Tom once sat at the back of his classroom and cried. He has a message for Australian teachers

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Tom once sat at the back of his classroom and cried. He has a message for Australian teachers

By Christopher Harris and Lucy Carroll

Britain’s school behaviour chief Tom Bennett has said any move toward Australia adopting a national behaviour curriculum must be rooted in practicality and not be like so many things in the world of education – couched in vague and fuzzy language.

Bennett, visiting Australian schools this week, said a lack of useful classroom management skills in the current crop of teacher graduates could be traced back to university academics who promulgated “all kinds of odd, bizarre notions about behaviour”.

Behaviour adviser Tom Bennett at Marsden Road Public in Sydney’s south-west on Tuesday.

Behaviour adviser Tom Bennett at Marsden Road Public in Sydney’s south-west on Tuesday.Credit: Janie Barrett

State and federal education ministers are grappling with the misbehaviour of Australian students. The nation’s classrooms have been ranked among the most disruptive in the world, according to the latest international report card, and one-third of students say they do not listen to the teacher in lessons.

At a national meeting last month, education ministers raised the importance of explicitly teaching students about behaviour expectations in the classroom, which Bennett said was a good start.

“Everything is implementation. It is no good just saying ?have a behaviour curriculum’ unless you know how to do it,” he said.

“The government needs to make sure it doesn’t stay vague and conceptual. I would invite them to look at schools like Marsden Road Public which consciously and conspicuously teaches behaviour. Teachers and leaders need to see something happen; otherwise, it remains quite abstract to them.”

Bennett, like many Australian teachers, graduated from teacher training feeling underprepared to manage a classroom. Instead of practical skills, he was told if a planned lesson was sufficiently interesting, students would be well-behaved.

Tom Bennett in Sydney on Tuesday.

Tom Bennett in Sydney on Tuesday.Credit: Janie Barrett

“I realised very quickly that everything I was being taught in university was vague, fuzzy, ambiguous, romantic, progressive, and made a great story, but it just didn’t work in the classroom,” he said.


A Senate inquiry last year recommended children be explicitly taught how to conduct themselves in a classroom in line with a national behaviour curriculum.

The Australian Education Research Organisation separately released national guidelines for classroom management, which the NSW Education Department said were distributed to all state school principals.

The guidelines outline how students should enter and exit classrooms, how to establish rules and routines in lessons, including where students should sit and how teachers can re-engage students who have lost focus.


Bennett, a former Soho nightclub manager turned teacher, rose to prominence as the independent behaviour adviser for the UK Department of Education and was famously dubbed England’s “behaviour tsar” by the British tabloids.

At a speech to the Centre for Independent Studies on Monday night, Bennett said he spent his early teaching career struggling to manage unruly classrooms.

“I was told by one of my mentors, ?Why don’t you take the worst behaved child and put them in charge of the class?’ I put this girl in charge of the class. She spent the next 45 minutes doing a Shrek impression. I sat in the back of the classroom with my head in my hands, weeping. And a nice kid at the back of the room turned to me and said: ?Sir, what are you doing?’ I said ?I don’t know’.”

Completely out of his depth, Bennett started researching behaviour for himself. Part of the problem in the education sphere was the curse of knowledge – namely people who went to university to become teachers failed to see how explicitly teaching vital social norms helped put less-advantaged students on a level playing field with their peers.


To be successful, he says, schools must explicitly teach the behaviour, insist upon it and then value that behaviour in students when they exhibit it. “For a lot of teachers, they only talk about behaviour when [a student] has broken a rule,” he said.

Bennett noted while many teachers initially chose the profession thanks to their passion for wanting to help children, he said they required more skills than that if they wanted to succeed.

“If you walk into a classroom saying ?I really care about these children’ ... if that is all you have got, the children will crack you,” he said.

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