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My first attempt at crocheting. Just finished. I just lost my Mom and wanted to tell her about it and can't. Hopefully someone else gets some enjoyment out of it 💕

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r/crochet - a piece of crochet on a brown surface
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Looks amazing for a first go! You're well on your way to be a great crocheter. Your mother would be so proud of your work.

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you, it means a lot that you think so!

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u/LicksEyebrows avatar

Share this on r/momforaminute, all the mums will be very proud!

u/Bitter-Repair avatar

Came here to say this! As a mom I'm proud!

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you!

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I’m a mom and I could not be happier that your trying to crochet . I hope when your doing it you will feel closer to her. This is an amazing first piece of crochet, great job. And I’m so sorry for your loss.....

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you very much

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I thought I was already on r/MomForAMinute when I saw this

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you, I hadn't heard of this subreddit before!

I'm a mom and I'm so proud of you! Watching my kid get interested in crafts and have the courage to start is always so beautiful.

You're doing great bubbie!

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Welcome - and peace for your heart as you navigate your new normal - lost my parents 30 years ago and still think... I’ve got to ask .... we are always someone’s child

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you, it's been so difficult

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Great job honey! You will be crocheting nice clothing and plushies in no time, it's a skill that you can learn really fast, especially when your first piece already looks this great <3

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you!!

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It looks better than my first piece. Keep it going

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thanks - I definitely plan to keep going.

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u/Clarasmummy avatar

Well done and if you have any questions, just post, I am sure someone will be happy to guide you!!!

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

That's great to hear!

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This is fab for a first attempt, you can see where your tension evens out after the first few rows. You're only going to improve from here.

You did good :)

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you! :)

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u/PewPewSpacemanSpiff avatar

That looks really great. I hope you keep with it, and I'm sure your Mom would be super proud.

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

I definitely plan to keep at it! I loved it!

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u/Darkwingoof avatar

I'm sorry for your loss! I know she is super proud of you!

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you ❤️

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Looking good, great job!

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you ❤️

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Well done, OP, that's a fantastic start. I'm wrapping you up in warm hugs from afar, I believe that your mum knows and is proud of you.

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you so much ❤️

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Good job baby!

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you!

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u/BbyGstone avatar

This looks great and that color is so dreamy! Can’t wait to see what else you post

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thanks! :)

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I'm sure your mum is looking down on you and is so very proud of you right now. You've done an amazing job, onwards and upwards! 😊

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you, I really appreciate you saying that :)

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You’re doing amazing! I love to listen to podcasts while crocheting to keep me entertained!

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Good idea, thank you!

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Amazing job! Keep up the amazing work :)

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you! ❤️

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I’m sorry to hear about your mum. I’m sure she would be proud xx

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar


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Hugs to you, OP. Looks great!! ❤️✨

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you!!

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For the fist try it looks great, well done!

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar


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Great job

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you!

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u/MoanaMooon avatar

This is a brilliant first piece! Keep at it, I only started this year and I've surprised myself at how far I've came! Hope you enjoy your new hobby as much as I do 😊

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you, I've always wanted to learn! 🥰

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I’m a mom, and I’m very into yarny things. I’m proud of you, not just for making your first crochet, but for doing the Hard Things every day on your own now. I’m sure your mom is, too.

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you 💕

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u/TayTooTa avatar

I’m so sorry. Today’s my dad’s birthday and he passed in 2013 at only 36. I understand completely that feeling of wanting to ask or talk to them about something but just... knowing youd get no answer.

Its great for a first go 🌸 Keep it up girl

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

I'm sorry about your dad. That was exactly the feeling I had when I finished. And when I realized I couldn't, I just felt so empty. That's when I found this sub, and the kindness has been amazing to see. Thank you!

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Amazing for a first try.. My first time the edges were crooked lol

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Mine is kind of trapezoid shaped haha! Thank you!

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I’m not a mom but I’m proud of you. Crocheting is hard and time consuming and the best thing I’ve ever learned. Keep it up and you’ll see improvement so quickly. Your stitches look great and the yarn tension to keep them super even will come with practice so don’t get discouraged. You’re doing a great job.

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you!!

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Sending mom hugs to you. If you need any help with crochet or someone to talk to, please dm me. I have two daughters and plenty of room in my heart for another child. Your first attempt at crocheting is awesome. You should be so proud of yourself!

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you so much, it really means a lot ❤️


No problem! I would hope someone would be there for my daughters if I couldn’t be so, I try to be there for whoever needs. I’m happy to listen/talk whenever you want. 💕

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I’m sorry to hear about your mother, but glad you have a community that can cheer your success. Good job!

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

This community has been amazing. I am so grateful for all of the kindness and support. Thank you.

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u/CraftyCrochet avatar

Big Hugs. It's always enjoyable to see such potential <3

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you!!

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Sweetie, that's nice work, you can see how your tension improved as you went on. Well done.

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thanks, I am so glad to hear it!

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Such a great start! Love the color!

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thanks! Me too!

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Sorry for your loss ❤️. Your first attempt looks fab and there's a whole community here who will appreciate all your attempts

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

The kindness from this post I made has been amazing, and I am so grateful that this community has been so supportive. Thank you.

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I starter crocheting at the same time in my life. If you need a sympathetic ear, my inbox is always open! This is an awesome first go! ❤

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you!

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Great beginnings! Keep going you're going to be great

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

I hope so, thank you!

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Good job! I learned to crochet when I inherited my grandmas crochet hooks and yarn basket after she passed. Every time I work on a project I think of her. It’s a nice way to keep her memory close and I hope it’s the same for you with your mom.

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you. We always shared crafty things together. I miss her so much.

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That's amazing! Way better than my first go. Your mum would be amazed and proud too 😊

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

I think so too! Thank you!

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We are always here to share in your joy of crocheting😊 I’m so sorry about your mom❤️

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you, the support here has been truly amazing to see! So many people have been so kind to me.

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u/unhinged_egg avatar

That looks great! Keep going!! I'm sure your mom would be proud of your progress. I won't say it gets "easier", but you learn to live with the pain better and better. <3 from someone else who went through this.

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

I'm very sorry. It's been so hard. Thank you.

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You're doing fantastic. Your mom would be happy to see how hard you've worked. I'm sorry for your loss. I hope you feel OK.

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you ❤️ I really miss her. It's still very hard.

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u/ChickenInTheCar avatar

Good job!

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thanks! 💕

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u/worstpartyever avatar

You're doing great!

I'm so sorry about your mom. I lost mine14 years ago this week and I still think about her every day. Hugs to you.♥️

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you so much! Im sorry about your mom too. It's only been a couple of weeks and it doesn't feel real. I hate thinking about living the rest of my life without her. She deserved so much more than what life gave her.

u/worstpartyever avatar

Yeah, I hear you on the "doesn't feel real" part. It took a long time for me to stop picking up the phone to call her.
I'm not a religious person or even a very spiritual one, but sometimes I get the sense that she is near me. I hope that you feel that from your mom, too, when you really need it.

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Great job! I like the color and the stitches

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you! 😊

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What a great first try! Your mother would be very impressed =)

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

I think so! Thank you🥰

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u/SalvatoreCiaoAmore avatar

Omg this is such a good first attempt!! Keep on doing it!

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thanks, I plan on it!

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Proud of you! Someday soon, I hope you splurge on some super luxe yarn and crochet yourself a blanket. I have a quilt my mom's sister made her when she was sick and a plush bamboo throw my BFF gave my mom, and when I pull them out, it's kind of like getting a hug.

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you, that's a good idea!

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You are doing a great job! Keep at it and you will see improvement very quickly! I sure am chuffed on your mum's behalf. Sending you kind thoughts and strength in these difficult times.

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you! 😊

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u/blackrose1903 avatar

that’s really good! i really like it :D

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That is a great first attempt, and I am absolutely certain your mother would be so happy and proud. Keep it up. Sending comfort for your heart.

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you so much ❤️

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❤️ im sure your mom will be proud of you

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you😊

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It’s beautiful. She would have been so proud.

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you so much! 💕

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I lost my mom several months after learning to crochet, 9 years ago. I remember showing her my first crochet thingies. I've made so many things since that I want to show her. I'm sure she would be proud of you. I'm proud of you, too!

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

I wanted to show her so badly. It was so hard for me last night after I finished and couldn't tell her. Thank you so much 💕

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She's smiling looking at you. :) I love it.

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

I hope so! Thank you!

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This is precious and hurt my heart. Your Mum would be so proud. Keep it up. There are loads of people here who can offer tips and help

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you! Everyone has been so kind!

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This is awesome my dude! Looks so great for a first piece, you’ll be making all sorts of funky things in no time!

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

I hope so, thank you! 😊

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u/AgentKittenMittens avatar

This is so good! You did a great job! You can actively see your progress through the piece. You'll be making scarves and blankets, or whatever hooks your interest, in no time!

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar


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Wow your sides are so straight! I see good things in your crocheting future!

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you!!

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u/nads_mcd avatar

This is so cute! I love the colour!

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Me too! Thanks!

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u/basicbooknerd avatar

This is a great start. And I’m sure your mum would have been proud of you

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you 💕

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You are doing great! Crochet is a skill and the more you practice, the better you will get. I’m so sorry your mom is gone. I hope you have some wonderful memories of her and those never go away.

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you. All of my memories are great, there just weren't enough. She was the best person, and my very best friend.

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Your mum would be so proud. I'm glad you showed it to us.

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you, I am glad too. The kindness and support here has been amazing to see.

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u/thaxtonleslie8 avatar

So sorry for your loss. A good job. Keep at it.

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you, I plan to!

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u/supkristin avatar

Awesome job!! Keep it up, she would be SO proud!! Sending you momhugs!!!!

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you! 😊

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Beautiful color. And you can see you're already improving as you go!! Keep posting your progress, we'd love to see it.

Have you found any projects you'd like to try? I find that being excited about the end result is what helps me enjoy the process.

And most importantly, do you like crocheting? I hope it brings you some peace and calm.

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you! I do enjoy it, and I did find it calming. I like being able to keep my hands busy.

I hope to be able to make cute little stuffed plushies one day, and cozy blankets. Maybe make things as homemade presents for people.

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It's perfectly imperfect! Good job

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Ha! This made me smile! Thank you!

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Just make sure you practice and get the muscle memory, and then it'll get easier from that point on.

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

I could already feel the muscle memory starting to set in partway through! Thanks!

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u/Maddie215 avatar

Welcome to the club! Enjoy your new hobby.
I am sorry for your loss, I pray your memories will comfort you.

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you❤️

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u/boolitstars avatar

You can tell her and I bet she’s watching 😌crocheting always makes me feel close to my mama that passed away. Keep up the great work!

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you!

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I lost my mom 18 years ago and completely understood. Big hugs and Congratulations from this random internet mom. If you gave it to me, I'd put it on my coffee table to put my phone or remote on to use.

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you! 🥰

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This is really amazing! X

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar


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My mom taught me to crochet, this made my heart ache for you.

You did a beautiful job that would make mom so happy <3

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you. I wish so badly that I could share it with her.

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You did a great job! Keep at it! Your mom would be very proud of you!

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you!

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u/JoeySadie avatar

Looks great! I have been crocheting for 15 years and I just now learned about stitch markers (I use bobby pins). That's my one bit of advice for you 😊 it helps you to not have to count your stitches

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

I will look into this, thank you!

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Post this in r/momforaminute and watch the mom’s gush.

You’re doing a wonderful job and I’m so sorry about your mom.

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you! I crossposted there a little while ago based on someone's recommendation.

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Was this made with her hooks? I lost my mother in law and inherited her hooks and I always feel so close to her when I crochet. I always imagine she is sitting next to me helping me. Your mom is no doubt sitting next to you as well and is so proud of you. So while you can’t pick up the phone and tell her about it, she is still listening and watching. ❤️Prayers for comfort headed your way.

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u/BELLA_DO avatar

Looks great! My first piece was a hat looked like an acorn when I tried it on I wish I still had the picture! Haha

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Your progress is so visible from start to finish! Make sure you keep it as a reference to how you started when you’re getting frustrated with more complicated things later, it’s so encouraging. This sub is so helpful & kind, don’t hesitate to ask questions if you have any at all! ❤️

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Good idea, thank you! This sub has been amazing helpful and kind, and really cheered me up from the low place I was last night.

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I love that this is your first go, great stitches and color! I am so excited for you to figure out tension and things and see your progress pictures too!

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This is amazing!! Keep us updated on your progress and any future projects you do ❤️

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u/seekersue88 avatar

I am so proud of you! I started a little over a year ago and my first piece was not nearly as good as this one!

Crochet is a healing process. I'm sure she is proud of you. :)

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Well done! I'm not your mom or anyone's mom but I'm proud of you and this and your mom would be too. Keep on at it! I just started a few months ago and now I am nearing the end of my first finished blanket!

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Great job!! I love crocheting its such a fun hobby!! Keep up the good work and you'll. E making toys. Wearable and blankets in no time

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We're so proud of you <3

Awesome for your 1st piece! You should be proud! I am sure your mom would be too. Keep up the good work, beautiful friend 💕

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

Thank you very much!! 😊

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That is a wonderful first attempt! I hope crocheting helps you feel connected to your mum.

u/t0tallyawes0me7 avatar

We always bonded over crafty things. Thank you. 💕

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u/shar_59 avatar

Keep doing what you are doing, your Mom knows

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u/RGJax avatar

Good job! I like the color too. :-)

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Sending you love, so very sorry about losing your mom. :(

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Oh, this hits me right in the feels.

As someone who has also lost their mom, I know the feeling of wanting to share your successes with her, and not being able to. Finding that perfect project that would've been a perfect Mother's day/Xmas/birthday gift, and knowing you can't make it for her.

Sending you all the hugs, reddit friend!! ❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭

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u/CatZone-A avatar

Awesome! This mom is proud of you. Thanks for sharing

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I can already see the progress from the first rows to the last ones! Nice work 👍

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My grandmother taught me to crochet as a kid but I never did much of it and I only took it back up after she passed recently. It's such an intense feeling knowing that they would be so proud to see what you made and not being able to show it to them.

So sorry for your loss OP, keep going with the crochet (it's much better than my first attempts!).

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Looks lovely and comfy! Good job!

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Damn than looks awesome ! Mine was a whole mess 🥴 keep it up! ❤️ and I wish you all the strength in this world🙌🏻❤️

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I'm not a mom, but I am so proud of you! You're going to have so much fun with this hobby.

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I'm not your mom, but I'm somebody's mom, and I think you did great! Keep going, your next one will be even better. Then before you know it, you'll have more blankets and scarves than you'll ever need.

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u/Boadiccea avatar

I’m sorry for your loss, and I hope you find crochet as healing and relaxing as many do. You did a great job on your first project! I’m not a mom, but I’m proud of you and I’m sure your mom would be, too.

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u/BlanquitaMenona avatar

Great job!!!

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u/ExclusiveYarn avatar

That’s a great start. Mom would definitely be proud of you. ❤️❤️❤️

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How lovely! You've begun a great journey. Crochet will give you many hours of enjoyment and save you hundreds of dollars in therapy costs. Your mother would be proud.

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u/Skunktailgaming avatar

Keep it up. She may not be here but she’s watching anyways. Good first go at it. If she was a crochet mom then I know she is looking over you wanting to correct all small mistakes. Keep going. 😀

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I’m a mum of someone else, but can say with significant mum authority that is a magnificent piece of crochet, and you need to make a simple scarf next. Your mum would want you to keep going!

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Beautiful color choice and great tension for your first especially!! Wishing you as much peace as is possible during this time- I’m sure you have many beautiful memories with mom.

u/tommikat avatar

It looks great! Your tension is awesome for your first time!

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This made me cry, I lost my dad 7 months ago and I always went to his house to show him what I was crocheting. I still get the urge to tell him all the time, I'm so sorry for your loss.

You are doing an amazing job ❤️

this looks great!! i love the yarn color too :)

You are doing great! Keep going! I know your mum would be delighted :) ❤️

u/BasilRN avatar

Fantastic! Looks great for a first attempt! Your Mom would be so proud of you!!! I'm sure she is watching over you now! I lost my Father 1 year ago, I want to tell him things everyday! 💕

Looks better than the first time I crocheted. Good job! Sorry about your mom. (((HUGS)))


Welcome to crocheting!

Go you!! This is such a great start. I’m sorry to hear about your mom, and for what it’s worth, this crocheter is proud of you.

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That's better than my first piece, great work! It gets easier the more you do it, and people here are always willing to help out if you ever can't figure out why something isn't working or if the instructions don't make sense.

Keep kicking butt and welcome to the club!

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Keep going, you did great and Momma would be so very proud of you!

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u/reptilesni avatar

Nice job OP. I've taught many people to crochet and I can tell you definitively that this is a really good first piece.

I'm sorry about your mom.

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Way better than my 1st attempt! Sorry for your loss. I'm sure she would have been proud

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Damn didn’t expect to cry tonight. Lost my mom a year ago and she was so proud of me when I was learning to crochet! She loved anything I ever made her. Your mom would be so proud ❤️❤️

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You’re welcome

I completely understand this feeling.... You did great and she would be so proud of you!! 💕