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Tarot & Astrology

Zodiac Signs: I’m Scared \ So I

Sharing astrology memes and open ended/lighthearted astrology discussions. DO NOT POST YOUR NATAL CHART AS A THREAD

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Zodiac Signs: I’m Scared \ So I

Aries: I’m scared they won’t hear me \ So I scream louder

Taurus: I’m scared they need more \ So I’m giving my all

Gemini: I’m scared they won’t like me \ So I become another

Cancer: I’m scared they will leave me \ So I don’t let them in

Leo: I’m scared they’ll forget me \ So I keep reminding them I’m here

Virgo: I’m scared they‘ll find better \ So I keep being the best

Libra: I’m scared of their opinions \ So I silenced mine

Scorpio: I’m scared they will hurt me \ So I won’t let them know me

Sagittarius: I’m scared they will lock me \ So I keep running away

Capricorn: I’m scared they won’t be satisfied \ So I never rest

Aquarius: I’m scared they’ll make me one of them \ So I’m staying outside

Pisces: I’m scared they’ll devour me \ So I devour myself

Which sign is the most chivalrous?

Sharing astrology memes and open ended/lighthearted astrology discussions. DO NOT POST YOUR NATAL CHART AS A THREAD

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Which sign is the most chivalrous?

Which sign have you noted to be chivalrous, honourable and devoted?

I am sure that anyone can embody these traits as human beings are complicated beyond the realms of astrology, but I am curious. 😊

In my experience, Taurus and Capricorn Suns tend to be medieval heros. What about yours?

Mars meets North Node at 14 Aries -- How are you taking control of your life?

Welcome to r/AdvancedAstrology—a community for experienced astrologers and enthusiasts to discuss advanced topics.

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Mars meets North Node at 14 Aries -- How are you taking control of your life?

Anyone want to share how they feel this transit is working in their lives? On May 18th, 2024 Mars in Aries will unite with the North Node at 14 Aries. The following day, the Moon will oppose the Mars/NN conjunction as it unites with the South Node in Libra.

Which houses and/or natal planets are involved for you?

A notable person with a natal Mars/NN conjunction is Elon Musk. Regardless of how you feel about him, he definitely exhibits qualities of these combined energies: someone who is courageous to go where nobody has gone before, exhibiting the pioneering energy of Mars itself; and someone who feels their life has a strong purpose (exhibiting the extra emphasis on his NN that the Mars conjunction provides to it). In his case, the conjunction is in Aquarius in his 8th House. Technology, fuel, massive resources, etc.

I provide him as an example just to help highlight what the current transit of Mars conjunct North Node in Aries could be offering us all collectively at the moment.

Do you feel you know where you're going and feel a strong drive to get there? Do you feel a sense of individualism, that you and only you are the one who can fulfil your specific purpose at the moment?

If not, just say so! lol. Not everyone will feel a transit the same way.

Free Readings!

This is a subreddit for those developing and honing their skills/gaining experience to practice doing *free* readings.

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Free Readings!

Hey everyone! I am giving out free readings, just message me with a question and your name (or an alias if you are more comfortable with that). Remember, the more specific your question is, the more specific your answer will be. I do tend to go in depth with these, but keep in mind that the cards will tell you the truth, so do not ask a question you might not want the answer to! Also, depending on whether you are asking about something that happened in the past, is happening now, or what will happen in the future, the tarot will pick up those energies. For most, I like to do celtic cross, which some might find has a lot of details, but please consider that reading the details allows me to also come to a sound conclusion that makes sense, and it also allows you to see that the reading is personal.

I do accept donations, but you don't have to donate to get a reading. My paypal is MahalahCripe. I would love to do a reading for you!

How Do People Respond to Other People who Have Debilitated Mars Placements?

A community for asking questions about your birth chart or astrology in general. When asking about yourself, INCLUDE YOUR CHART FROM ASTRO-SEEK.COM and your question must be specific, either about a planet, sign, aspect or house in your chart, or things like a transit, profection or progression, or a particular area of life. Put your question in your post title.

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How Do People Respond to Other People who Have Debilitated Mars Placements?

So something just happened at work that got me thinking.

Mars is the planet of action, right. So, when a native has a debilitated or fallen Mars sign or placement, most people who know astrology understand that that native likely has a hard time:

  • taking any kind of action

  • taking the right kind of action at the right time and/or right place

  • dealing with the actions of others—be they right or wrong

I think that our community (not just on Reddit, everywhere) generally spends a lot of time talking about the experiences that debilitated Mars people have had, currently have or will have.

But I'm really curious as to what other people who do not have Mars debilitated think about people who do have Mars debilitated. Maybe it's my 7th House stellium talking, but I want to know what it's like for people who have good or neutral Mars placements to deal with people who have weak or outright bad Mars placements.

People who have rougher Mars placements are free to chime in but I really want to hear from people who have a completely different experience and have to deal with people who display challenging Martian energy.

What do we look and act like?

My chart for reference is below..

How to get a scorpio uninterested?

Sharing astrology memes and open ended/lighthearted astrology discussions. DO NOT POST YOUR NATAL CHART AS A THREAD

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How to get a scorpio uninterested?

My friend currently has a scorpio head over heels for them but they don't really like it. As someone with scorpio placements myself, I understand it can be hard to stop liking someone once you deem them worthy. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to make her uninterested?

20 Free Readings for Review 🎴

Ever wanted to get a tarot reading? Ever wanted to read a strangers cards? Then this is the place for you. Subreddit dedicated to Tarot Readings!!! Learning and honing the skills for Tarot. Exchanging and requesting readings. Sell Tarot Readings, if you are a professional Tarot Reader and want to sell readings this is the place for selling readings, once you have proven you are professional Reader. You can only post advertisements for paid readings if you're verified!

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20 Free Readings for Review 🎴


I'm offering 20 free readings in exchange for reviews. If you're someone who's interested, please do reach out in comments and I'll read for you!

I am very good with feelings, to interpret specific person's thoughts about you, love and relationship, and career as well.

Thank you so much, and looking forward!

(⁠✿⁠⁠‿⁠⁠) tma

Edit: please write 'i will review' if you want a reading, and I'll DM you!


I've got a really tricky reading on my hands right now

For tarot enthusiasts of all experience levels and belief systems. Beginners, professionals and skeptics welcome! Discuss the history of tarot cards, oracle cards, lenormand, and other cartomancy systems; learn theory, compare reading techniques, and more.

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I've got a really tricky reading on my hands right now

A friend of mine started a law practice with partners. He asked me if the business would succeed and being me financial gains.

The cards I pulled (none of them have a question attached to them, I interpret things as one), we're the following:

Queen of Swords 3 of swords Ace of cups Page of Cups 5 of cups

I felt in general that things are not gonna go well. Maybe one of the partners (the queen) will leave the partnership; maybe they all will have a lot of ideas going on but no maturity to follow through with them.... I kid of just see my friend getting disappointed.

Anyone else could give me their take?


Welcome! This is a place for Capricorns and those interested in Capricorns to gather. Share anything Capricorn! Be respectful to others! Hate will be removed. Feel free to post anything of yours Capricorn related whether it be art or music as long as it has to do with Capricorns. No chart posts or asking for analysis. It goes against Rule 1. The only active admin currently will be "ThePhotographer530" Any questions message me personally. Goat power!

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Hello CapriSuns!!!

I just wanted to take a moment to talk about vulnerability. I think most of us have a hard shell and it can be challenging to let our guards down. Sometimes I talk too little, too much, am too awkward... but I have to accept that it's just me. I will not and cannot wear the turtle shell forever and hide in it in fear of being seen. After years of being stoic, exposing myself to others is sometimes anxiety inducing, but it's necessary. Anyone relate?

Attention all Leo moons…I have a crush on u

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Attention all Leo moons…I have a crush on u

Idk, I always find out that most guys who talk to me on this app, And In real life are Leo moons and it’s hilarious😂 u guys are so cute, sometimes not the best communicators, but I see that you guys always mean well. Very generous and love food and sex lol.

-Aries rising, Pisces sun, Virgo moon.

One Free Reading (no love questions)

This is a subreddit for those developing and honing their skills/gaining experience to practice doing *free* readings.

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One Free Reading (no love questions)

Hello! One free reading available, first come first serve. DM me your question, and I'll reply with a photo of the spread and my interpretation. I'll choose which spread to use depending on the complexity of the question.

Please note: I will not answer questions about love/relationships.

I'm a virgo moon and my mum is virgo sun, she made me the scapegoat, always been hostile with me, NEVER satisfied. I wonder why we clash?

Sharing astrology memes and open ended/lighthearted astrology discussions. DO NOT POST YOUR NATAL CHART AS A THREAD

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I'm a virgo moon and my mum is virgo sun, she made me the scapegoat, always been hostile with me, NEVER satisfied. I wonder why we clash?

I'm a gemini sun and she's scorpio moon if that helps. All I figured out is the fact that she's always been EXETREMRLY critical towards me and never satisfied with me so I always criticized myself very harshly because of that. sometimes I'm not even aware how much I judge myself practically for no reason, but it's like my self judgment is hers and not my own.

She expects everyone and everything (especially me) to be perfect and I noticed I expect that from myself, 20 years I'm on this earth and I gave up on trying to make her content with me because it's clearly impossible 🫠


This is a subreddit for those developing and honing their skills/gaining experience to practice doing *free* readings.

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DM me with your one question including ur name intials+ pronuns. If you are having a question involving a partner than their : initial+ pronuns and current status and relationship with them.

Don't send Dm with half details. I am gonna ignore those and plz ask question that makes sense. I am not gonna entertain senseless question.

(U can ask question for love, separation, reconciliation, future spouse, career, finances)

This offer is only for those who haven't got a reading from me yet.

Plz be patient and don't ask question related to health, pregnancy and legal matters. Must be 18+ of age for the reading.

Looking forward to read for u🌸

Opening up emotionally

Welcome! This is a place for Capricorns and those interested in Capricorns to gather. Share anything Capricorn! Be respectful to others! Hate will be removed. Feel free to post anything of yours Capricorn related whether it be art or music as long as it has to do with Capricorns. No chart posts or asking for analysis. It goes against Rule 1. The only active admin currently will be "ThePhotographer530" Any questions message me personally. Goat power!

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Opening up emotionally

Hey everyone,

I’m a Capricorn with Capricorn stelliums. This year I experienced what I would explain as an emotional awareness or awakening. I feel like my entire life up until a couple of weeks ago that I’ve blossomed as a flower of sorts. I have a deep emotional appreciation for everything, most of all myself. I spent most of my life suppressing what I wanted, maybe expressing it in a sense that I thought made sense but everyone didn’t understand. With that I just suppressed everything and became someone who catered to others needs and neglecting what I truly wanted. Granted, I have got everything I have wanted in life but it all felt like I was filling those deep wants of being seen and truly loved with material things and accomplishments. At the same time, I was blind to many aspects of how to show people true love as well. Looking back it feels like I was living life on autopilot and woke up as a newborn a couple of weeks back. Life now means so much, as well as all the times I wish I could go back and express this love to the people in my past. Also, so much past trauma has been surfaced and is shedding. I feel liberated to an extent. I’m an Aquarius moon. Has any one else experienced this kind of transformation before?

Where’s the love?

An unofficial space for people following the Quareia magic course, to learn from each other and share links and ideas. More official info and FAQ at (See also the study guide for many commonly asked questions:

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Where’s the love?

Hey there,

I’m currently about 2.5 years into my awakening journey. My primary magickal practices are meditation and visualization. I’m influenced by both eastern and western traditions including Kundalini, Tantra, Rosicrucianism, The Monroe institute and others. I joined a Rosicrucian mystery school earlier this year.

It’s moved very slowly. I’ve figured out at least the first 6 months of the materials on my own, which has driven me to explore additional practices.

I’ve honed in on Quareia as an extremely interesting school focused on mystical magic but somehow something about it felt “off”

I think I’ve put my finger on it: I have not seen anything about the growth in expressing love through the path. It seems to me that love is the most powerful magickal energy in the universe. So I’m curious to know if I’m missing something here in my understanding of the direction of the course on this subject.

It seems like all mystical tradition focus on this topic through a process that leads us into unity/harmony with the source consciousness. It seems logical a mystical magick practice would have this element?

Since I was a little girl I’ve always wondered what career I’d end up having. I’m turning 28 this year and I still have no idea what my calling is.

A community for astrology readings! Come here if you're looking for a birth / natal or any other form of astrology reading. All signs of the zodiac are welcome! (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces) Don't come here soliciting paid readings. You will be banned! We also have an irc chatroom: server is, port is 6667 (6697 for SSL)

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Since I was a little girl I’ve always wondered what career I’d end up having. I’m turning 28 this year and I still have no idea what my calling is.
r/astrologyreadings - Since I was a little girl I’ve always wondered what career I’d end up having. I’m turning 28 this year and I still have no idea what my calling is.

For those who are the odd zodiac sign in their family…

Sharing astrology memes and open ended/lighthearted astrology discussions. DO NOT POST YOUR NATAL CHART AS A THREAD

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For those who are the odd zodiac sign in their family…

How did you get along with your family? I’m the only air sign in a family of water signs! My mom and sister and scorpios, and my dad is a cancer. We all get along great I would say. Most of my friends are water signs too.

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  • For tarot enthusiasts of all experience levels and belief systems. Beginners, professionals and skeptics welcome! Discuss the history of tarot cards, oracle cards, lenormand, and other cartomancy systems; learn theory, compare reading techniques, and more. members
  • A community for asking questions about your birth chart or astrology in general. When asking about yourself, INCLUDE YOUR CHART FROM ASTRO-SEEK.COM and your question must be specific, either about a planet, sign, aspect or house in your chart, or things like a transit, profection or progression, or a particular area of life. Put your question in your post title. members
  • Welcome to r/AdvancedAstrology—a community for experienced astrologers and enthusiasts to discuss advanced topics. members
  • Welcome! This is a place for Capricorns and those interested in Capricorns to gather. Share anything Capricorn! Be respectful to others! Hate will be removed. Feel free to post anything of yours Capricorn related whether it be art or music as long as it has to do with Capricorns. No chart posts or asking for analysis. It goes against Rule 1. The only active admin currently will be "ThePhotographer530" Any questions message me personally. Goat power! members
  • The study of vedic astrology members
  • A community for astrology readings! Come here if you're looking for a birth / natal or any other form of astrology reading. All signs of the zodiac are welcome! (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces) Don't come here soliciting paid readings. You will be banned! We also have an irc chatroom: server is, port is 6667 (6697 for SSL) members
  • Hello, everyone! Welcome to community, where we delve into the fascinating world of 22 arcana, the fate matrix, and other invaluable spiritual tools. I want to emphasize that this is a safe space for all of you. Feel free to share anything in the comments, and together, we'll embark on a journey of self-discovery. I'm here to guide you through life's challenges and assist you in achieving the fulfilling life you truly deserve. members
  • November 22 - December 21 Sagittarius, the ninth sign of the zodiac, is the home of the wanderers of the zodiac. It's not a mindless ramble for them. They are truth-seekers, and the best way for them to do this is to hit the road, talk to others and get some answers. Knowledge is key.The Sagittarian-born are keenly interested in philosophy and religion. What Sagittarius wants most is to know the meaning of life. members
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  • This is a subreddit for those developing and honing their skills/gaining experience to practice doing *free* readings. members
  • 🌌 Each zodiac sign a symphony of stars, a poetry etched in timeless memoirs. In the celestial sphere they dance, twelve souls adorned in cosmic trance. members
  • A place for individuals with their Moon in Scorpio. Always looking to connect to others with the same deep emotions and intensities. We can be disturbing to some, yet intriguing to others. We have a need for change and rebirth. We want all of it or none of it. We have a strong interest in the occult and unusual. Intuitive, passionate, fearless Scorpions. Hiding ourselves all day in the desert, waiting for nightfall. Calculating, for the exact time to strike. Join us ✨♏️🌙✨ members
  • Astrocartography is the study of energetic influences and how they specifically apply to you based on your birth chart and geographic location. r/astrocartography is a community for sharing experiences, sharing knowledge, and asking questions on astrocartography. members
  • A community for newbies and beginners of witchcraft, wicca, and the metaphysical. Baby witches, welcome home! Feel free to post your pinterest art & spells, your tiny alters, and ask all questions your heart desires! members
  • This subreddit's main focus is to discuss divination decks and to help others find ones that they may be interested in. We welcome any and all deck creators/artists to showcase their newest works! This is not the place for readings or interpretations. members
  • A place to discuss the astrology app The Pattern. members
  • A sub for experienced, trusted and verified readers to offer paid and personally delivered psychic services. Unverified readers are welcome to offer free or optional donation services only. *Please check the sub rules for more information on the verification process. *If seeking a reading we encourage you to accept paid services only from verified readers by checking the reader’s user flair. members
  • Reviews of spellcasters, psychics and magicians. members
  • Feel free to post your birth/rashi charts, and be advised You can ask questions about your chart Don't promote your business in the comments. Sidereal or tropical charts are both accepted wheel, north, and south indian charts are also accepted whole sign charts are preferred please thank or up vote others if they took the time to give you free information about your situation. IF NOT YOU WILL BE BANNED members
  • An unofficial space for people following the Quareia magic course, to learn from each other and share links and ideas. More official info and FAQ at (See also the study guide for many commonly asked questions: members
  • Your Personal Astrosignature according to what is written by the star. The Place where you can found the Very Accurate interpretation and interpreter of your Chart. members
  • A community for fellow Leos (Sun, Moon, etc.) to discuss and celebrate our placement. Leo, the 5th sign in the zodiac, is a fire sign ruled by the Sun. Those born July 23 - August 22nd are born under a Leo Sun. Community Keywords ~ Leo, Astrology, Zodiac, Lion. members
  • Ever wanted to get a tarot reading? Ever wanted to read a strangers cards? Then this is the place for you. Subreddit dedicated to Tarot Readings!!! Learning and honing the skills for Tarot. Exchanging and requesting readings. Sell Tarot Readings, if you are a professional Tarot Reader and want to sell readings this is the place for selling readings, once you have proven you are professional Reader. You can only post advertisements for paid readings if you're verified! members
  • Discuss and share concepts and core principles of Jyotish Shastra also known as Vedic astrology, Hindu Astrology. Only for people seriously interested in learning, sharing and asking genuine questions. If you are serious about the knowledge, step in or else keep out and go someplace else. You may ask for a reading for a particular topic or question but you should be above 18 years of age. No cross posts. calculate and upload charts from Don't repost the chart every few days. members
  • For anyone who takes a secular approach to tarot; a space to discuss the cards without the mysticism, pseudoscience or woo. members
  • r/Tarots is an Open DISCUSSION FORUM on the Tarot, Runes, Witchcraft and so much more. members
  • Welcome to our community! Please be sure to check our rules. members
  • If you’re looking for a tarot reading, wanting to advertise readings, or simply coming to learn more about tarot this is the place for you! We welcome tarot readers, psychics, and all those looking to learn or simply be apart of our group! Feel free to post anything from interesting facts, cards of the day, or advertisements for readings here! members