Policy Management and Message Recovery Features

Message Security for Google Apps -- the integrated version of Postini -- is no longer available for sale or activation. Existing customers are still being supported, but they will be transitioned during the next few months to the new email management features in the Google Admin console. For more details about the new features and the transition, see the FAQs, the Transition Guide, and Add email settings to an organization.

Important: This article describes Policy Management and Message Recovery, a legacy product provided by Postini to Google Apps for Business customers.

Policy Management and Message Recovery was made available only to customers who registered Google Apps for Business before August 28, 2008.

The Policy Management and Message Recovery service, powered by Postini, allows administrators to have more granular control over spam, virus, and message filtering. Also, it gives administrators the ability to recover deleted mail.

Postini features included with Google Apps for Business:

  • Policy Management - Allows administrators to have more control over incoming and outgoing messages by creating rules for individuals or groups. The following are a few examples of how Policy Management can be used:
    • All messages with a particular keyword or attachment can be blocked, or it can be blocked selectively for particular users.
    • Users can receive quarantine summaries that prevent spam from ever reaching their inboxes.
    • Additionally, administrators can control filtering rules for all users, such that mail from certain domains or addresses will never be marked as spam.
  • Message Recovery - Allows administrators to recover deleted mail from the past 90 days, and view all mail for their domain in one place. If a user accidentally deletes a message from his/her Google Apps Email account, an administrator will be able to recover the message by searching the archive. Postini archives all messages for all users for a 90-day rolling window. If required, administrators can purchase additional years of message archiving to meet compliance needs.

Activation and support for policy management and message recovery are currently available in English only in the Google Apps for Business Admin console and the Postini administration console.

For help, please visit the Postini Support for Google Apps. Here you can find the Google Message Security Discussion Group and information on activating and getting started with Postini. You can also find additional support contact information in your Admin console's 'Support' page.

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