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Sorry, but I gotta take BTC here. Sell 5, 1 for doge and 4 for ETH.


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I do what I can, for the people and the doge.

u/jvrcb17 avatar

This guy doges

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Nothing wrong with being invested in multiple crypto’s. Doge isn’t even trying for smart contracts, so we’re not even an Eth competitor. At best it’ll be nice to get the coin on the platform

Truth right here! ETH layer would be cool but not sure what it would mean for fees. I was pleasantly surprised at fees when transferring doge from one wallet to another. Honestly couldn’t believe how low the fee was.

Having a wrapped Doge on Eth means it can be used on Matic and other Eth connected chains. Which means Doge would be able to run on the NFT and gaming platforms those chains run, for very cheap fees

Getting Doge onto Eth would be bullish as hell. With Vitalik on the advisory board, hopefully we will actually see that happen

Oh yeah no doubt it would increase utility. Hopefully fees wouldn’t get out of hand. I’d say I’m into a coin for 60% utility and 40% transaction fees. Suppose they are kinda related. Time will tell, I’m excited!

It shouldn’t if it’s moved into another chain, that would keep congestion off of Doge

And it won’t really give us utility on the networks either, that would be run by their native token. It would just be another currency supported on the network, so you can buy games or NFT’s.

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I've got ETH, ADA, BTC, LTC, ALGO, LINK, and DOGE. Highly recommend diversification.

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Good strategy

respect for this smart strategy

u/Few-Coach5334 avatar


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If you took the 20 BTC right now and traded it for DOGE, you would have 3,366,549 DOGE.

If you deposited that into Gemini Earn so it would accrue interest if 5.03% APY, you would earn 169,337 DOGE in interest every year. Or 3256 DOGE each week.

So, by choosing the 20 BTC right now, not only would you have the initial 3,366,549 DOGE, you’d also be earning over 3x what you would be if you took the 1,000 DOGE a week.

Do math people. Don’t be dumb.


If you don’t want to use Gemini, check out my Interest Rates Comparison to find other platforms paying interest on DOGE.

u/Stunning-Student-563 avatar

Somebody get this man a cigar!!!!

Get that man a bells to go with the cigar.(South African whiskey commercial for the reference)


Come here dear boy have a cigar you’re going to go far. You’re going to fly high. You’re never going die, you’re going make it if your try. They’re going to love you.

Have A Cigar, noice!

Kee & peele Noise

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I don't hate having this stuck in my head for the day!

Damn good song




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Dude, this was so good...I need a cigar now

My moneh wher spent?


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$300 every week or $1 million now?

Is essentially what this is asking. Of course you would take the larger amount and invest at least a part of it and earn passive income which would exceed $300 per week.

And if your argument is that Doge will go up in value, so will Bitcoin, and having a large sum up front is still better.

u/Fickle_Love2229 avatar

There’s a lot of people that don’t grasp that and they only see what they can buy now

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You won. Reddit done for today.

u/GifsNotJifs avatar
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Thx for doing the math 🙌🥰

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Nah homie. You take the BTC and set up a charitable remainder trust and get around $80,000 a year for the rest of your life and leave your family almost a million dollars when you die.

u/SLB529 avatar

Can you elaborate.. I’m new to all of this!

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Dude, they teaching all these kids common core. They don’t even know what math is. Math pulled this guy out of poverty.

Don’t know if you’re saying “this guy” referring to yourself in third person, or if you’re referring to me.

But you have no idea how accurate this statement is for myself. Unfortunately, it started with understanding exponential returns through the sale of illegal substances in my teens. But don’t worry, that didn’t last long.

Let’s just say I really like the show “Trailer Park Boys”

Also, ain’t no shame in your hustle to better yourself. Wealthy people do way more nefarious 💩 than selling plants.

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u/DeficitDragons avatar

Don’t insult common core just because you don’t understand it. I promise you whomever explained it to you probably also didn’t understand it and likely explained it (intentionally, but maybe unintentionally) in a bad light.

Nah, it’s absolutely a stupid way of forcing learning methods on children. It leads to kids getting yelled at for figuring out a problem a different way, but still arriving at the correct solution. This whole way of forcing everyone to think the same way is causing so many issues.

u/BTBLAM avatar

It’s preparing kids for higher math concepts. Only people that were throwing fits about it were parents that learned math 40 years ago, or never learned anything past algebra 1.

Preach, the difference in the curriculum between me and my parents were flabbergasting. I was taking calculus in my 12th year while they were taking Algebra. 30 years may seem like a lot of time but in reality it really isn’t. Granted, I believe my education was better than theirs but still, the information gap is still pretty high

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You’re smart

Damn dude, fantastic sheet. Thanks!

u/alphabet_order_bot avatar

Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order.

I have checked 188,685,532 comments, and only 45,478 of them were in alphabetical order.

Damn dat dbot dknows da dthing dor dtwo

Still not really alphabetical order, since da comes before dk, also do comes before dt, but dth comes before dtw so that one should still work

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Even without the interest it would take over 60 years for the 1000 a week to catch up

I don’t even have that much time left.

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u/recripto avatar

Finally some common sense around here!

Do math people. Don’t be dumb.

Thanks! To think I almost accepted the 1000 DOGE… 😅


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u/goobleydoobeedo avatar

You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar 👏

Man hope I could give u an award 🔥

Lolololol I like you.

There is an unstated premise here that the interest rate will stay the same forever, which may not be accurate.

True. Who knows what the future will hold.

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This guy maths.

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But the interest rate isn't constant.and there is also another thing called inflation. So I think 1000 Doge per week for a whole life isn't a bad choise. 😉

And your argument of inflation is completely contradictory to your point. You’re saying that you would prefer to receive less and less value each week.

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u/thebubble2020 avatar

How safe is Gemini from hacking though

Nothing is 100% safe.

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yea , what he said. great DD !


You’re the real mvp. It’s like watching someone tell the Genie, I wish for infinite wishes. You get it.

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Even if you got nothing in interest, sell the BTC for doge now, you would have enough to pay yourself 1000 doge a week for 3366 weeks, or over 64 years



This is the thinking ppl need and not this fanatic point of view. U sir desirve ur eureka award for ur cool list too 🙌

Hoping coinbase and binance will offer better interest rates on doge some time as well

Yeah but 1000 DOGE a week is good too.

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Ew, self promotion

u/goobleydoobeedo avatar

I just learned about Gemini today. As of what I’ve learned, it gives the highest % per year for Doge.

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I’m starting to think everyone in the sub is awful with money.

Exactly. Even if doge were to hit $1 dollar tommorow and stay there, youde get 52k a year.

If you took 20 bitcoin, that would be about 950,000 dollars. Even if you did nothing with it, youde have to wait 19 years of doge payments to equal that one time payment of bitcoin.

Further more, take that 950k, cash it out and invest in stocks, average yearly return of 7%, youde have a return of 66k the first year, and it would only balloon from there.

Anyone who says take doge has no idea how finances work and are just yoloing their money into a pipe dream. If you’re gonna do that, just take all your money and bet it all on black at the roulette wheel.

u/DeficitDragons avatar

I mean, that works for half of those that do it.

u/EnJey__ avatar

It's the same with taking a lump sum vs payments for a lottery win. Any financial advisor will tell you to take the lump sum, since there's no risk, even if it's lower over time.

I am a simple man with simple wants. I could live the rest of my life at my current lifestyle and never have to work again with 950k. Easy choice.

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u/l0wkeylegend avatar

Literally every comment I've seen so far said btc

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Then I see I’ve come to the right place

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No cap 20 btc


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u/Bhorsy avatar



Love my Doge, but have to take the btc

20 bitcoin.

Taking btc selling it & buying doge 🥲

This is the way

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Exactly what I was thinking

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I’ll take the Bitcoin please :)

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u/degolfer222 avatar

Mathematically speaking, if you take the current prices of Bitcoin and doge ($47,000 and $.276 respectively, at the time of this comment), 20 Bitcoin now is strictly better. If you convert it all into doge right away, you'd get a little over 3.4 million doge. If you took the 1000 doge a week for life, it would take 65 years to get 3.4 million doge. So taking the Bitcoin now would net you approximately the same amount of doge, but you'd get it all right away instead of having to wait for it to accumulate.

This is an easy choice come on now😎


Bitcoin. 20 x 46k = just shy of $1M. with Doge, you get 1K per week at 52weeks per year = 52K doge, even if we up Doge's price to $1, it would take 18years of getting Doge to equal the same amount as 20 bitcoin now.

Everyone here saying they would "take the BTC, sell some for DOGE and hodl everything in crypto" is a liar.

99% of us would take the BTC, sell 90% for FIAT, buy a house / car / help family / travel. Invest in some other areas.

Leave 10-20% in crypto MAX.

Nah, I'm doing good in life. I'll probably take 20% in fiat and the rest in Crypto

Hah lol. No. I am over 80% crypto now, why would I change that just because I had more btc?

Of course I would sell 2-3 btc for the bear times, and diversify 2-3 more. But defo keep the rest

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Taking the 20 btc and putting down payment for apartment complex or multiple houses

All tenants must pay in doge

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BTC, sell some and reinvest in other projects, get myself a nice car, donate some to charity, take care of my parents and family, make sure to never work a day again in my life.

20 BTC easy. Could trade it to more doge this instant that I have weeks left in life.

Give me the Bitcoin for my Great Grandchildren....😁

20 btc right now, might buy some doge by selling.

u/mcthreepo avatar

20 Bitcoin. I can make about 1000 doge a day off of 20 Bitcoin today.

20 BTC and I would stake them to get passive income and buy more Doge

Take the btc sell it for doge 😎

Honestly I'd take the 20 btc

Current value of btc: 47,150 x20 = 943,000 943,000 ÷ current value of doge (.274) = 3,441,605 doge coin

Take 3,441,605 ÷ 1000 doge = 3,441 weeks

52 weeks in a year = 66 years....

Doge will continue to grow the more businesses that adopt it. The btc sell to buy doge would net you hell of a lot more over the 66 years than 1000 doge every week.

Thank you for joining my TED Talk 😏

I would take the $1 million Bitcoin right now, sell half, and buy $500k of Doge. Then I would have 10 Bitcoins and 1.5 million Doge. I would feel very comfortable with that. : )

So you'd literally take no FIAT out to buy a home or a car or help family?

Nah, family should have bought doge instead of calling me an idiot! Lol /s

Grandma would gets a vacation once Covid is done.

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20BTC no second thought

Easily the BTC….

20 BTC, sell it all and buy GME. Boom. 😂

20 BTC, I got bills to pay next week, not next year.

Don’t have to sell all the BTC, so I hold some for the future too!

Bitcoin bby

20 BTC easily

I’ll take the Bitcoin then sell it and buy Doge.

Gotta side with BTC on this one

takes 20 btc and trades for doge 🧐

20 btc now buy doge

u/thebeardedgreek avatar

I mean, definitely the BTC.

u/VermaVirus avatar

20btc rn duhhh


Definitely 20 BTC

u/rizzo49er avatar

I'll take the 20 Bitcoin than sell and buy millions of doge ...

Realistically 20BTC. Guaranteed multimillionaire .

20 BTC.

BTC is legit the smartest choice, then buy Doge. Even if Doge was $1 right now, $1000 a week for life can be made with the 20 BTC

Is this even a question 😂 Imma take those 20btc, sell one, and fix myself some Ada 🙃

20 BTC

20 BTC now, used it to buy 3 million DoGE.

20BTC any day 😅

I'd take the BTC, easy choice.

1000 $DOGE every week for life that I can DCA into $BTC straightaway! LoL!😄

20BTC now so i can get more Doges NOW

u/Jace20158787 avatar

20 bitcoin because it’s more promising. Dogecoin is a pump and dump coin. Whales 🐳 whales are fooling you guys

BTC sell fiat immediately.

Everything else unrealised fiat. Until you can buy big ticket items like a house or car if/whenever that is.


20 btc


Bitcoin. Are you touched?


That's why Silbert was right. Sell your doge for bitcoin.

20 BTC, obviously. WTF?

Love doge, but 20 BTC for me is the gut reaction. But the stats below make a compelling argument for DOGE certainly. Glad we don't have to choose and can have both dogecoin and bitcoin! Great thought-provoking post though. Thanks for sharing!

The Bitcoin because right now I will be able to buy so much more doge


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u/muel0017 avatar

Bitcoin with less than zero hesitation.

20 btc right now is $900,000 plus. 1,000 doge a week is $300, $1,200 a month. What do you think?

Which one is closer to becoming a wealthy person?

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Take BTC and sell half and buy more doge!

Btc to buy doge

1000 for life easily make 6 bucks in 5 years 😂

20 btc right now

Bitcoin now then invest half into doge. Easy answer. The remain half would allow me to be debt free. Again purchasing more doge with what my credit cards would have been. Win win Not about being loyal or disloyal to doge. Just being smart.

dumb, 20BTC, cash out, put it in doge.

I think I could do more with 20 BTC than 1000 doge atm.

u/tylerfc33 avatar

Take the Bitcoin, sell right away. Put all of the money into low risk stocks that pay dividends and invest all of the dividends into Doge for the rest of my life.

Ez pick take the 20btc, then wait till monthly high then sell 2 use 1 for doge and use 1 for eth and then wait for another higher peak and sell 2 more to get invested in other high money crypto.... Then wait 10years and you make everything back. Wile your still investing every month to make more profit.

u/mariussa1 avatar

20 BTC is like 3,479,245.02 DOGE so obviously I would take Bitcoin

BTC of course

20 btc right now. Because I’ll easily beat that 1k doge a week.

Doge is the moral answer… But i’m in debt.


i sale the bitcoin for buy more doge

By far the most retarded thing I’ve heard all day. Finally

Btc because doge will die(doge have short lifespan)


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Doge will be traded for chicken tendies for the next couple generations! They’ll be worth a couple bucks as the crypto currency used as a currency.

u/Creepernom avatar

How optimistic

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20 bit almost makes you a millionaire, but the weekly doge is barely worth about 13k a year. If you plan on living 80+ more years, take the dogcoin 🤣🤣🤣

Hella btc. You know how many weeks it would take to get 20 mil?

20m? Where did that number come from? 🤓

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If doge is $1, it takes nearly 20 years to become the current value of 20 btc… which is 1m.


People need to learn compound interest and investments lol. Why would you not take a huge lump sum upfront to be rich and only get more rich faster…

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I think we all have doge because we can't afford bitcoin. That's why most of us choose the 20 bitcoin.


You can afford bitcoin.... You don't need to buy a whole one.

If you can afford to buy doge you can afford to buy btc... What do you even mean can't afford bitcoin

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BTC. You'd be a loser if you think Doge would remotely get to that

u/TylerRonconi avatar

20 BTC and swap it for Doge instantly

u/bored_invention avatar

20 btc right now would change my life


20bitcoin….never knowing when you’re going to die, compound interest, selling one Bitcoin to invest into doge….

20btc. Then I will sell them and buy more doge

At current prices, it would take 69 years for the weekly dogecoin option (ie the CORRECT option) to equal 20 Bitcoin.


The Doges for sure... I'd be rich with BTC but DOGE means more to me.

Just take the 20 btc and trade it for 3 million doge

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20 btc all the way!


Yeah I’m going BTC.. I can always reinvest in doge which will drive the doge price up


hard choice. btc since its free

The big brain play is to get the DOGE as it's free. If BTC were to rise above in price of DOGE for X amount of time, just sell it and make it BTC

1000 doge because it’ll be fir ever

u/WasCrackinBruda avatar


How ill for ever get 1000 doge and say it hits 100$ in the future that’s $100,000 a week 400k a month $4.8 million a year

u/WasCrackinBruda avatar

It won’t even hit $1

It will trust me


You need to do some research

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u/polokfc avatar

Bitcoin has a coin circulation or suply of limited 19 Million coins and ppl have dumped 927 billions dollar into the blockchains. Therefore, making each coin valued around 49k. In the case of doge doge has an "unlimited" supply of 131 Billion coins not Millions Billions, every minute 10,000 coins are minted in doge coin and ppl have dumped 41 billion dollars into the blockchains. Therefore, making doge 0.31 cents. 131,000,000,000/41,000,000,000=0.31. In order for doge to hit $100 ppl need to dump 10.31 trillion dollars in to doge.

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