military planners appear to be considering a return to civil defence provision along similar lines to that used in the previous Cold War. Sensitive military documents from the period, which were subsequently declassified, have ...

more...- Posted on 2024 Apr 28


Congratulating the DFLP on the success of its eighth national conference


We recently received the good news from the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) about the successful conclusion of their eighth national conference. We immediately sent them the following congratulatory message for which Comrade Fouad Baker at the DFLP's Foreign Office has thanked us. A message of congratulations to the DFLP was also sent by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - eds.


more...- Posted on 2024 Apr 27


A workers’ party of a new type


If you ask people what comes to mind when you ask them the question "what political party, if any, do you support?" many people will say the Liberal Party or Nationals or Labor Party or the Greens or even "the Teals". An increasing number of people will say " None, they're all the same!"


more...- Posted on 2024 Apr 24


Before Sydney stabbings, capitalism’s cupboard was bare for mental health


The tattered remnants of public mental health care in NSW are held together by family members and volunteers. 
The week before six people were fatally stabbed in Bondi, and a mentally ill 16-year-old stabbed a priest, two Uniting Church psychiatric hospitals were closed in Sydney, because they were losing money.

more...- Posted on 2024 Apr 24


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Vanguard expresses the viewpoint of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist)