Tim Pool Hosts Misogynistic ‘Trad Wife’ Panel

On Friday, right-wing streamer Tim Pool hosted a panel discussion on feminism for Tenet Media — an outlet operated by BlazeTV host Lauren Chen and her husband. While it was billed as a debate about the so-called “trad wife” phenomenon, the panelists also railed against sex work, women in leadership positions, and women’s suffrage.

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Rebecca Crockett: ‘People Needed To Be Openly Declaring Their Racism Like Decades Ago’

On a May 9, 2024 livestream, white nationalist YouTube personality Rebecca Crockett (née Hargraves) interviewed Hitler apologist Peter Quiñones. Crockett, who met last year with an Idaho lawmaker, claimed that people should openly declare their racism and said she would support a right-wing dictator taking over through non-democratic means.

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Tucker Carlson Removed Portions Of YouTube Version Of Aaron Rodgers Interview

On a recent episode of his online show, Tucker Carlson interviewed NFL quarterback and anti-vaxxer Aaron Rodgers. The interview was broadcast on both YouTube and X (formerly Twitter). However, Carlson surreptitiously cut several portions out of the YouTube version in which the pair push conspiracies about vaccines and population control.

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Elijah Schaffer: ‘Every Single Leader Who’s Involved In The Replacement Of White People In Their Own Country Should Be Hung By The State’

On a portion of his Nightly Offensive show which was broadcast on YouTube, Elijah Schaffer called for the execution of any leader responsible for the “replacement of white people.” Schaffer made the comments while ranting about multiculturalism, “Zionists” who “hate white people,” and Sikh members of the Canadian police force who wear turbans.

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Jeremy Carl Espouses White Nationalist Talking Points On Far-Right YouTube Show

Updated | Claremont Institute senior fellow and former Trump administration official Jeremy Carl has been hitting the right-wing media circuit to promote his book, The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism Is Tearing America Apart. On one far-right YouTube show, Carl promoted white nationalist concepts, including the “Great Replacement” conspiracy theory.

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Laura Loomer: ‘There’s No Word For Rape In Arabic’

On Apr. 30, 2024, white nationalist Laura Loomer interviewed Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (a.k.a. “Tommy Robinson”) — a virulent Islamophobe and former member of the white supremacist British National Party. During the interview, Loomer claimed that “there’s no word for rape in Arabic” because they “believe it’s okay to rape women.”

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Trump-Endorsed Candidate Mark Burns Tells Holocaust Denier Stew Peters That There Is ‘A Skyrocket Of Attacks Against Christians’

In a conversation with Holocaust denier and Nazi sympathizer Stew Peters, Pastor Mark Burns blamed President Biden for “a skyrocket of attacks against Christians and Christian churches.” Burns also claimed that being transgender is “an evil from the gates of Hell,” that America “is a Christian nation,” and that, if elected, he will “push back any laws that are contrary” to “God’s Word.”

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BlazeTV Host Lauren Chen Defends Claims That Jews ‘Killed Jesus’ And ‘Control’ The Media

For the second time, BlazeTV host Lauren Chen joined a livestream with Nico Kenn De Balinthazy (a.k.a. “Sneako”), a misogynistic, pro-Hitler Internet personality. During the broadcast, Chen defended antisemitic claims that Jews “killed Jesus” and “control the government or Hollywood or the media.”

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Elijah Schaffer Uses ‘Timcast IRL’ Appearance To Defend White Supremacist Nick Fuentes

On Friday, Elijah Schaffer appeared as a guest on Timcast IRL — a YouTube show hosted by right-wing streamer and conspiracy theorist Tim Pool. Schaffer used his appearance on Pool’s show to defend Holocaust denier and white supremacist Nick Fuentes, arguing that “gatekeepers of the right-wing movement” were wrong to ostracize him.

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AZ State Senator Anthony Kern Appears On Rumble Show Of Holocaust Denier Stew Peters

On May 1, 2024, AZ State Sen. Anthony Kern made a guest appearance on the Rumble show of Stew Peters. Peters is a Holocaust denier and Nazi sympathizer with a history of violent, racist, anti-LGBTQ, and antisemitic rhetoric. Kern, who was recently indicted for his role in Donald Trump’s fake electors plot, claimed that God was “raising up” Trump and Peters.

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