Fem!Muse/Enby Mun — At least do the sky puppies right.

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

At least do the sky puppies right.



Also, agave nectar as a sweetner is absolutely trashing the ecosystem where the plants grow, throwing other plant species, mammals and insects out of whack in order to meet rising demands.

If you are trying to cut sugar or go vegan to help the environment, stay away from agave, it's a disaster.

Honey, actual farmed honey, from honey bees, is more eco-friendly than agave, sugar beet, or sugar cane. And, contrary to popular belief, properly managed hives don't actually change the bees' lives from what they would be doing in the wild anyway.

Please be kind to our mouse dragons, we need them so much (and they are so fucking cute).