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WIBTA for divorcing my wife because she couldn’t handle me crying in front of her?

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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WIBTA for divorcing my wife because she couldn’t handle me crying in front of her?

I 28M and my Wife 29F were recently visited Cambodia. I booked the trip for our 4th wedding anniversary.

On our last day there we decided to visit a genocide prison in Phnom Penh called S21.

We were warned by our tour guide that the place wasn’t for the faint of heart. The prison was used by the Khmer Rouge to massacre thousands of innocent civilians who were deemed as “too smart / intellectual” during the rule of Pol Pot.

I remember seeing torture chambers where they would beat people to death with chains. They didn’t hide any of the brutality. The pictures on the walls literally looked like something straight out of live leak.

In one of the prison cells there, there was literally dried up blood on the floor from presumably the captive held there all those years ago.

I remember walking past a tree dubbed the killing tree. They took kids as young as three years old and would bash their heads into it until they died.

Upon reading that I literally just started sobbing. I was visualising everything in my head and I just felt for the kids who had to watch their siblings / friends get massacred in front of them.

My wife saw me crying and instead of comforting me just gave me this weird look. After a while she did come hug me and asked if something was wrong. I just pointed to the exit and we left after that. I just couldn’t take it anymore.

While in our taxi she asked me if I was seriously crying. I just nodded and kept quiet. I was still pretty shaken up by the things I just read/saw.

That was last week and there has been this weird tension between us ever since. She tries to pick fights with me for no reason and just seems dismissive/disrespectful for no reason. A few days ago I came home exhausted from work and she asked me if I could do the laundry that day. I told her that I’d do it tomorrow and just wanted to relax for a bit. She then got mad and told me that she didn’t know she was marrying a woman and then stormed off. She has never acted like this before our trip.

I lost it yesterday night after she tried to pick another fight with me and confronted her about her behaviour over the past week. I asked her if all of this had to do with me crying. She tried denying it at first but after a while she just went silent for a few moments and then started nodding while keeping her head down. I asked her why and she just claimed that “humanity has done worse in the past” and she just feels weird about me crying over kids who have nothing to do with me. She also told me that she isn’t a therapist and she felt uncomfortable and was disappointed in me for shedding tears over something that happens all the time.

She saw me getting mad at her comments and tried backpedaling and apologising but I just couldn’t take it anymore and just went to bed in our guest room.

This was literally the second time she has ever seen me cry. First was when my best friend lost his life to a drunk driver.

To the men out there, have you experienced anything similar with your SO?

I’m just sort of lost for words. I can’t make sense of anything right now.

I don’t know who I can confide in with this so that’s why I’m posting here.

I just need a place to vent.

I’m seriously considering divorce but my brother claims that I should have known better and shouldn’t have let her see me like that. If I divorce her without trying couples counselling, I’m most definitely an asshole.

Could I have done something better to make her feel less uncomfortable?

How would you guys move forward in this situation?

AITA for ignoring our daughter’s inconvenient boundary?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for ignoring our daughter’s inconvenient boundary?

My wife (39f) and I (36f) have a daughter (technically my stepdaughter but I’ve raised her since she was 5) (19f) from a previous relationship of my wife’s (her father is not in the picture) who has come back home after her first year at uni. She’s picked up a new (and problematic) issue since she was last home for an extended period of time, surrounding laundry.

Basically, she has established a “boundary” where nobody is to touch her clothes. Her reasoning is that she’s concerned something will go missing/get damaged, thinks it’s just gross for us to go through her stuff, and is an adult who deserves privacy. All fine, we have 3 young children in our home (9f, 9f and 2m) so plenty of washing to keep us entertained.

The issue is that she has a habit of monopolising washing facilities to the extent where we’re effectively prevented from being able to get any other laundry done. For example, last weekend she put a wash in before work and hung it out on the line at around 11am. She then left for work (12pm-10pm) - her wash was dry within an hour, and obviously she wasn’t going to be back all day. We had a few days worth of washing to get through, so my wife (her mum) took everything off the line and folded it. We got through 5 other loads that day.

She was NOT happy when she got home, and said that she’d been very clear that we weren’t to touch her things. When we explained the situation above, she said it was “first come, first served” (not something we’ve ever said) and that since the next day was due to be nice also, we should’ve just waited to get through it the next day. That really pissed us off.

We’ve offered her a weekly laundry day, where we’ll avoid using the machines so she can have freedom to do as she pleases on that day, but she said once a week won’t cut it. Fair enough, but there are 5 other people in the house that need clean clothes/bedding/towels. Other than that all we can really suggest is that she keeps on top of her washing. If she’s at home we’ll ask her to clear her clothes from the machine/dryer/washing line as needed, but like any 19 year old she has a social life/work commitments and is often busy.

She’s upset because she says we’re not respecting her boundaries, whereas we’ve pointed out that while “don’t move my clothes” is objectively reasonable, it’s not fair for her to do so at the inconvenience of everyone else in our home. Essentially the last conversation we had ended up with her in tears because we said as long as situations like Saturday keep occurring, we’ll continue to move her stuff. Just FYI, we do fold her clothes carefully, and leave them in a basket in a communal living area so they’re kept together, in good condition, and we’re not going in and out of her room.

We normally have a good relationship with her, so this is all a bit unusual. We’ve asked her if everything else is okay, and she says yes and seems otherwise normal in and of herself, and she’s normally reasonable so - are we being unreasonable?

EDIT: So the consensus is pretty much that we’re right, and our daughter is being massively unreasonable, and that we’re being pushovers for not being tougher on her from the off. We‘ve shown her the comments, and unfortunately she’s still insisting that we’re the unreasonable ones.

We’d never considered the local laundromat, and have banned her from using our washing machine for the next fortnight given she’s still unwilling to adjust. She‘a absolutely FURIOUS, and wife has ordered a lock for the washroom door to enforce the 2 week rule. Hopefully a couple of weeks hauling her stuff to and from will help her see the light. Thanks very much all!!

AITA for wanting to sell our family home to a stranger even though my half sister will buy it from me to keep it in the family?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for wanting to sell our family home to a stranger even though my half sister will buy it from me to keep it in the family?

I 30F am estranged from my dad John. He had an affair when I was 9 and kicked me and my mom out the house when his girlfriend got pregnant with my half sister Jade 21F. My mom fell apart after the divorce and became an alcoholic. She was declared an unfit parent when I was 11, and I lived with my aunt and cousins. John emailed me that Jade's mom didn't want me around so I couldn't live with him and that was the last time we spoke.

John emailed me last year and told me he was terminally ill and he regrets not being there for me. He wanted to make amends and see me before he passed. I replied declined, and as he kept emailing, I blocked him.

His lawyer reached out and informed me that my dad had passed and left me his house that I lived in up until I was 9. The house is far from me, and I decided I wanted to sell it. I won't live in it, I have a lot of student debt and I could use the money to buy a nicer place in my area. I listed it with a realtor, and Jade reached out after seeing the listing.

I have never spoken to Jade before and didn't know her name until she found me on social media. She messaged me to introduce herself and say that her, her mom and John lived in that house when she was growing up and she wanted to buy her childhood home from me. She offered under the listing price and said she was sentimentally attached to the house, I declined her offer as I had other offers that were above what she offered, and told her if she would match the highest offer I could sell it to her instead.

Jade said that she can't match the highest bid and her mom has also passed so that house is the last memory she has of her parents. I felt like she was guilt tripping me into accepting her low offer so I told her to speak to my realtor and not me regarding the house. I don't think it is my problem and I don't want to get involved.

AITA for sticking to my word and not giving my daughter an allowance after her 16 birthday

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for sticking to my word and not giving my daughter an allowance after her 16 birthday

This is about my middle daughter, Kara. I informed her a few months ago that I will stop giving her an allowance when she turned 16. I did this because she is old enough to earn her own pocket money by getting a job or babysitting for anyone in the family. It is also good job experience for her to work and really understand getting a paycheck. Not to mention learning how to interact with coworkers.

Multiple family have younger children and are always asking for any relatives who can babysit. So there is something quite easy for her to do if she doesn't want to get a part time job

I did the same thing with my older son and he got his own job at the local pool. There are plenty of jobs around the area so that is not an issue. I made it clear I will help both of them to get a job, and when my son asked I helped him with his resume.

So her 16 birthday went and gone. She asked me where her allowance was and I reminded her that she isn’t getting one anymore.

This started an argument and she thinks I am jerk for doing this. My husband also thinks I should give in but I am not

Edit: I am getting off, if you have a question I have many comments and it is probably in there.

My roommate saved my life and he doesn’t even know it.

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My roommate saved my life and he doesn’t even know it.

Hi, I’ve (M23) been living with Joey (M25) for a few years. I met him through a mutual friend and we became really close. I was diagnosed with schizophrenia a year and a half ago. I’d been having auditory (and some visual) hallucinations since I was 18, but I never got it checked out. It was bareable and I didn’t have the money regardless. Over the years it worsened until I couldn’t take it anymore. I was hallucinating constantly. I almost lost my job because of how much it was making me panic during work. I couldn’t drive because I’d hallucinate shit in the road. I was always feeling things touch me. Always seeing things. Always hearing things. It was actual hell. I was so scared all the time. I didn’t want to be alive.

Joey was always there for me though. He gave me rides when I couldn’t drive and reassure me that something I was seeing wasn’t real by “walking through it.” Sometimes I would you come up to him all panicked and grab his arms to see if he was real. He would just pull me into a hug and hold me there until I felt okay. He made a jar to save up money and labeled it “Nico’s recovery” I’ve just never had someone care for me like that. That’s probably the nicest shit someone’s ever done for me.

I was so fucking suicidal but the thought that he would miss me if I was gone and knowing that someone truly did love me kept me going. I genuinely think I’d be dead without his patience and care. I don’t think he knows it. I want to tell him. I love him very much, he is my bestest friend in the world.

Ps, I am doing much better now and am on antipsychotics

Edit: thanks for all the kind words :) I’m going to write him a letter telling him soon. BTW- he does know he helped me with my schizophrenia of course. I just never opened up to him about how suicidal I was and how he helped me in that way.

AITAH for not paying my ex to move closer to our kids?

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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AITAH for not paying my ex to move closer to our kids?

My Kids, 16F and 11M, haven't seen their Mom in about four years after she went on vacation and never came back. She only contacted me to get a divorce and didn't even attempt to call our children. Now she called me out of the blue and said she will move back to our state but needs money. When I asked for what she wouldn't say. I told her for the sake of the kids I would pay for her living expenses since the cost of living here is very high. She stated she wants a lump sum AND for me to pay for her living expenses indefinitely or she won't move back. Tbh I can't stand the idea of her coming back but having a healthy relationship with mom is best for our Kids. If it would be healthy is another story altogether but putting that to the side for the moment.

AITAH for saying no? I said ok to pay for all living expenses but no to the lump sum on top of that. I need an outside perspective.

My husband wants to install cctv around the apartment because of scratches on my back that I can’t explain

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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My husband wants to install cctv around the apartment because of scratches on my back that I can’t explain

I have very sensitive skin and especially in the summer it can be warm and then my skin gets very itchy. My husband knows this because I wake up sometimes with scratches all over me.

My husband got a promotion at work and now he works 1 week a month from the capital. This morning he came home a day early and we took a shower together and he noticed deep scratches on my back and asked me about it. I said wow that explains the blood in the bed (I had to throw the bedding in the washer at 7am). He was silently watching me. Then he asked me why I was washing this early and I explained again.

Then he asked who did this to you? I told him probably it was me while sleeping like usual but then he said that the scratches were too far in the middle for my hands to reach. I told him that it wasn’t true since he knew that I am flexible and can reach my whole back with my hands (probably normal but he is very muscular and can’t reach more than his scapula) so he asked me to show him. Trace back the scratches. I sis it. I could touch the scratches but he said that the scratches were too deep for it to be done with my fingers that barely could touch them. I showed him my legs that are often very scarred during the summer because I scratch them while sleeping. He wasn’t happy. I got very angry and told him that I didn’t cheat on him if that’s what he’s insinuating.

His ex cheated on him and he has had trust issues since. Also he has ED so we haven’t had proper sex in 6 years so he said that I had “good enough reason” to cheat. Now he said that he wants to install cctv. His argument is if you’re not doing anything wrong then you shouldn’t be worried. I told him a massive no but he said then what are you hiding?

AITA for not wanting to engage in my partner's kink?

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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AITA for not wanting to engage in my partner's kink?

My boyfriend (24M) which i'll call Justin incase he sees this recently opened up about some of his fantasies. We've only been dating for a few months but have been getting a lot closer lately, well each of us wanted to spice up our sex life so we told each other some of our biggest fantasies that we wanna try. I told him i wanna try some light BDSM and potentially anal which he got very excited about and then he started telling me about his.

He has quite a few kinks most of which i'm down to try but the last one he told me came as a bit of a surprise. Justin really wants me to urinate on him and also wants to do it on me.. keep in mind im a bit of a germaphobe so this is something i told him im not comfortable doing. The more we talked about it the more i realized he really wants to try this, he says the only porn he watches are golden showers.

I really tried to reason with him and come to an agreement but he seems genuinely upset that i'm not willing to try it. He's my boyfriend and i really do care for him but in my mind i just can't picture myself getting peed on without being traumatized for life. He then asked if i could at least do it to him because so that way i stay clean but i still think that's too weird for me.

He's still sad about it because he thought he could trust me and was willing to tell me so he could finally try it. But i just can't come around to this. I also don't wanna ask any of my friends for advice because i promised him i wouldn't tell anyone sooo let's hope reddit can help me

Also he might even end the relationship from this so not only do i feel guilty im also about to be single ffs. Im a really open minded girl and willing to try a lot of things this is just one of my boundaries. I just want a loyal bf that is down to tie me up and fuck me every night

AITA for refusing to tell my dad's other kids I won't be going on vacation with them?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for refusing to tell my dad's other kids I won't be going on vacation with them?

I'm (16m) being raised by my maternal grandparents. After my mom died my died dad decided he needed to get away and left me with them. We had all lived with my grandparents before that so it wasn't a huge change but I missed my dad. I was only 5 when it all went down. Three years later he came back and he was engaged and he wanted me to be a family with him and "Sandy". He and my grandparents fought in court over me because my grandparents were my legal guardians. Reunification therapy was ordered for the two of us and the courts let him see me for one weekend a month at the start. The reunification therapy didn't go the way it was meant to (with me wanting to live with him and feeling comfortable living with him again) and so it was decided my grandparents would keep custody of me and he would get every other weekend visitation. He was also allowed one week of vacation every summer until I turned 16 (so this will be the first summer it's not a legal obligation).

My dad and Sandy have kids together and my dad has tried to get me to want them. Not just Sandy or his other kids but him. He knows I don't want to be part of his family. He knows I see going to his house as a chore. And I know he tries but I'm not interested. I never hid that from him either. But my dad and Sandy took it for granted that I'd be going on vacation with them this year and it's not happening. Once I told them it was like this huge deal and my dad and Sandy freaked because they told their kids I'd be going and the last weekend I was there the kids were telling me they wanted us to go on this water slide together. Sandy told me I could go for the sake of the kids and I asked her why I'd do that. So then she was like, you should be the one to tell them since it'll make them sad. I told her they were the ones who assumed and didn't ask so I wasn't going to do their parenting for them. Dad asked me to reconsider. He told me he feels like he's losing me and these next two years will be big for our relationship in the future. I told him he lost me 11 years ago.

Sandy and dad are now both pissed off at me for not telling the kids myself. They told me I should grow up and take accountability and protect my innocent siblings.


Some guy shorted me at work (pizza delivery) so I saved his number in my phone and will prank call him from time to time

For all your stories of small victories over those who've wronged you.

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Some guy shorted me at work (pizza delivery) so I saved his number in my phone and will prank call him from time to time

Once delivered pizza to this guy and we met at a gas station (he was outside of the delivery zone) when I got back to my car and counted the money, he was short $7.

I called him and he told me that he misunderstood the price over the phone and he’d run to his house and return with the money and a nice tip. He said it would take 5 minutes.

15 minutes goes by and I call him again, no answer. I go back to the shop and call him once from my phone and once from the shop phone, no answer. I left him a VM and told him he was $7 short and would need to call in with a credit card if he couldn’t find his wallet.

Since I was pretty pissed off that dude lied, I saved his number in my phone and usually when me and my buddies are drinking I’ll give him a call (he won’t answer) and I’ll leave him a message asking him if he’s got the money yet.

I’ve done this like 3-4 times now. Last time I called and left a VM and said that my definitely disabled little sister fell down the stairs and we need some money ($7) to cover her expenses.

I think it’s funny. Fuck em.

AITA for telling my wife's family they can't cook in our Airbnb

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for telling my wife's family they can't cook in our Airbnb

My wife and I have 2 kids (6 and 3) and my wife has 2 siblings. One brother (living in Cali and soon to be married later this summer), one sister (married with 3 kids all under 10) and both her parents (still married).We are pretty close with my wife's family, spend a lot of time with them and all the kid cousins get along super well. I have a very good relationship with everyone.

The brother is getting married later this summer in Southern California. The rest of the family, including us, live in the Midwest. We've planned a big 7 night family vacation down to SoCal for the wedding.

I proposed that our family (4 of us) + my sister in laws family (2 adults, 3 kids) and my wife's parents (2 adults) rent a house for the 7 nights we will be in SoCal. My reasons were:

-More space for everybody instead of living out of a suitcase in a hotel for 7 nights
-Have a kitchen available to cook and eat together instead of eating out for every single meal -My son has a severe anaphylactic allergy to nuts so eating out can often be stressful for us as a family.

Initially everyone was onboard. I estimated that renting a large enough house (via AirBnB) would be approx $300/night per family unit (So $900/night split 3 ways). There are cheaper ones but they would be too far from the wedding venue.

My sister-in-law and my parent-in-law learned that hotel rooms are available for approx $150/night. They've now bailed on the house idea and have reserved hotel rooms. It's their money and I understand renting a house is a lot of money to pay above the hotel rates. I have no issue with them changing their mind.

My wife and I still want to stay in a house, mainly for access to a full kitchen, so we booked an Airbnb. The smaller house will cost us about $350/night. So we'll be spending about $350 more than planned ($50 x 7 nights). We've booked the AirBnb and the free cancellation period has now expired. We can't cancel without losing money.

When my wife's family learned that we booked an AirBnb they said, "Oh great! We can come to your house to cook food". I said , "No. If you wanted to cook then you should have reserved a house with us, not make us pay the extra for accommodations with a kitchen and then take advantage of that. If you want to use the kitchen cover the extra $50/night we have to pay and then you can use it.".

They say I'm being unreasonable and greedy. AITA?

The dollar figures are not the real numbers but they get the story across.

AITA for sending a price sheet to my family after not being invited to my half sister's wedding?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for sending a price sheet to my family after not being invited to my half sister's wedding?

let's get straight to the point, I (22F) am a full-time baker for a small business and college student. I moved back up to my home state in September of 2023, mostly to get away from my toxic family and for better opportunities. Also to add why this is even an issue in the first place, My brother Jay(25M) and I are the "black sheep" of the family, mostly due to the fact we were born and mostly raised outside of marriage. The teasing and neglect only grew worse after our mother(44F) married Jerkfish(54M) and had our half siblings; (20F), (17M), (16M), and (11M).

Now, here's the dilemma. My half-sister who we will call Jojo(20F) is getting married to Rhitt(22M) in July. My mom and grandma asked that I make them a wedding cake, which I would've happily agreed to if I was invited to the wedding. The thing is, they wanted me to make a cake fit for 200 people, get a hotel near them (They hate that I'm not a Christian, so they think I'll bring evil into their house), work for 3 days, and get a flight there and back. I'd have to pay for all of it, they think it'd be a nice gift to my sister. I just laughed and sent them my price sheet, they. flipped. out. I was bombarded with texts from them about how selfish I am, how I am truly vile, how I am toxic for expecting my family to pay for my cake when they could just go to Walmart to get one, etc..

Jojo even messaged me on discord a week after I had sent the price sheet and asked why I would charge her when I made my best friend a free wedding cake. I simply told her to f off as not only was I invited to her wedding, but I was the MOH and in a way it was a "returning the favor" for being a genuinely good friend and helping me out when I was going through a lot.

Jay and his wife had said I'm not wrong for it and they'd do the same thing, and my boyfriend is on my side. However, a few people in my life are saying I should've just said a simple no instead of sending the sheet and that my response to my sister was harsh. So, I need an outside perspective, hopefully other bakers on here too.


UPDATE: AITAH for leaving my fiancee after I learned there were strippers at her bachelorette party?

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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UPDATE: AITAH for leaving my fiancee after I learned there were strippers at her bachelorette party?

Original Post

TL;DR: Bitter truth was revealed bit by bit. Ex-fiancee had sexual interaction with a stripper. It's therapy time.

I read most of the comments in the original post and thank you for the advice. My problem was that not her being blindsided by her friends but lying. Every bridesmaid told different things and none of them gave details about what happened. I believe you can understand it just shatters the trust and makes you think there is something going on.

I thought there was something wrong with me after reading the comments. There were a lot of YTAs and I thought I should apologize. One of the bridesmaid reached out to me last evening. I suspect she saw the post somewhere and recognized it. I knew my fiancee was having problems with her friends since last week but I did not know the extent. Apparently, my ex-fiancee and her close friends blamed the girl that I encountered at mall about everything. This divided the group and led into a verbal fight. I will skip the personal details here but in the end she told me my ex-fiancee and other bridesmaids got sexual with the strippers. My fiancee was the only one who had boyfriend/fiancee/spouse(at least monogamously) there to my knowledge. Also, I was told by her that my ex-fiancee was not blindsided with stripper invites. She was happy to see the strippers and was relieved she had an excuse. I do not have proof for all of these but I got a short video of girls making out with strippers. One of the girls is my ex-fiancee and that's enough.

She has been trying to reach out to me since we broke up. I confronted her again. At first, she denied it again then it became we just touched, then okay we kissed too, okay I gave him a handjob, finally I was coerced into doing these by others as I pressed on. I just blocked her after the last part. I did not see any need to learn further. I was hurt already but learning that I got cheated on hurt more. I am not sure if it's the full truth even now. I will never know but all I can say is it hurts. I will go to a therapist to not carry my luggage to my next relationship. I lost 15K from the wedding related things and need to focus on filling the hole for a while.

Some misogynists made weird comments about women and I'll just ignore them. Some of the people told me I am an insecure, unfunny nerd for playing WoW on my bachelor party. Isn't the whole point of bachelor parties having "one last fun". It was raiding non-stop with the boys for me, not having one last sexual interaction with a stranger or having a stranger's butt on my face or penis. I will not miss on out these during marriage anyways(omitting the stranger part).

That's it. It's therapy time tomorrow and thank you for the help.

AITA for telling my son his former ILs owe him nothing after the things he said to them?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for telling my son his former ILs owe him nothing after the things he said to them?

My son Aaron (46m) has been married twice. His first wife Sadie passed away 7 years ago. They shared three children together who were 5, 7 and 8 at the time of Sadie's death. His second wife is Haley (42f) and he shares two children with Haley who are 3 and 8 months old. Sadie's family were very supportive after Sadie died and they were very understanding more than a year later when Aaron started dating again. But my son fucked up the good dynamic and told Sadie's family he was going to find a wife who would adopt the children and he would stop Sadie's family from seeing them if they were anything less than supportive. He told them once he found the right woman Sadie was not to be mentioned around the kids and whoever didn't like that could fuck off.

My son had brought this up to my husband and I before he spoke to Sadie's family. We tried to make him see that he didn't need to give the kids a mom and he shouldn't seek out a wife for that purpose alone. We warned him he was risking the relationship with Sadie's family and with his children who missed their mom very much and still do. We tried reassuring him that he was enough. But he dismissed us and said these things to Sadie's family.

And then he found Haley and she wanted to adopt the children but it did not happen. Nothing happened like Aaron planned. Sadie's parents were awarded grandparents visitation and the adoption failed because the children weren't okay with it and the judge said he would not force an adoption on grieving children.

Now Aaron has two more children and he's not okay with those children not having the same love and affection from Sadie's family or the same monetary gifts that they can afford to give their grandchildren. He told them he would defy the court order if they didn't take the other two children into their family and got a lawyer responding in place of the grandparents with the steps they would take if he defied the court ruling. He attempted to get the kids to ask their grandparents but he ruined his relationship with them by trying to force the adoption. The relationship between his older three and younger two does not exist really. They have shown no signs of caring for their half siblings and I fully blame my son for that, and Haley for going along with it.

He vented/ranted to me the other day about Sadie's family not thinking of his two younger children and being unreasonable in refusing to play a part in the lives of his younger kids. He said they were even spoiling family days he and Haley planned by taking the kids before they could go with them. He told me they owe it to him as Sadie's husband to work with him. I told him he was wrong there. They owe him nothing after the things he said to them and he needs to accept this is what we warned him about. He snapped at me saying I was not seeing things clearly and was not supporting him as any mother should.


AITAH for not wanting to have my step kids at my honeymoon

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AITAH for not wanting to have my step kids at my honeymoon

I ( F,28) have been in a relationship with my fiancé , Tyler ( M, 42) for the last 4 years. He has 2 kids from previous marriage ( Kids are 8.5 year old boy and 11 year old girl ) . His wife passed way when his youngest was 1 year old . He met me 3 years later . His kids are wonderful and lovely and we get along great . We live together . I do everything for them since Tyler works long hours . They call me mom but they are aware who their real mom is . We have her pictures in their rooms , and Tyler talks about her to them all the time . We are planning our wedding . My father offered his condo in Hawaii to us so we can enjoy our honeymoon there . It was a very kind and generous offer . When I told Tyler he was so grateful . Then he said “I bet kids will have a blast” . I looked at him in disbelief and said “kids?! “ He said yes! I said that’s our honeymoon! I don’t wanna be a mom on my honeymoon. We can go on plenty of family trips later but this is our honeymoon! He said “I was honest with you from day one ! I told you I’m a package deal ! You can’t just choose me not my kids”. I told him I understand but can they stay with your mom for one week ? Just for our honeymoon. He got very frustrated and said he couldn’t believe how insensitive and selfish I was being . AITAH to expect to have a child free honeymoon?

Added later: Ok I said I won’t reply because I was emotional. I went for a long bath ( I’m off today ). I’m better now 1- I was in to him. I pursued him. I thought he was younger . He told me about his real age , his kids, his late wife from the first moment. He even said he would understand if I say no . I loved him . I loved how honest , kind caring he was. 2-do I feel loved after giving him bj? Yes I do. He has higher sex drive . So I just give him oral when he wants sex. Yes he kisses me everytime afterwards. He cuddles until we go to sleep . I take care of myself later ( mostly during my morning showers). No !! He never pulled his gun at me ! He is not a violent man . Lately we have had more quickies mostly because I’m very tired but I don’t like to turn him down . 3-we don’t have alone time or date nights . True . But it doesn’t mean he doesn’t say he loves me or he is not affectionate. 4- I decided to cancel everything. I don’t think he is ready and we need to a have serious talk. I also need to know if he even can have kids ( or he had a vasectomy). Either way we are not ready to be married.

AITA for refusing therapy with my whole family and ignoring my parents begging to try?

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AITA for refusing therapy with my whole family and ignoring my parents begging to try?

I'm (16m) a glass child. My sister (15f) was born with chronic health problems and a physical disability. Her life hasn't been easy and she's pretty often in pain and limited in what she can and can't do. It meant our parents were always making special time for her and doing what they could to let her enjoy being a kid. It also meant my parents weren't really my parents. They would take her places and leave me behind at home or with someone else in the family. I never got that same time with them. They even missed two of my birthdays completely because they had focused so much on bringing my sister to concerts she wanted to go to that they forgot my birthday and didn't even get me something small like a $5 gift card which they did a few times when their money was more focused on my sister.

I spent most of my time with my paternal grandparents when I was younger. But grandma died 3 years ago and grandpa lives in a nursing home in another city so I don't have them anymore and that made it more difficult.

Covid was also super lonely because I felt lonely and like my parents and sister were a family and I was the intruding roommate. My sister actually had a temper tantrum in April of 2020 and broke some of my gaming stuff and not only was it never acknowledged at all but it wasn't replaced either. They only focused on the fact my sister was so upset that she did it.

A few months ago I decided I needed to talk to my parents to see if it could get better. They decided we needed therapy together. In therapy it was recommended we spend more time together like they do with my sister. So we did that once a week. They still spent the rest of the week focused on my sister. It only just started when my sister got so jealous and had a meltdown over them focusing on me and she accused our parents of preferring me to her. My parents asked me then if I could be understanding and give more time before we focus on us because my sister really needed them and couldn't deal with sharing them at that point. I was so mad and hurt but I also felt so done. So I told my parents not to bother because their only child clearly needs them and I'll be out of their hair as soon as I can be. They went back to my sister being their only focus and I stopped caring. This made them suggest all four of us to go to therapy, but with someone new since the old place we went to would not be happy with them ignoring the advice. They told me it's all that will work now. I said no. They told me this is how we work on things all together and fix things. I told them it was too late. That I didn't have them being my parents for 15 years and I'm expected to be okay with that until my sister feels okay about sharing. I told them they made the choice of whose feelings mattered more and just like always they put her first so I was done and I didn't want to fix it.

They have begged me a few times since and they told me they're willing to work on it so I need to be reasonable.


AITA for telling my girlfriend not to call my dad “doctor”?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for telling my girlfriend not to call my dad “doctor”?

My girlfriend recently got her doctorate. I’m obviously very happy for her and proud of her.

Since then, she has been greeting my father as “Doctor” [lastname]. Although he does have a doctorate degree, no one has ever called him that, and he told me it makes him uncomfortable.

I asked her to not call him that. She says that she wants to be polite and call him by his title. She now wants to be called doctor when might parents greet her as well.

I understand it’s a massive accomplishment but I don’t think she should expect my parents to call her doctor? And she should not call my dad doctor if he asks her not to.

She thinks I’m trying to downplay what she did but I’m not.


AITA for not making my niece see her dad after he was in a car crash?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for not making my niece see her dad after he was in a car crash?

My 13 year old niece has lived with me, my wife, our daughter (12), and our son (15) for 7 months. Her dad's work had him move out of state for a year and he thought it would be better for her if she stayed with us.

My brother and niece lived 45 minutes away from us but until we took her in, he rarely visited (maybe once a year), didn't allow us to visit, and rarely let her talk to us when we talked on the phone. He was also very strict with her when they'd visit but it didn't seem too crazy.

When she moved in with us, my brother emailed me her routine and a list of rules for her to follow. He expected my niece to wake up at 5am every day so she could work out for an hour and a half before getting ready for school. Workouts were 3 hours (1.5 hours 2x a day) on weekends/school breaks. He had her on a very strict diet (no dairy, no sugar, no red meat, very limited carbs, almost no fat, etc.), no more than 1200 calories a day under any circumstances, no internet access except for school, no friends over under any circumstances, she was expected to take care of all of the house chores, and she was expected to work 4 hours a day after school and 6 hours on weekends 7 days a week (his friend owns a convenience store and let her work there) so she could pay for her own food and clothes and her share of the utilities.

After reading all of this we contacted CPS and took her to the doctor. She is very malnourished and her dad was supposed to go to therapy and parenting classes.

My niece is doing great now. We put her in private school because she has anxiety and the smaller class sizes helped her get through the day better. She's made a couple friends and she's slowly starting to gain weight (still afraid of fat and sugar but we're getting there). She's in 2 different therapies and her doctors seem great.

Around 6 weeks ago her dad was in a car crash. Some family members called and told us to visit with my niece because it was pretty bad. We talked to my niece about visiting her dad with me and she completely shut down. I decided not to make her visit and he eventually passed away without seeing his daughter. Now I have family members saying no matter how bad of a dad he was he still deserved to see his kid before he died. AITA for not making my niece see him?

AITAH My neighbor chopped all of my freshly planted berries and flowers...

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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AITAH My neighbor chopped all of my freshly planted berries and flowers...

So I am a 32 yo single mother, with one 8/yo son. We recently moved across country only being in our home for around 3-4 months. Since spring has sprung, everyone is out doing yardwork. I have to have a garden every year as it's something I enjoy having and doing. Just the other day, it was quite early, my son was still sound asleep when I heard the neighbor across the road out weed eating, than, I thought "why does he sound super close to my house"?! I am peeking out my bedroom window looking everywhere till I see him coming right under my bedroom window, just weed eating around my house, already did the hole front of my house making me realize he was doing mine even before doing his own. Well, my son picked out some berry plants he wanted me to plant and we made it a day to plant them. I know my neighbor seen us out planting them. Also put strawberries in front of the house and I marked with the big paper that came with the bulbs and stuck it into the ground so I knew where I planted each plant. Clearly visible to everyone I asked after this incident and from what was left. Anyway, I panicked and ran to my back door where the neighbor was he turns and sees me standing there, he just waved and continues around my property. I ran outside and had to yell for him to stop and said "you just chopped all of my plants I had planted" he says "on yea, and where is this, show me" I said "you go onto your own property!" I'm super socially awkward as I've been through a lot.... He gets this mean look in his eyes and yells "well since your going to be that way! To H√ with you and helping you!!" Than proceeds to go to his house yelling out loud to his wife " F that B!! I am NEVER helping her again!!!!" My poor son was almost in tears when he found out. So AITAH?! Should I not have been so upset with him?! Should I apologize?! Idk I don't want animosity with the neighbors right away. I can't help but he jealous that they still have all of their flowers blooming all around their home too... Idk?

Would I be the A-hole if I moved across the country to escape babysitting for my family

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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Would I be the A-hole if I moved across the country to escape babysitting for my family

So I (19f) have 5 younger siblings (11m,9f, and 1 triplets) and have been roped into babysitting them almost everyday. It’s gotten to the point where I had to change my work schedule so that I have less hours to accommodate for the fact that my parents dump my siblings on me. At first I didn’t mind because I was living under my parents roof rent free and because my job doesn’t pay enough for me to rent an apartment where we live.

But now I’m barely able to go out with my friends or even do the activities that I signed up to do on the weekends because my parents just hand me a child and disappear. I even end up have to put one of the triplets to sleep which can take hours and takes sleep away from me. I’m up between 4-6am to help get the triplets ready for daycare which often ends with one of them having to stay for some reason or another. One of the triplets even calls me Ma and my mom Mama, which my mom hates.

I’m trying to go to college and one of the colleges I applied for is basically across the country and if I go my parents would have to deal with how expensive daycare is for three babies since both of them work. I’ve heard my parents complain about it so I feel a little bad but I honestly need to escape because I feel exhausted all the time.

Edit: I’m not choosing this college only because it’s far from my family. It also has the degree that I want and I wouldn’t have to worry about out of state tuition which is something that I checked before applying. I have tried many times to set boundaries but my parents just ignore them. In fact as I’m typing this I’m putting one of the triplets down for nap time because my parents decided to leave them with me even though this is my only day off. I couldn’t say no because as soon as I got back from a doctors appointment my mom walked out the door after complaining about being late to work because of me.

AITAH for holding my mom responsible for my child's death?

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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AITAH for holding my mom responsible for my child's death?

Before we go any further, I am currently in therapy for this.

Last year my 9 month old baby boy Atticus died. We were hit by another vehicle at high-speed, rolled several times, and ended up crunched up against a support beam under an overpass. I had to be cut out of the car. I was unconscious, had brain swelling and some other injuries.

When I woke from the medically-induced coma several days later I was informed my baby boy had died at the scene.

And then I was arrested for causing the death of my son.

Upon investigation it was discovered the straps of his car seat had not been properly tightened and my boy was not properly secured. Had he been he might have lived.

I was not the one who strapped him in. He'd been at my mom's house for a visit and when I came to pick him up she brought him out to the car and strapped him in. I didn't exit the vehicle.

The accident happened on our way home.

My mom told the police the truth, she had been the one to strap Atticus in. Charges against me were dropped and brought against my mom but ultimately they were dropped by a sympathetic judge. The person who hit us was charged and recently had their trial and went to prison.

Since the accident I find myself blaming my mother for my son's death. She admitted that she didn't tighten the straps because it just seemed uncomfortable and she thought it's why he cried in the car seat. She buckled the straps but she didn't tighten them and she admitted to it.

And my boy died.

I love my son and everyday without him is he'll on Earth. I don't want to live anymore but I go on because I don't want the only person who remembers him being the person who caused his death.

I have not spoken willingly to my mother since the accident. I discovered that I'm pregnant again about 5 months ago. My mom found out and told me how wonderful it would be to have another little baby to bring us joy.

I informed her that she would never be allowed to be around my daughter because her negligence, her willful negligence, assisted in my little boy's death. She was obviously heartbroken but also incredibly angry and said blaming her wasn't fair, how could she know there would be an accident, don't I think she beats herself up on a daily basis, etc.

I don't care. I can't remember how many times I've told her to tighten the straps properly. And look what happened when she refused.

I've gone completely NC with her and she's having family reach out. But the moment that did it for me was when she had the clergy who did my son's funeral come to my house to preach forgiveness.

The consensus among those reaching out is that I'm awful and wrong for blaming her. I'm here for opinions.

Thank you.

AITA for not sharing my meal?

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AITA for not sharing my meal?

I am very fat woman in my mid 30s, I love cooking and baking and I love to share. I often bring things to work for people to share. Well I gain 20 kilos last 2 years and I decided I really need to take better care for myself. I found a doctor, nutritionist and trainer few weeks ago and now I am following the regime they set for me

I have gluten intolerance, lactose intolerance, egg/seafood/celery allergy so it's not exactly easy to cook for me, but I worked with nutritionist and she has made "menu" for me for every day of a month. With amount of food an everything (calories counted). I spend a lot of time cooking every day and I am bringing food to work with me in Tupperwares. The thing is that according to the doctor I ate really wrong - I was all the time dieting and I didn't eat enough necessary nutrients. So the nutritionist prescribed me big portions, especially when it comes to proteins, because she wants me to exchange fat for muscles.

So to the issue - I brought tupper of salad, some potatoes and meat with sauce to work. The meat was cutted in 4-5 pieces to fit into the tupper and when I warmed it up I sat and started to eat. My coworker came to me and asked if she could have one or two pieces of the meat and a bit of potatoes because it smelled heavenly and I always bring cooked stuff to the office. I told her no, that it's my lunch and I have set amount of calories intake, so I am sorry but no. She looked at me and told me I don't need this big portion and I should share with her, because it would help me. I told her sorry, but no and kept eating. She scoffed and left me alone, but since than she and her "work BF" keep making fun of me for eating like a pig. And that it s not very effective weight losing since I am still fatty


For all the people with terrible need to give me health and weight loss advice. Keep it to yourselves, I am taken care of by professionals. THANKS!

Edit: I am not gonna send anybody photo of my body. Please stop DMing me.

Geometry is the key to the universe and schools teach it horribly

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Geometry is the key to the universe and schools teach it horribly

There are many people who say: "I was good at math in primary school, but now I struggle." You know why? Because kids actually color in fractions, they arrange shapes to make plants and animals. When the kids get to secondary school, geometry is just proofs and finding unknown lengths or angles. Of course, students will hate it.

Don't get me wrong, axiom-based geometry is important. Euclid's Elements basically created the math we know today, but we can teach it differently:

  • Give teachers a sextant and have students determine the height of their house

  • Go to a local church and measure the radius of an arch

  • Carefully guide visually impaired students with cutting circles using a compass

  • Track the moon's position every week and mark it on an astrology chart. Yes, astrology is heretical, but you can't deny it's contribution to modern astronomy. This exercise gives students a good understanding of projecting planetary motion and ground tracks.

  • Model the leg motion of a popular dance

And also, please emphasize compass-straightedge construction. I study engineering at an elite university. You'd be surprised how many A-students can't draw an octagon with a compass and straightedge; how many A-students who can't even list all 5 platonic solids.

Geometry literally means measure the earth. We're not doing that. At all.

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