Assange could face 175 years of jail time if successfully extradited to the US. Felicity Ruby and Naomi Colvin examine the implications for press rights and freedom of speech.
Working on a documentary about the Moken ‘Sea Gypsies’ prompted Julian Sayarer to examine the West’s obtuse gaze and representation of indigenous people.
Viktor Orbán, the country's autocratic hard man, is riding high, with the help of young propaganda-mongers. Lorraine Mallinder investigates a media takeover.
Article 13 of the EU’s Copyright Directive, up for vote on 20 June, will impose mandatory upload filters on internet users. Jillian York explains why the risks are too high.
As the New Internationalist embarks on its great, democratic, community shares experiment, Vanessa Baird explores the contradictions of today’s media landscape.