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Amagami SS

[WT!] Amagami SS - A Romance Where Everyone Wins

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[WT!] Amagami SS - A Romance Where Everyone Wins

MAL - Hulu

Are you tired of romance anime that never get endings or your best girl not getting chosen? Amagami SS is here to help.


If you've seen me around the subreddit you've probably noticed my love for this show and me recommending it whenever I get a chance and there's a good reason for that! Amagami SS is truly a one of a kind romance and that's in big part due to its omnibus format. It's a pure romance that has something for everyone and will leave you satisfied with its actual endings and progression. Since it makes for a great Christmas watch I decided to write up this spoiler-free WT! in hopes to get people to watch my favourite anime at the perfect time of the year.

What's it about?

Amagami SS's plot isn't anything groundbreaking but it doesn't need to be; it's a high school romance that's high on the sweet and satisfying side while keeping the drama at a low level. The show follows our main character Junichi Tachibana after being stood up on Christmas two years ago. The story revolves around him taking another chance at falling in love but it's the "with who" part that makes it worthwhile. The omnibus format is set up so that each arc tells a separate self-contained 4 episode love story. This allows for the show to stay fresh as each arc feels quite different from the last. Amagami SS has some great Christmas moments as Christmas takes place in every arc making it one of the best shows to watch during the holiday season.

Who's in it?

I'll start by saying Junichi is not one of the best male leads in romance anime but I can't say he's a boring one. He feels like your average guy: he's got his friends, he's not that shy and has a caring side to him. He's however also perverted and can be a little awkward but he's a sweet guy when you get down to it. He does change and develop differently depending on which arc he's in so that's something to keep in mind if a certain Junichi isn't up to your liking. He acts as a complement to the main the draw of the show, the heroines. There's someone for everyone but I'll just list a quick rundown of our main 6.

What sets it apart?

The cast for one is just a lovable bunch. Apart from the main six who can stand out on their own Junichi's little sister Miya adds something different to each arc. She's cute, funny and just plain one of a kind. When she's not around we have plenty of other side characters that help push the characters and story in their own original ways.

Besides the strong cast Amagami's biggest draw is in its omnibus format. This arc based approach allows each girl to get her time in the spotlight and in a genre filled with incomplete romances, Amagami gives you 6 of them in one show! You get to see each love story told from the start to finish and they only take 4 episodes to do so.

Now 4 episodes isn't a lot so you won't get the slow burn or development of shows like Toradora or Clannad but you also won't get prolonged drama or frustrating miscommunication...though that's not to say there aren't sources of conflict though. Also if you're not interested in the current heroine, a new one is only a few episodes away. It feels like a nice collection of satisfying and sweet romance moments and is a must watch for romance lovers. It almost feels like the opposite of a harem anime.

And if that wasn't enough, Amagami SS+ Plus, the second season, takes place after the events of the already conclusive season 1. It's like a nice short bonus view on seeing what the characters are up to post their season 1 love stories. That's something I would LOVE for most of my favourite shows and one the reasons I adore this show as much as I do.

Final Thoughts

If you enjoy the romance genre then please give this one a try! There's bound to be at least 1 character that you'll like and the arcs are just so easy to watch because of how it handles the pacing. It's not a complex show but it's also not trying to be one, it's just a nice heartwarming ride that works even better around Christmas or whenever you need a pick me up. I hope you end up giving this a shot and feel free to pm me reactions, questions or comments about this show as I'm always in the mood to talk about it :)


Romance where everyone gets their own arc/story told with satisfying endings. Go watch it!!!

Hope you liked this

[Spoilers][Rewatch] Amagami SS - Episode 1 Discussion

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[Spoilers][Rewatch] Amagami SS - Episode 1 Discussion

Episode 1 - Longing - Haruka Part 1

Information: MAL | Anilist | Hummingbird

Stream Link: Hulu

Fanart of the day - Source

Date Episode Date Episode
Dec 2 Haruka Part 1 Dec 16 Ai Part 3
Dec 3 Haruka Part 2 Dec 17 Ai Part 4
Dec 4 Haruka Part 3 Dec 18 Rihoko Part 1
Dec 5 Haruka Part 4 Dec 19 Rihoko Part 2
Dec 6 Kaoru Part 1 Dec 20 Rihoko Part 3
Dec 7 Kaoru Part 2 Dec 21 Rihoko Part 4
Dec 8 Kaoru Part 3 Dec 22 Tsukasa Part 1
Dec 9 Kaoru Part 4 Dec 23 Tsukasa Part 2
Dec 10 Sae Part 1 Dec 24 Tsukasa Part 3
Dec 11 Sae Part 2 Dec 25 Tsukasa Part 4
Dec 12 Sae Part 3 Dec 26 Episode 25
Dec 13 Sae Part 4 Dec 27 Episode 26/Special
Dec 14 Ai Part 1 Dec 28 Season Discussion or Start Season 2
Dec 15 Ai Part 2

Spoilers PSA: Let's try to keep the hinting and talking about future arcs to a minimum! Spoiler tag if necessary but let's try to keep those down low too, nobody likes seeing a ton of blacked out text :p. Let's focus on the arcs/episode on hand both for first time viewers and to give each arc a fair shake! Thank you :)

Welcome to the r/anime Amagami SS Christmas rewatch! We'll be watching episode a day from here on out to get us in a hopefully happy and Christmas mood :)

We start off with something we don't see that much in a first episode but wow a rejection! We also get a small introduction to he majority of the cast including the ever so great Miya :p

Gauging interest for an Amagami SS Rewatch

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Gauging interest for an Amagami SS Rewatch

I know what you're probably thinking "Oh no not another rewatch" or "Geez this girl never shuts up about Amagami" now both of those are probably right but bear with me :p

I've wanted to do one for awhile now and Christmas seems like the best time since well Christmas happens every four episodes :)

I won't do it unless there's enough people who want to because this sub already has enough rewatches. Right now I have no plans on doing it so I won't be upset if it falls through!

Any thoughts or comments are appreciated :)

EDIT: Looks like it's a go, thanks everyone :)

Right now I'm thinking of starting on the Dec 2nd and just do an episode a day. I'll make a thread later to determine all that though!

Amagami SS Christmas Rewatch Reminder!

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Amagami SS Christmas Rewatch Reminder!

Figured 3 days was enough time for one of these. It's coming up soon and I am so excited! The current plan is to have daily threads go up at 3pm-5pm EST (8am-10am GMT) but still flexible so let me know in this thread! I'll aim for 5pm if anything, which is when this was posted. I'll do my best to get them up on time but it's exam month so there may be some hiccups along the way! I'll still read all the comments though so doesn't matter how late you post :)

Information: MAL | Anilist | Hummingbird

Stream Link: Hulu

Date Episode Date Episode
Dec 2 Haruka Part 1 Dec 16 Ai Part 3
Dec 3 Haruka Part 2 Dec 17 Ai Part 4
Dec 4 Haruka Part 3 Dec 18 Rihoko Part 1
Dec 5 Haruka Part 4 Dec 19 Rihoko Part 2
Dec 6 Kaoru Part 1 Dec 20 Rihoko Part 3
Dec 7 Kaoru Part 2 Dec 21 Rihoko Part 4
Dec 8 Kaoru Part 3 Dec 22 Tsukasa Part 1
Dec 9 Kaoru Part 4 Dec 23 Tsukasa Part 2
Dec 10 Sae Part 1 Dec 24 Tsukasa Part 3
Dec 11 Sae Part 2 Dec 25 Tsukasa Part 4
Dec 12 Sae Part 3 Dec 26 Episode 25
Dec 13 Sae Part 4 Dec 27 Episode 26/OVAs
Dec 14 Ai Part 1 Dec 28 Season Discussion or Start Season 2
Dec 15 Ai Part 2

Hope that covers everything, if not feel free to ask, first time hosting a rewatch so bit nervous. Hope to see you all Wednesday!!

Announcement Thread

[Spoilers][Rewatch] Amagami SS - Episode 3 Discussion

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[Spoilers][Rewatch] Amagami SS - Episode 3 Discussion

Episode 3 - Jealousy - Haruka Part 3

Information: MAL | Anilist | Hummingbird

Stream Link: Hulu

Fanart of the day - Artist

Date Episode Date Episode
Dec 2 Haruka Part 1 Dec 16 Ai Part 3
Dec 3 Haruka Part 2 Dec 17 Ai Part 4
Dec 4 Haruka Part 3 Dec 18 Rihoko Part 1
Dec 5 Haruka Part 4 Dec 19 Rihoko Part 2
Dec 6 Kaoru Part 1 Dec 20 Rihoko Part 3
Dec 7 Kaoru Part 2 Dec 21 Rihoko Part 4
Dec 8 Kaoru Part 3 Dec 22 Tsukasa Part 1
Dec 9 Kaoru Part 4 Dec 23 Tsukasa Part 2
Dec 10 Sae Part 1 Dec 24 Tsukasa Part 3
Dec 11 Sae Part 2 Dec 25 Tsukasa Part 4
Dec 12 Sae Part 3 Dec 26 Episode 25
Dec 13 Sae Part 4 Dec 27 Episode 26/Special
Dec 14 Ai Part 1 Dec 28 Season Discussion or Start Season 2
Dec 15 Ai Part 2

Spoilers PSA: Let's try to keep the hinting and talking about future arcs to a minimum! Spoiler tag if necessary but let's try to keep those down low too, nobody likes seeing a ton of blacked out text :p. Let's focus on the arcs/episode on hand both for first time viewers and to give each arc a fair shake!

I enjoy seeing light jealousy in romances, as long as it's harmless it's nice to see characters care. This is the hardest episode in the series for me to watch. No matter how many times I've seen it some parts just force me to pause. Not my favourite episode but does have some pretty fun and unique moments, Miya obviously asking for meat buns for Christmas :p. The comments in this one will be interesting!

Amagami SS Christmas Rewatch Announcement!

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Amagami SS Christmas Rewatch Announcement!

So after gauging interest in the last thread and seeing such a favourable response I figured now would be a good time to announce the rewatch as it currently starts one month from now.

The tentative schedule has it starting on December 2nd (there's a reason for that) and the pace being one episode a day with the season ending on the 26th. Still awhile till then so I'm open to other ideas! I'm also curious on what time people would think would be best but December is exam month for us students so expect some scheduling mishaps :/

The plan is to run through the series and sneak in the monologues in the arc finale threads since they're short. I want to also continue with the second season but if participation dies down I don't mind scrapping it since this sub does get a little heavy on the rewatches.

I think that covers everything?


What is Amagami SS and should I watch it?

Amagami is a romance set up in omnibus format which means every 4 episodes an arc ends, everything is reset and the next one begins with a new heroine. This may sound weird but it's done pretty well and gives a nice satisfying feeling which is something that's really lacking in the romance genre. I don't really recommend it if you're new to the genre, I suggest taking a look at trying out the Toradora! Rewatch if you haven't since that's a much better starter, but hey who am I to tell you what to do ;)

But Amethyst we already have so many rewatches for Christmas already, why this too?

Yeah yeah I know but this one totally makes the most sense for this time of year! Christmas comes around every arc so we'll get to see it 6 times in the series! Can't think of a better time of year to hold this and I'm holding my ground or at least trying to lol.

Plus it really is heartwarming, no overly dramatic scenes so just having a nice time :)

Is there anything to watch beforehand?

Nope! It's a perfectly fine standalone series.

However if you want a nice starter kit to watch before I'd suggest Toradora, Nisekoi and maybe a shoujo. Amagami SS in my opinion is even better after some experience in the romance genre but it's still great without it!

I can only get to these threads super late should I even still post?

Of course! Or not really up to you but I plan on answering to every single post so I'll be looking forward to every post or reaction...yes I am that obsessed with the show.

I hope we can get a nice group going for this! Any other questions, comments or concerns I'd love to hear them as I really do want this to turn out well. Thanks for reading and I hope to see you then!


[Spoilers][Rewatch] Amagami SS - Episode 4 Discussion

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[Spoilers][Rewatch] Amagami SS - Episode 4 Discussion

Episode 4 - Romance - Haruka Part 4

Information: MAL | Anilist | Hummingbird

Stream Link: Hulu

Fanart of the day - Artist

Date Episode Date Episode
Dec 2 Haruka Part 1 Dec 16 Ai Part 3
Dec 3 Haruka Part 2 Dec 17 Ai Part 4
Dec 4 Haruka Part 3 Dec 18 Rihoko Part 1
Dec 5 Haruka Part 4 Dec 19 Rihoko Part 2
Dec 6 Kaoru Part 1 Dec 20 Rihoko Part 3
Dec 7 Kaoru Part 2 Dec 21 Rihoko Part 4
Dec 8 Kaoru Part 3 Dec 22 Tsukasa Part 1
Dec 9 Kaoru Part 4 Dec 23 Tsukasa Part 2
Dec 10 Sae Part 1 Dec 24 Tsukasa Part 3
Dec 11 Sae Part 2 Dec 25 Tsukasa Part 4
Dec 12 Sae Part 3 Dec 26 Episode 25
Dec 13 Sae Part 4 Dec 27 Episode 26/Special
Dec 14 Ai Part 1 Dec 28 Season Discussion or Start Season 2
Dec 15 Ai Part 2

Spoilers PSA: Let's try to keep the hinting and talking about future arcs to a minimum! Spoiler tag if necessary but let's try to keep those down low too, nobody likes seeing a ton of blacked out text :p. Let's focus on the arcs/episode on hand both for first time viewers and to give each arc a fair shake!

So we put a close on Haruka's chapter, "kiss me and don't let me go" has to be my favourite line from her arc. Always loved that line. Haruka in this episode was pretty great, you can tell she has fallen for Junichi and these feelings are so new to her. She insecure and not sure of much except that she wants to be with him. She found herself a nice guy who is determined, a bit weird and somewhat doglike haha not my kind of guy for that last part but hey whatever floats your boat :p

That 10 years later ending!!! Every romance should have that, what a fun couple! Sadly that one of the things that makes Haruka's arc so special so don't be expecting that treatment any more :/

Here's a nice monolouge that takes place before episode 4 that lets you see Haurka's POV. It's short and sheds some light on her side of things.

[Spoilers][Rewatch] Amagami SS - Episode 2 Discussion

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[Spoilers][Rewatch] Amagami SS - Episode 2 Discussion

Episode 2 - Approach - Haruka Part 2

Information: MAL | Anilist | Hummingbird

Stream Link: Hulu

Fanart of the day - Artist

Date Episode Date Episode
Dec 2 Haruka Part 1 Dec 16 Ai Part 3
Dec 3 Haruka Part 2 Dec 17 Ai Part 4
Dec 4 Haruka Part 3 Dec 18 Rihoko Part 1
Dec 5 Haruka Part 4 Dec 19 Rihoko Part 2
Dec 6 Kaoru Part 1 Dec 20 Rihoko Part 3
Dec 7 Kaoru Part 2 Dec 21 Rihoko Part 4
Dec 8 Kaoru Part 3 Dec 22 Tsukasa Part 1
Dec 9 Kaoru Part 4 Dec 23 Tsukasa Part 2
Dec 10 Sae Part 1 Dec 24 Tsukasa Part 3
Dec 11 Sae Part 2 Dec 25 Tsukasa Part 4
Dec 12 Sae Part 3 Dec 26 Episode 25
Dec 13 Sae Part 4 Dec 27 Episode 26/Special
Dec 14 Ai Part 1 Dec 28 Season Discussion or Start Season 2
Dec 15 Ai Part 2

Spoilers PSA: Let's try to keep the hinting and talking about future arcs to a minimum! Spoiler tag if necessary but let's try to keep those down low too, nobody likes seeing a ton of blacked out text :p. Let's focus on the arcs/episode on hand both for first time viewers and to give each arc a fair shake!

The back and forth between Junichi feeling terrible and great were some of my favourite bits. We also got to see more Hibiki and Ai which is always great. The class moment with Kaoru just makes me look forward to her arc even more (Keiko getting mad was adorable too).

We also got to see a tiny bit of how Haruka acts away from Junichi, the series mostly revolves around him so I always adore scenes where we can see the heroines side of things too.

And just want to say thank you to all of you that showed up to episode 1, it was a bit overwhelming, didn't expect that many people :')

Thanks! :D

[Spoilers][Rewatch] Amagami SS - Episode 8 Discussion

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[Spoilers][Rewatch] Amagami SS - Episode 8 Discussion

Episode 8 - Progress - Kaoru Part 4

Information: MAL | Anilist | Hummingbird

Stream Link: Hulu

Fanart of the day - Artist

Date Episode Date Episode
Dec 2 Haruka Part 1 Dec 16 Ai Part 3
Dec 3 Haruka Part 2 Dec 17 Ai Part 4
Dec 4 Haruka Part 3 Dec 18 Rihoko Part 1
Dec 5 Haruka Part 4 Dec 19 Rihoko Part 2
Dec 6 Kaoru Part 1 Dec 20 Rihoko Part 3
Dec 7 Kaoru Part 2 Dec 21 Rihoko Part 4
Dec 8 Kaoru Part 3 Dec 22 Tsukasa Part 1
Dec 9 Kaoru Part 4 Dec 23 Tsukasa Part 2
Dec 10 Sae Part 1 Dec 24 Tsukasa Part 3
Dec 11 Sae Part 2 Dec 25 Tsukasa Part 4
Dec 12 Sae Part 3 Dec 26 Episode 25
Dec 13 Sae Part 4 Dec 27 Episode 26/Special
Dec 14 Ai Part 1 Dec 28 Season Discussion or Start Season 2
Dec 15 Ai Part 2

Spoilers PSA: Let's try to keep the hinting and talking about future arcs to a minimum! Spoiler tag if necessary but let's try to keep those down low too, nobody likes seeing a ton of blacked out text :p. Let's focus on the arcs/episode on hand both for first time viewers and to give each arc a fair shake!

Sorry about the thread mixup today, bit of a wild day! Deleted the old thread but didn't respond to everyone there ;.;

Another arc done and I found it ended on a nice note. Kaoru had some great line like her "I can say 100 bad things about you. But...I can 101 good things about you" and "I'll show you something better than stars". She's just cool! Loved the kiss, the banter, the teasing hnggg Kaoru is just a ball of fun. Some silent night going on in the back and seeing the snow got in more of the Christmas mood :)

Kaoru Monologue, it shows her tsun side and explains more in depth on how she feels about her mom and Junichi.

[Spoilers][Rewatch] Amagami SS - Episode 24 Discussion

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[Spoilers][Rewatch] Amagami SS - Episode 24 Discussion

Episode 24 - Promise - Tsukasa Part 4

Information: MAL | Anilist | Hummingbird

Stream Link: Hulu

Fanart of the day - Artist

Bonus GIF, make sure to watch the whole thing

Date Episode Date Episode
Dec 2 Haruka Part 1 Dec 16 Ai Part 3
Dec 3 Haruka Part 2 Dec 17 Ai Part 4
Dec 4 Haruka Part 3 Dec 18 Rihoko Part 1
Dec 5 Haruka Part 4 Dec 19 Rihoko Part 2
Dec 6 Kaoru Part 1 Dec 20 Rihoko Part 3
Dec 7 Kaoru Part 2 Dec 21 Rihoko Part 4
Dec 8 Kaoru Part 3 Dec 22 Tsukasa Part 1
Dec 9 Kaoru Part 4 Dec 23 Tsukasa Part 2
Dec 10 Sae Part 1 Dec 24 Tsukasa Part 3
Dec 11 Sae Part 2 Dec 25 Tsukasa Part 4
Dec 12 Sae Part 3 Dec 26 Episode 25
Dec 13 Sae Part 4 Dec 27 Episode 26/Special
Dec 14 Ai Part 1 Dec 28 Start Season 2
Dec 15 Ai Part 2

Spoilers PSA: Let's try to keep the hinting and talking about future arcs to a minimum! Spoiler tag if necessary but let's try to keep those down low too, nobody likes seeing a ton of blacked out text :p. Let's focus on the arcs/episode on hand both for first time viewers and to give each arc a fair shake!

Junichi coming up with the split personality idea was interesting indeed. Of course Sae is in that kind of rabbit costume, guess that's one way to get over her shyness. Junichi realizing how much he cares for the real Tsukasa is such a nice moment and the whole classroom scene is one of my favourites. I know some will be annoyed by Junichi getting hit...again but honestly it just fit for me. The emotion swing and return of Tsukasa is just great and sensei being great too! And the OP blend gets me every single time, nice little montage of everyone having a nice and fun Christmas! To end it off though wow what a nice little timeskip with maybe the best kiss of the season, their kid is adorable!!! I must have seen this last scene over 50 times by now...this is how all romances should end!!! Seriously great, don't even care that she cut her hair haha she passed it on lol

Monologue Link, this might help you get a better understanding of Tsukasa, for episode 3 especially!

As for her family's never said in the anime but they do drop hints. She has complicated home environment, this includes but not limited to her sister. They don't try to understand her, can be understandable since well she's a hard on to understand. She has a home where she doesn't want to go to.

Sorry about the early thread! Hope you are all having/had a wonderful Christmas/holiday season and all the best for this time of year. The rewatch isn't over yet but that was definitely a climax for it!! Thread will probably be up normal time tomorrow so see you all then! Hope you enjoyed this arc as much as I have!!

[Spoilers][Rewatch] Amagami SS - Episode 20 Discussion

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[Spoilers][Rewatch] Amagami SS - Episode 20 Discussion

Episode 20 - Farewell - Rihoko Part 4

Information: MAL | Anilist | Hummingbird

Stream Link: Hulu

Fanart of the day - Artist

Date Episode Date Episode
Dec 2 Haruka Part 1 Dec 16 Ai Part 3
Dec 3 Haruka Part 2 Dec 17 Ai Part 4
Dec 4 Haruka Part 3 Dec 18 Rihoko Part 1
Dec 5 Haruka Part 4 Dec 19 Rihoko Part 2
Dec 6 Kaoru Part 1 Dec 20 Rihoko Part 3
Dec 7 Kaoru Part 2 Dec 21 Rihoko Part 4
Dec 8 Kaoru Part 3 Dec 22 Tsukasa Part 1
Dec 9 Kaoru Part 4 Dec 23 Tsukasa Part 2
Dec 10 Sae Part 1 Dec 24 Tsukasa Part 3
Dec 11 Sae Part 2 Dec 25 Tsukasa Part 4
Dec 12 Sae Part 3 Dec 26 Episode 25
Dec 13 Sae Part 4 Dec 27 Episode 26/Special
Dec 14 Ai Part 1 Dec 28 Season Discussion or Start Season 2
Dec 15 Ai Part 2

Spoilers PSA: Let's try to keep the hinting and talking about future arcs to a minimum! Spoiler tag if necessary but let's try to keep those down low too, nobody likes seeing a ton of blacked out text :p. Let's focus on the arcs/episode on hand both for first time viewers and to give each arc a fair shake!

So not even Amagami SS can save the childhood friend. Still a fun episode, graduation episodes always manage to grab emotion from me and seeing Rihoko's tears got to me. Happy Junichi finally decided to join the tea club. I'm surprised Miya's cupcakes didn't have meat buns on them somehow. Felt bad for Umehara, wish this happened!!!

Try to refrain from any spoilers guys!

Up next we're already on the last arc!! The class rep!

EDIT: Monologue Link thanks to u/Zizhou

[Spoilers][Rewatch] Amagami SS - Episode 25 Discussion

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[Spoilers][Rewatch] Amagami SS - Episode 25 Discussion

Episode 25 - Truth - Risa Arc

Information: MAL | Anilist | Hummingbird

Stream Link: Hulu

Fanart of the day - Artist

Date Episode Date Episode
Dec 2 Haruka Part 1 Dec 16 Ai Part 3
Dec 3 Haruka Part 2 Dec 17 Ai Part 4
Dec 4 Haruka Part 3 Dec 18 Rihoko Part 1
Dec 5 Haruka Part 4 Dec 19 Rihoko Part 2
Dec 6 Kaoru Part 1 Dec 20 Rihoko Part 3
Dec 7 Kaoru Part 2 Dec 21 Rihoko Part 4
Dec 8 Kaoru Part 3 Dec 22 Tsukasa Part 1
Dec 9 Kaoru Part 4 Dec 23 Tsukasa Part 2
Dec 10 Sae Part 1 Dec 24 Tsukasa Part 3
Dec 11 Sae Part 2 Dec 25 Tsukasa Part 4
Dec 12 Sae Part 3 Dec 26 Episode 25
Dec 13 Sae Part 4 Dec 27 Episode 26/Special
Dec 14 Ai Part 1 Dec 28 Start Season 2
Dec 15 Ai Part 2

Spoilers PSA: Let's try to keep the hinting and talking about future arcs to a minimum! Spoiler tag if necessary but let's try to keep those down low too, nobody likes seeing a ton of blacked out text :p. Let's focus on the arcs/episode on hand both for first time viewers and to give each arc a fair shake!

So the mysterious 7th girl! Did you see her? Did you? Risa's episode starts off nice as we get to see something we didn't get too much of before and that's dates!! Her run down of sabotaging each girl the "Do your damn job" to Kaoru was great but the Ai collapse :( that one hurt a bit. Don't know why she bothered with Rihoko, that relationship go anywhere anyway! I think in the game Tsukasa is the only one who doesn't fall for the picture. And we get to meet the infamous girl from 2 years ago! They like almost everyone else get a nice little happy ending and Risa goes to apologize to everyone so it does end on an okay note. Plus had some Maya! Cute little PV too!

Episode 26 tomorrow but I'm not sure what to do for Monday! The OVAs are nice and pretty fun but not needed so I may just make it a break day so people can watch it if they want. I won't be around much Monday anyway so might need someone to post that thread for me, sorry!!

[Spoilers][Rewatch] Amagami SS - Episode 16 Discussion

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[Spoilers][Rewatch] Amagami SS - Episode 16 Discussion

Episode 16 - Confession - Ai Part 4

Information: MAL | Anilist | Hummingbird

Stream Link: Hulu

Fanart of the day - Artist

Date Episode Date Episode
Dec 2 Haruka Part 1 Dec 16 Ai Part 3
Dec 3 Haruka Part 2 Dec 17 Ai Part 4
Dec 4 Haruka Part 3 Dec 18 Rihoko Part 1
Dec 5 Haruka Part 4 Dec 19 Rihoko Part 2
Dec 6 Kaoru Part 1 Dec 20 Rihoko Part 3
Dec 7 Kaoru Part 2 Dec 21 Rihoko Part 4
Dec 8 Kaoru Part 3 Dec 22 Tsukasa Part 1
Dec 9 Kaoru Part 4 Dec 23 Tsukasa Part 2
Dec 10 Sae Part 1 Dec 24 Tsukasa Part 3
Dec 11 Sae Part 2 Dec 25 Tsukasa Part 4
Dec 12 Sae Part 3 Dec 26 Episode 25
Dec 13 Sae Part 4 Dec 27 Episode 26/Special
Dec 14 Ai Part 1 Dec 28 Season Discussion or Start Season 2
Dec 15 Ai Part 2

Spoilers PSA: Let's try to keep the hinting and talking about future arcs to a minimum! Spoiler tag if necessary but let's try to keep those down low too, nobody likes seeing a ton of blacked out text :p. Let's focus on the arcs/episode on hand both for first time viewers and to give each arc a fair shake!

More of the founders festival! We got to see some very cute Santa costumes! Passing the tea club test, some great Sensei moments and more Ai just being amazing. An ED blend and the steamiest scene in the series so far just make this for an amazing finale. Reminds me on why this is one of my favourite episodes, it's just so great. I even learned something new!

So ends another arc, only 2 left! Ai's was great though, reminds me of why I fell in love with this show so much :)

EDIT: Forgot the monologue link!, it's just adorable :)

[Spoilers][Rewatch] Amagami SS - Episode 5 Discussion

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[Spoilers][Rewatch] Amagami SS - Episode 5 Discussion

Episode 5 - Buddy - Kaoru Part 1

Information: MAL | Anilist | Hummingbird

Stream Link: Hulu

Fanart of the day - Artist

Date Episode Date Episode
Dec 2 Haruka Part 1 Dec 16 Ai Part 3
Dec 3 Haruka Part 2 Dec 17 Ai Part 4
Dec 4 Haruka Part 3 Dec 18 Rihoko Part 1
Dec 5 Haruka Part 4 Dec 19 Rihoko Part 2
Dec 6 Kaoru Part 1 Dec 20 Rihoko Part 3
Dec 7 Kaoru Part 2 Dec 21 Rihoko Part 4
Dec 8 Kaoru Part 3 Dec 22 Tsukasa Part 1
Dec 9 Kaoru Part 4 Dec 23 Tsukasa Part 2
Dec 10 Sae Part 1 Dec 24 Tsukasa Part 3
Dec 11 Sae Part 2 Dec 25 Tsukasa Part 4
Dec 12 Sae Part 3 Dec 26 Episode 25
Dec 13 Sae Part 4 Dec 27 Episode 26/Special
Dec 14 Ai Part 1 Dec 28 Season Discussion or Start Season 2
Dec 15 Ai Part 2

Spoilers PSA: Let's try to keep the hinting and talking about future arcs to a minimum! Spoiler tag if necessary but let's try to keep those down low too, nobody likes seeing a ton of blacked out text :p. Let's focus on the arcs/episode on hand both for first time viewers and to give each arc a fair shake!

Rina Satou does such a great job with Kaoru, she's unpredictable, wild and just a whole bunch of fun. She can be a bit violent but apologizes about it. Junichi's imagination is pretty wild but I loved the house scene . Kaoru's feelings all come up pretty quickly and she's adorably flustered, should be fun to see how they move from here!