
page theme by osvaldrps

by clicking the source link you’ll be redirected to the preview and download links for a custom page theme (dark and light versions) that i made for my gif pack directory  ( @osvaldrpstoo ) .

fonts: abeezee by google fonts + font awesome icons.
gifs: made by me (post).
made with isotope combination filtering by magnusthemes.

optional: rounded corners, grayscale images, text/background color, everything, just read instructions in the code.

please, like and/or reblog if using. you may edit them to your liking, but do not use them as a base code, do not repost and claim as your own. there’s no credit inside the code so just be respectful to me and my work. thank you!

don’t hesitate to contact me, if you encounter any issues or need any help with customizing these.