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Mel's nervous about what the government tightening NDIS spending will mean for her autistic kids

Melbourne mother Mel Spencer's three children are thriving since accessing NDIS support to manage autism and other conditions. She's nervous about what the government's plans to save $14.4 billion over four years will mean for her children.
A woman with short red hair poses with her arm around her teenage son

'When I read that line, I was shocked': Australian Ballet responds to 'offensive' criticism of dancers' bodies

The Australian Ballet has slammed a review of one of the company's latest productions, which described dancers as looking "unusually thin".
Three silhouetted ballet dancers wearing tutus pose with one arm and one leg diagonally outstretched.

Script provider MediSecure is at centre of 'large-scale ransomware' data breach, ABC can confirm

National cyber security coordinator Michelle McGuinness says the Australian Federal Police is also looking into the breach.
Cyber hacking

Online counselling platform won't be an app — and mental health groups say it also won't be enough

Mental health groups say the government did not go far enough in its commitment to create a digital platform for people with simpler mental health needs, and funding for more workers was more urgently needed. 
A close-up of a person looking at their mobile phone

Regional students are more likely to miss school due to pelvic pain. A new program aims to help close gaps in knowledge

Starting next year, the Victorian government plans to fund 400 pelvic pain and menstrual health education sessions for students across the state, with regional and rural schools prioritised for delivery. 
A woman in a doctor's office holding up a model of pelvic and vaginal bones.

Families face 'loss, guilt and anger' as they deal with a genetic disease that has no cure or treatment

For years now, Natalia Rossiter has provided 24-hour care for her husband who has Huntington's disease, but she wonders how she can continue without psychological support.
A close up photo of a woman wearing glasses in front of a red tree

'Welcome to fat f*** university': Fitness gymfluencers a growing 'danger' for young boys

A new wave of fitness and gym influencers is exposing young boys to a constant barrage of pursuits for physical perfection, and experts warn it poses a serious mental health risk.
A screenshot of an instagram post, feature a shirtless man and text reading bulking lunch box for students

A community radio presenter who attempted suicide faced 'dehumanising' hospital treatment

Patients and workers within the health system say the mistreatment of people with self-inflicted wounds is "normalised" due to a lack of training on best practice.
A person in a blue shirt speaking into a microphone and pressing buttons on a board.

Salary sacrificing her car taught Elly two valuable lessons: read the damn contract and plan for the worst

It's Pay Day! Elly Desmarchelier shares the financial reality of living with a disability, why salary-sacrificing her car turned out to be a disaster, and the money advice from her parents that she carries with her to this day.
A woman with red short hair in a light blue shirt is in a wheelchair and laughing while in front of a beach outside

NT Health executives put on notice as department budget blows out by $200 million

Nurses and medical unions have described criticism of the budget blowout as "unfair", as the territory's health system continues to feel immense strain.
A photo showing hospital exterior with emergency and main enterance signs  at the front

From NDIS cost revisions to a new employment program, what's in the budget for disability?

Disability was a big part of this year's federal budget. Here are the key takeaways now the dust has settled.
A graphic image showing the NDIS logo, a hand on a calculator, and stacks of folders.

Fun and teamwork the order of the day as accessible footy opens doors for outback kids

With the goal of making football more inclusive, the Starkick program has taken its newly minted players from West Australia's Kimberley to the turf of Perth Stadium.
Smiling girl in pink kicks blue football as man cheers behind.

Australian of the Year brain cancer free one year on from diagnosis

Richard Scolyer, who has treated his stage four brain cancer using his own research, has announced his latest scans show no new cancer growth one year after his initial diagnosis. 
A man sits on the bed of an MRI machine looking at the camera.

Three patients die by suicide inside a secure Brisbane public mental health unit

Three people have taken their own lives inside a locked mental health unit at The Prince Charles Hospital in the past 16 months, prompting a major review.
Mental Health Public Entry sign.

Nurse welcomes investigation into six deaths at major Tasmanian hospital

Six deaths that occurred inside a major Tasmanian hospital will now be re-examined by the state coroner — with a nurse and midwife instrumental in bringing on the investigation asking: "Why does it take until nurses speak up, for there to be truth, justice, and accountability?"
A women with blonde hair tied back into a ponytail looks towards the camera.

From cheaper medicines to energy bill rebates, a three-minute guide to cost-of-living relief in the budget

Treasurer Jim Chalmers says helping Australians with the cost of living is the government's number one priority. So what's actually in the budget for households feeling the pinch?
Jim Chalmers smiles behind a desk with a laptop.

Are protein-enriched snacks necessary for kids?

Do Aussie kids need more protein? And are protein-infused foods or supplements like powders the best way to get it?
toddler in pram eating a fruit bar

Are pigs the answer to organ donation shortages? How porcine parts made their way into humans

Although the first person to receive a genetically-modified pig kidney died after two months, researchers are still hopeful the animals will play a major role in future organ donation.
Close up of pig snout

Belting out John Farnham classics and travelling through time — this musical is like no other

While some schools might attempt a classic musical like Grease, this one has looked to Australian music royalty and, in the process, put on the show of a lifetime.
A composite image of John Farnham on the left from a Countdown performance. A teenager girl in a blonde wig on the right singing

'It was all pretty confronting': How to support a girl who starts puberty early

Girls who go through puberty early are at higher risk of anxiety and depression than their later-developing counterparts. Why does this happen, and how can parents help kids through this time?
An illustration of a depressed girl surrounded by smiling peers

Ilisa was vomiting blood after injecting replica Ozempic. The pharmacy kept ringing to sell her more

Dozens of patients have contacted the ABC, reporting alarming side effects including vomiting blood and permanent tingling in their fingers after taking replica weight loss drugs.
A young white woman with long fair hair standing in a field. She is wearing a green cardigan

The budget will have a 'multi-billion-dollar' wage boost in two female workforces, but what else will be in it?

Among a pile of budget papers deposited on the desks of journalists will be a booklet outlining how the government's financial plans will help Australian women. Here's what you need to know.
Katy Gallagher, sitting with Jim Chalmers, holds the women's economic budget statement

Why banning your child from social media might not be the best approach

While keeping kids and teens off social media can work for some, the best choice will depend on your child and your family.
A row of teenagers sitting down on a long bench chair, all looking at their smartphones

SA upper house MP Frank Pangallo reveals stage 4 prostate cancer diagnosis

The 69-year-old independent MP says he is sharing his cancer diagnosis publicly to raise awareness, adding that he plans to continue to fulfil his obligations to the state while receiving treatment.
A man wearing a suit speaks to microphones

When 'a good night on the beers' wasn't making him happy, Luke knew he needed to take action

Queensland's Luke Hambleton uses men's circles to improve his mental health and become a better husband and dad.
A blonde man sitting at a table with a sombre expression, he is wearing a black t shirt

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