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AITAH for announcing our pregnancy at my sister's engagement party after she ruined my proposal?

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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AITAH for announcing our pregnancy at my sister's engagement party after she ruined my proposal?

When my girlfriend and I decided to get engaged, we wanted it to be a special moment between us. So, I made it clear to my family, especially my sister, that I didn't want any grand gestures or interruptions during the proposal.

However, during our romantic dinner, just as I was about to pop the question, my sister burst in with a group of friends, cheering and causing a scene. I was furious and felt like my special moment had been ruined.

My sister brushed off my anger, saying she wanted to celebrate with us. But I couldn't shake off the disappointment.

Fast forward to my sister's engagement party, and I couldn't resist the chance to make a statement of my own. During the toast to the happy couple, I announced that my girlfriend and I were expecting our first child.

My sister was livid, accusing me of stealing her thunder on her special day. But I couldn't help but feel vindicated, especially when our family rallied behind us, excitedly discussing our baby news.

While my sister insists I was the asshole for overshadowing her engagement, I can't help but think back to how she disregarded my wishes during my proposal.


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AITA for telling my wife's friends I make more money than her?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for telling my wife's friends I make more money than her?

I, 25M, am married to my wife, Sasha, 28F. She comes from a pretty wealthy background while I decidedly do not. My dad left before I was born and my mum died when I was 11. I've mostly 'gotten over it', as much as one can, 'get over' something like that. However I'm still sensitive on any so called 'jokes' on that.

I graduated summa cum laude, and went straight into investment banking. I met my wife when I was 23, and fresh into it, but after 3 years I earn pretty well. My wife is a lawyer. Now I love my wife and she loves me (obviously) but her family hatess me. Like from the depths of their souls, hates me. I've been called a gold-digger, a low-life and a few more vague insults on my table-manners.

I went to a 'party' with her the other day, one of those fancy shmancy things where everyone drinks cHaMpAgNe and complains about this that and the other, talking about oh we spent sOoOOo much money on renovations, *gasp*. And I got the usual mild comments from wife's family and close friends on where my wife 'picked' me up from.

Lacy, I don't think, knew about my family history before. We were talking about dads, don't ask me why and I got a question on what my dad did, I said I didn't know, never met the guy. Lacy made this kind of exaggerated gasp and went 'oohh, well we all know why you're with her [my wife] then don't we?'

I acted all confused and she got flustered, and just kept going with 'well... you know'. My wife tried to move the conversation along but by this point I wasn't letting it go, I kept pushing, and pushing until Lacy finally said, 'well you two don't exactly have the same... finances do you' and then responded with, you're right. I make quite some more.

Lacy by this point was too embarrassed to keep going, I'd kind of ruined the vibe, but the night continued, this isn't the kind of event you walk away from. We went home, which was when shit genuinely went down. She told me it was crazy of me to keep pushing on that point and turn one comment into one of them most embarrassing moments of her life and now everyone in her circle must think she's some kind of failure to earn so much less than her husband, and I'd ruined everything.

But its not like I lied. I'm just tired of being treated like shit in her circle. My wife is upset though, and I do care about her, so I need to know, AITA?

AITA for telling my parents they need to find an alternative solution for long term care for my disabled siblings because I will not be the solution?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for telling my parents they need to find an alternative solution for long term care for my disabled siblings because I will not be the solution?

I (19m) have two older siblings who were both born with severe disabilities. Their disabilities are related to an inheritable gene that both my parents were carriers of, hence both of them having these disabilities. They had me so their disabled children would have someone to take care of them when they were gone. It was a gamble. I could have been disabled like my siblings and had an even higher chance at also being a carrier for the gene. My parents didn't look into that. They initially planned to adopt but they were rejected because of my siblings being disabled and it was decided they could not adequately care for another child on top of them. So they gave in and had me.

Once they knew I wasn't disabled at birth they no longer cared about my future because it was set in stone in their minds. I was raised to take over the care of both my siblings. I was taught what to do, how to do it and my parents interfered in my success.

They'd pull me out of school few enough times to cause trouble but timed just right to throw me off and leave me behind at school. Their aim was for me to do badly enough to either drop out or not graduate high school so then I wouldn't leave for college. But I worked my ass off to do the best I could. My grades weren't great graduating but they were the best they could be given the circumstances.

I actually only learned about my risk of being a carrier in my final two months of high school. My parents didn't care because they never planned for me to marry or have kids, because again, I was supposed to be a carer the rest of my life.

I moved out of my parents house after high school and I'm in college now. My parents hate it. I'm mostly estranged and have not told them yet but I got checked for the gene, because I always wanted kids but I knew I didn't want to risk having children with the same disabilities as my siblings. I'm not a carrier (which is rare apparently but such a relief!!). But it made me more angry at my parents for not caring.

They leave voicemails pretty frequently shaming me for going to college and moving away and not supporting them or my siblings. They talked about how out of practice I will be. So I decided to call them and over the phone I told them I was not coming back and that they need to find an alternative solution for long term care for my siblings because I won't be the solution. I won't sacrifice the rest of my life to care for them. My parents told me that was disgusting to say and I should love my siblings more than enough to care for them, especially when they are the highest risk adults.


AITA for kicking my stepsons out of his fathers funeral since my late husband didn’t t want him there

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for kicking my stepsons out of his fathers funeral since my late husband didn’t t want him there

My late husband and my youngest stepson have had a really bad relationship. It was to the point that he would go no contact on and off. They both were not great to eachother. The relationship is quite complicated but overall it was he was way to strict and stepson was way to rebellious, in the law breaking way.

He became an adult and moved out. Since then it was on and off and drama between them was common. The breaking point was stepsons wedding, it was a money issue. He helped pay for his daughters college but refused to help pay for his wedding. He thought it was unfair since he never got money from them since he didn’t go to college. Stepson uninvited him from the wedding.

The relationship was dead after that, my late husband health started to decline. He reached out a few times but was basically told to kick rocks.

He made it extremely clear that he didn’t want his son at the funeral. It may sound cold but his reasoning was that he wasn’t allowed to say goodbye to his son he doesn’t want him to get a goodbye. Kinda petty but that relationship was really bad by the end.

His funeral was today, my stepson did show up to he funeral, I don’t know who told him. I decided I would respect his wish and I kicked him out. He called me plenty of names for this.

The other kids, are split. The knew their dads wish but still are suprised I went through with it.

Edit: I'm going to work, so I will be off for a while

AITA for telling co-workers I'd abandon a baby?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for telling co-workers I'd abandon a baby?

Alright I know, slightly clickbaity title.

I (26F) was having a conversation with some co-workers when the subject of mothers day came up, I get asked "when are you having kids?" I smile politely and reply, "never. I don't want kids"

This is where things start to escalate; I work with all women and they all seemed shocked, even horrified by my statement. The fact is I do not want to have children, ever. Period. End of. The conversation flows as follows (as close to word-for-word as I can remember) from various women, about 5 individuals all older than 40.

"But what if your husband wants kids?"
"Then I'd get a new husband"

"You're almost 30 you should think about these things"
"But I never want children, even at 30"

"What if you get pregnant accidentally?"
"Well then I'd get an abortion"

"Well, a lot of states aren't allowing that anymore, what will you do then?"
"I guess... give it to someone who wants it"

"You'd change your mind once you held it"
"No, I would not want to hold it. I would ask them to take it to an adoption center"

"I don't think they'd let you give it away for adoption, you're fit to be a mother - you wouldn't just abandon your baby!"
"Yes. I would. If I had no choice I'd dump it on church steps if I had to"

The rest of the day (which thankfully was only a few hours) was so awkward, with them muttering and talking about how they couldn't understand how someone like me (idk what they mean by that, maybe cause I'm a white, working class, healthy woman?) couldn't POSSIBLY want to have children. When talking with my mom later she said I should have just tried to change the subject and was the asshole for taking it that far but I was just being honest about what I'd do - I do not want children, even if that means having to go through the trauma of pregnancy I'd still give it away at any cost.

I would like to clarify, I do not hate kids nor do I want to harm them - I just do not want to have one of my own and instead of accepting that they kept trying to create scenarios to make me admit I'd keep it.

So, am I the asshole?

AITA for refusing to babysit my niece while my sister goes on vacation?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for refusing to babysit my niece while my sister goes on vacation?

My sister is going on vacation for a week soon, and isn’t taking her 2 year old daughter (Elise) with her. My sister still lives at home with me and our parents, and normally they would be the ones to look after Elise when my sister is out but they’re working the week that she’ll be away during so they aren’t an option for during the day.

My mother came up to me recently and asked how I would feel about looking after Elise for the week during the day until they arrive home from work, and I told her I wouldn’t want to because I have no idea how to look after a toddler and I don’t want to be with her for that length of time. She said that was okay, and didn’t mention anything about it after.

She must’ve told my sister because she pretty much stormed into my room and asked me why I don’t want to look after Elise. I told her the same thing I told my mother, and she started trying to make me feel bad or something by asking me why I wouldn’t want to spend time with my niece if I love her and stuff like that. I told her I don’t care what she says because I wasn’t doing it and she said I was being selfish by not doing this after everything she’s done for me, and that she’s stuck for a babysitter now because of me. I just told her she should’ve thought about that before she decided to book a vacation, and she left.

My mom will die today, ama.

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My mom will die today, ama.

Have care took her for 3 years during her hellish war with cancer. the plan was to ride it out at home with painkillers but unfortunately our plans came to an end today. 4 days ago she got extremely sick, extreme bouts of nausea and vomiting. she was so bad I had to crush her pills and mix them with tang powder so I could pop them into her cheeks to absorb.

Unfortunately today she started foaming out of her mouth and nostrils so we had to call an ambulance. they've got her loaded with the max painkillers she can take and she'll have a smooth ride out, it wont be home like she wanted with her little pug and that devastates me. honestly shes been gone mentally for 2 or so days. the last thing she said to me was are you doing okay... like can you even believe it?

I am writing this to try to sort out my feelings, I feel really alone at the moment. I really miss you mom. even now her body still holds on, she went through so much. this is such a train wreck. I truly hope you all never experience such a thing.

EDIT - I had no idea so many people would well wish and it is really helping me right now so thank you all very much. and one thing for perspective for some, in my eyes i'm just waiting for my moms prison to crumble so she can escape to peace. shes already gone. her brain is likely nearly dead from o2 deprivation. shes been gone for 2 days really. when I said trainwreck I left out a lot of details. the past 4 days has been a literal train wreck. 3 years of hell in that body.

I am kind of sleep deprived last I slept was 4am 2 days ago so i've been up a while and have splitting head ache -_-

AITA for telling my husband's parents and sister not to use me in their sick and twisted scheme to erase his late wife?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for telling my husband's parents and sister not to use me in their sick and twisted scheme to erase his late wife?

I'm married to a widower. We've been married for 4 years, together for 6 and known each other for 8. We met at a grief support group. I lost my sister to cancer around the same time he lost his late wife "Tasha". We bonded and supported each other and our relationship happened slowly over the two years of being friends.

One thing I have always known is his love for Tasha has never faded. He never wants it to fade. He misses her every single day, so do his children (my stepchildren). He struggled with the idea of finding someone else. Not least of all because his family started pushing 13 months after his loss. In time he wanted this himself and we fell in love. But I have always known there would be no us without his loss. I was never jealous or insecure of that. I love his love for Tasha. It tells me how amazing he is as as person. It's also good for his kids to see the love he still holds for their mom. My sister's widower remarried after 6 months and has erased my sister with their children. He stopped me having a relationship with them too and I hate it.

The kids being good with us was the most important thing to us when we became something more. The only condition they had to their support was their mom. They didn't want her to be forgotten. They didn't want my husband to stop talking about her or for her photos to disappear from the house. Some came down. But they're still in the house just not on the walls and there are still photos of her around.

It works. I tell my daughter (2) and will tell my son I'm pregnant with that she's their big siblings mom and daddy's late wife. They'll know who she is and what she means to our family.

But my husband's parents and sister don't like that Tasha is still very much loved and kept alive. They didn't like her. They didn't approve of their son/brother marrying at 20 and loving someone who came from a very "unfavorable family". They judged Tasha for it harshly. They think I'm far better. So they expected me to replace Tasha. They were especially horrified that my husband keeps a photo of Tasha in his wallet and on his desk at work. There are also photos of me in both. Recently they brought this up with me and told me I should forbid my husband from doing this. They said it is horribly disrespectful to me and it has prevented my husband's teenage children from truly embracing me as their mother. They told me to march right up to him in front of everyone and to tell him that he cannot keep photos of his dead wife anymore. It bothered me so much that they were so callous about it. I told them not to use me in their sick and twisted scheme to erase Tasha because I wanted no part of it.

They focused on the sick and twisted aspect. And they are saying I called them sick and twisted and accused me of overreacting to their support. My husband was furious with them when he heard and told them to be thankful his kids hadn't heard them.

AITA though?

AITA for causing a scene and embarrassing my husband?

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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AITA for causing a scene and embarrassing my husband?

My husband and I have a home that has the garage underneath our living space and where summer is upon us, he has been having his buddies over for his typical summer shindigs. This is a normal and I have zero issue with it. Up until this year, I was also down in that garage hanging out with everyone. But this year, we have a baby (she was 5 days old when this happened). Now, my husband is a great man and a fantastic father and has really cut back on having people over. However, it's like his buddies are so excited to get back here that they turn ignorant once we finally do open our doors (this was the hangout spot because we have a huge fire pit, billiards, karaoke and a bar).

This past weekend my husband had people over to kick off summer and he has one friend, who we will call "Nate", who has never been very mindful of anything around him. He's like a giant kid, despite being well in to his late 30s. He shows up on his brand new motorcycle and parked it in our garage (we were supposed to get rain, so I couldn't tell you why he drove the bike but I'm assuming he just wanted to show it off). There was probably about 8 people here, I think. I was upstairs with our baby, told my husband to have a good time and went about my night. Well, my husband took off around 7-8pm-ish to go grab beer, leaving Nate and the rest of the guys in the garage (except for John, who went with husband). The store is only 5 minutes away. I had JUST gotten the baby to sleep when all the sudden my home is literally shaking. Fucking vibrating with the sound of a consistent, EXTREMELY loud, continuous revving of the motorcycle, right inside my garage and underneath our living area. I could not hear a damn thing over that motorcycle. To paint a picture here, when the guys are over and in the garage, you can literally hear them speaking. So the revving of this motorcycle completely overtook our home. My baby started screaming bloody murder. I'm trying to cover her ears but that's just not doing anything.

I grabbed the baby and went outside, where the sound was much quieter, went to the garage and lost my shit entirely. I told Nate that he was an inconsiderate fucking prick. He KNOWS how thin that floor is, he KNOWS our living area is directly above the garage and that we have a 5 day old baby and he decided to show how big his dick was by revving the piss out of his Harley in the garage for (not kidding) 5 minutes straight. I told him he had to leave. He apologized, said he forgot, he "wasn't thinking", etc etc. My husband shows back up, the baby is STILL screaming bloody murder in my arms. My husband takes the baby and asks what's going on and me still being pissed off, loudly told him how Nate decided to rev his bike up for 5 minutes and probably gave the baby a migraine because of how loud it was upstairs and that he needed to leave. My husband looked at Nate and said "why would you do that?" And Nate got pissed and said "I fucking already said that I just wasn't thinking". My husband kind of turned to me and said that we should just move on but I was honestly so fuming that I said we would move on once Nate was gone (this isn't the first time he's been incredibly inconsiderate). My husband just let out a sigh, shook his head and said "maybe everyone should leave, this was a bad idea" and walks upstairs with the baby. Nate's girlfriend turned to me and said "it was an honest fucking mistake and you just became so unhinged that you embarrassed your husband. I hope you feel good about yourself psycho." Everyone left without looking at me and my husband hasn't said anything to me about it, other than he "gets it". AITA?

ETA: I was probably still pissed because Nate came here when the baby was 2 days old and started scream talking as soon as he walked in and got the baby crying then too. When I told him to quiet down, he said "you need to be loud around babies so they will sleep through it" and kept being disrespectful until my husband took him outdoors. So he's just not respectful at all.

Edit: I told my husband he could have his buddies over. He made it clear to them that no one was allowed in the main house and I heard him repeat several times that the baby was upstairs and to be respectful. I have zero issues with my husband having people here. My husband is a damn good man and he respects me above all else. Was having people over with a 5 day old baby the best of ideas? Probably not. But he also hasn't hung out with anyone for months because the last 2-3 months of my pregnancy were extremely rough and I needed a lot of help so he was unavailable to everyone. He deserved a night and I feel terrible that I cut it short (without meaning to). Nate waited until after my husband left to go to the store to act like a teenager. He wouldn't have done that if my husband was here.

It is now impossible to send my son to public school without paying tuition. Is this legal?

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It is now impossible to send my son to public school without paying tuition. Is this legal?

Context: We live on a military facility in Alabama. This particular posting offers on-base middle and elementary school, but not high school. This means all on-base children have to go off-base for school after the 8th grade.

We have the choice of sending our children to one of 5 neighboring districts, 2 County systems and 3 city systems. This is a very rural area in Alabama, and only one of these districts is well funded. Most on-base families choose this district, and many other non-military families choose to apply for waivers to attend here as well.

4 years ago this district decided to start charging tuition for non-resident students. This meant military and non-military children now had to pay a yearly fee to attend. The district justified this by saying it was to pay for excess materials needed to house the surplus students. As a result, many non-military families chose to stay at their local schools and military families chose other schools.

The tuition also scales each year you attend. For example, Freshman year is $1200 per student and Senior year is $2400 per student.

This was not a huge deal at first; but, in the 4 years since, the 4 other adjacent districts implemented the same policies. This keeps non-military families in their local districts.

However, military families are subject to tuition in each district tuition policy because we live outside the district. Because we don't have am on-base high school, this means that all our options charge tuition. This means it's impossible for our children to attend public high school without paying thousands of dollars.

Military parents have organized against this, but the schools have stood firm and the Army hasn't made it a priority either.

To make it even more annoying, the schools still mandate military children fill out and return "Blue Cards" which send federal money to these schools for housing military children on top of the tuition.

So my question is, how is this legal?

AITAH for asking my wife not to hang out with her friend who has a different lifestyle than us because I'm afraid of losing her?

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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AITAH for asking my wife not to hang out with her friend who has a different lifestyle than us because I'm afraid of losing her?

(Throwaway account, because I mostly use reddit for work-related topics).

Me (37M) and my wife (35F) have been married for 14 years. We met when we were both in college, she studied literature, I studied engineering and was getting into tech. We were dating for two years when she got pregnant and we decided to get married and start a family. We decided together that I would work and she would be a SAHM because it would be difficult for her to find a well-paying job with her major, and I was already starting to earn quite well. I've also always had a fairly conservative approach to family life and I was happy to be a sole provider. She always wanted to be a mom and was looking forward to being a SAHM.

Right now our children are 14 and 12 years old, I have a good job and my wife stays home taking care of the house. This arrangement has always suited her, but recently she has begun to mention that she feels a bit lonely and lacks friends, especially now that the children are older and she has more time to herself. Indeed, our social life mostly consisted of meetings with my work colleagues and their wives whom my wife can hardly call "friends." That's why I was happy at first when my wife ran into her best friend from college, let’s call her Anna. According to my wife they got along so well as if they didn’t have an almost 14-year old break in contact (when my wife got pregnant she drifted apart from her college friends). They started meeting for coffee quite often. When my wife returned from these meetings she was overjoyed and excited and told me a lot about Anna. It was then that I began to worry.

During the time my wife had no contact with her, Anna got her PhD in literature, started teaching at the university, and became the editor of one of the most important cultural magazines in our country. Her husband is an award-winning writer, apparently very well recognized (it's hard for me to say anything about this, as I have no idea about literature). They earn well, do not have and do not want children, and basically lead a carefree lifestyle completely different from ours: they have lots of friends from their literary-academic circle, consider these friends "family" and go several times a week to various author meetings, galas, gallery openings, and god knows what else. From what I've gathered, they are also much more progressive and liberal than I am, for example, they divide all their chores and bills 50/50 and they have a mixed-gender group of friends - Anna is friends with men and her husband with women, which I always considered inappropriate in a serious relationship.

My wife invited Anna and her husband for dinner because she really wanted me to meet them - she hoped we would both start going to all these cultural events with them. They were very polite and respectful, and didn't comment in any way on the differences in our lifestyles, but dinner was nevertheless quite tiresome for me, as I didn't have any common topics with them. My wife knows that I don't share her passion for literature (just as she doesn't share my interest in technology), but this has never been an issue in our marriage - we traveled together, went on bike trips, went to our favorite restaurants and movies, etc. I didn't understand why she suddenly wants this to change.

Anna started taking my wife to some of the literary events organized by her magazine and also invited her to write a couple of reviews for a column she is running (she apparently sees great potential in my wife and appreciates her insight) - which my wife accepted with great joy. I was torn: on the one hand, I was happy that my wife didn't feel alone and that she had something to do when the kids are at school or with their friends. On the other hand, I was afraid that I was losing my wife - that she would turn into someone else under Anna's influence. I was also afraid that other men will hit on her at the events Anna invites her to (even though my wife repeats that all of Anna's friends know that she is married and a mother, they never cross any boundaries and always speak of her family with respect).

I finally told my wife that I was uncomfortable with her friendship with Anna, that I was afraid this relationship would change her for the worse and that she would no longer care about our marriage and children. I said that I can’t forbid her to do antyhing, but that I would feel much better if she didn't go to all these events with Anna and if she didn't accept an offer to write reviews for her magazine. My wife said that the friendship with Anna is very important to her, that she had been feeling depressed lately spending most of the day at home all alone, and that contact with people with whom she can talk about things she’s passionate about has made her feel significantly better. I promised to her that I will work less and that I will spend more time with her. I also repeated that I cannot forbid her to see Anna and her friends but that this friendship really makes me uncomfortable. She was sad but understood me and said that she will stop spending time with Anna.

Yesterday, I talked to my older brother (whose advice I always appreciate) about this situation. He said that me and my wife married really young and that it’s understandable that she might feel like she’s missing out on things outside family life. He also said that the only way to make sure that my wife is with me because she really loves me and not because she’s just stuck with me and has no other options, is to give her freedom to spend time with other people, even though it makes me uncomfortable. It really made me think and question my own behavior. I really don’t want to be a person who limits my wife’s freedom, but I also don’t want to be tempting fate in order to see if she really loves me. It would break my heart to lose her and maybe deep inside I feel like she would leave me if she had any other options, so I don’t want her to have these options. I feel like shit. AITAH?

AITAH for divorcing, she cheated before marriage

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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AITAH for divorcing, she cheated before marriage

Without excruciating detail, the gist is below. Married 6 years, cheating before marriage, lied by omission. Truth is out and she’s heartbroken that I can’t even say “I love you” anymore

Longer version Wife and I got into a heated argument, she made offsides comments in the heat of the moment. In the past I would relent and see things “her way”. This time I stood my ground, this interaction had me reevaluate all the arguments I had relented on previously.

One was about her and an ex on a work trip 6 months before we were married. She had come back from the trip over the top affectionate. A few weeks later while showing pics of her trip to friends there were pictures of the two of them that seemed odd. When I brought it up later that night she said it was no big deal, when I told her how it made me feel she yelled at me that I had “ruined a perfectly good night with friends”

I brought this trip up again after we’d calmed down from the most recent argument. She admitted they had “hooked up, but it wasn’t sexual”. I asked for a definition of hooking up and she refused until a few days later when she confessed it meant sex. She has been love bombing me since and has said “that me realize I never wanted to cheat on you” (yes folks, you read that right… after cheating… she felt remorse and was like… never again) and “I’ve dealt with that trauma already and we’ve built a life. We need to work to figure this out” she’s even suggested I talk to him so he can confirm how much she only wanted me during that time (literally no idea how that makes sense). She has accused me of internalizing the problem and not bringing it up . I told her I had trusted her fully so there was no reason to bring it up. I took issue with her suggesting it was on me to interrogate and bring forth the truth as disingenuous. She had ample opportunity to bring it up before now but has hidden the truth to get the life she wanted/wants. She’s now heart broken and is insisting I’m not doing enough to save our marriage, in her mind she’s doing everything she can. Counselor, books, suggesting outings together. For me, I can’t stand to look at her and the pushy-ness from her feels self serving. Like she’s trying to manipulate me to stay for herself, not that she actually loves me

There are other normal marriage issues, money/kids/house stuff, but I can’t get over this one.

Am I the asshole? I’d like to hear an assessment

AITA for wanting my husbands family out of my house?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for wanting my husbands family out of my house?

Ok so back in September 2023 my husband told me (thats right…. TOLD me and didnt consult with me prior) that his niece, her boyfriend and newborn baby were going to stay with us for a couple of months until they could “get back on their feet”. I was extremely bothered because I felt he didnt even ask for my opinion and just pushed them on me. They stay in our pool house out back but its very small. Like almost the size of a shed. Well, those couple of months have now turned into 8 MONTHS. Our electricity has gone up, our water bill has gone up and I just cant anymore. What they pay us is a complete joke. Anytime the topic of them seeking another place to live comes up, their response is always “We’ve looked but rent is too high, plus….. there’s no rush”. EXCUSE ME?! Also I’ve learned they are planning a trip to Disneyworld, but wont look into getting a stable home??! Like wtf?! And to top things off, my husbands niece has decided to get off of birth control because they want a bigger family……. I’ve already told my husband that if she gets pregnant then i’m outta here. There will be absolutely no way I will have 2 kiddos running around my backyard when I CHOSE to not have anymore kids and want to enjoy my peace & quiet afternoons now that my kids are teenagers. My plan is to give them a couple of more months… If nothing happens then I will pack my things and move out. My husband will be obligated to choose them or me. Just has he pushed this whole thing on me. So…. Am I the A hole for wanting to kick them out asap???

What's going on with the portrait of King Charles III?

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What's going on with the portrait of King Charles III?

I've seen the portrait making it's rounds everywhere and it's heavily agreed on (at least from what I've seen) that it looks just awful. Has the artist released the reason for it's unique and jarring appearance? Why all the red? Was it commissioned by the royal family to look like that?

AITA for calling my MIL and SIL ignorant in front of family friends?

A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered!

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AITA for calling my MIL and SIL ignorant in front of family friends?

I (29f) have been married to my husband James for just over a year. I'm Irish, he's American and we currently live in America. My name is Ciara. It's pronounced like Keira Knightley not like Sierra or Kee-ar-uh like Simba's daughter from the Lion King 2. My middle name is Sinéad. My ILs struggled badly with my name when we met despite constant corrections. They default to Sierra. My SIL made some ignorant comments about being in America and so embracing the Sierra pronunciation instead of my weird one. Or she suggested I use the same spelling as Keira Knightley. James quickly told her to cut that out and to accept my name wasn't said that way.

I accept sometimes they slip on my name and default to what most people do over here. So I offered to let them use my middle name. But they butcher that too and I know they can say it because MIL was a huge Sinéad O'Connor fan and she can say that correctly. So we don't see his family often because of this. I'm not someone who wants a fight but I also don't dismiss disrespect either.

For my BILs birthday we were around the rest of the family for a bit to celebrate him and during that MIL and SIL decided to introduce me to some of their family friends. But they introduced me as Sierra and when I tried to make the correction they spoke over me. I didn't like that so I lost my temper a bit and told them they shouldn't be so ignorant at their ages and stop purposely using the wrong pronunciation because they know it drives me bonkers. I corrected the "mistake" of both and told the family friends my name is Ciara, said like Keira and then I walked back to find my husband.

MIL and SIL weren't a bit happy with me at all and a bit of a row broke out because James defended me and so did BIL actually. MIL and SIL argued I went out of my way to shame them to other people and it was wrong of me. It became such a big deal that James and I apologized to my BIL and left. But MIL and SIL called afterwards and told me I had no right to make such a scene in front of their friends.


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