10 ideas for books to write in 2023

Here are 10 ideas to kick off your 2023 writing project if you haven’t got one already!

  • A mystery narrated by the murderer’s accomplice
  • A horror-fantasy with a small protagonist in the land of giants
  • Contemporary realism following a retired protagonist discovering the secret to life
  • A dystopian novel narrated by a character who is part of the “bad government”
  • A thriller set entirely inside one apartment building
  • A haunting story narrated by the ghost
  • A story where each chapter is told on the same date, but a different year
  • A book written entirely through devices such as journal entries, recordings, findings, letters, e-mails, etc.
  • A mystery where every single chapter focuses on a different character, and never repeats the same focus perspective again
  • A sci-fi thriller set entirely underwater

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Right now I’m just too lazy to switch my username to “relle” something and finish updating how the website version looks. I’ll do it later. 🥺😔

theme 217      static preview     get the code // my ko-fi <3

sidebar settings in the appearance

as default, you can change: font type (you can pick any from google fonts. just type their name in the appearance. ex: Open Sans), color, size, font weight, font style, text transform, and position regarding the text mostly for posts and sidebar

  • 6 sidebar links, option to use them or not
  • option to use title or not, then the sidebar will take up all the space. you can edit font style, size, position, text transform
  • use small description or it won’t fit in there
  • top sidebar icon 60x60 (between title and description) with option to use or not *NEW

how to change the icons on sidebar and date !

in the appearance, you’ll see boxes with Icon on their names: Index Icon, Ask Icon, Sidebar Link 1 Icon, etc. for the navigation, and for date: TimeIcon, NotesIcon, etc.

enter here on feathericons and choose an icon. you’ll only need their name, then add that in the appearance. it’s done!

posts settings

  • 540px,       500px,       400px

you have to use only one of the sizes of posts available. i recommend you to enable/disable all of them and then enable only the one you desire.

  • tumblr dashboard captions or regular captions (with blockquote). also have an option to use caption avatar icon, or custom icon (select only one or none of them)
  • posts and sidebar borders
  • box-shadow, and customize color and opacity
  • option to show tags on click

other options

  • custom controls with hover or use tumblr’s default
  • option to use images black and white with opacity
  • add background image

update “tab” on click (icons on the left)

you can use them or not! in the appearance you’ll see Top Sidebar Title, so disable that if you don’t want

search for <!– START UPDATE ICONS –> to find it, and it’s all explained in the html how to modify, but anything you need you can send me an ask or message, i’ll be happy to help!

to change the icons: 

  • enter here on feathericons and choose an icon. you’ll only need their name
  • in the html, i put comments like: <!– the data-feather=“” is the icon –>, then you just have to replace the name on data-feather with the one you copied from the site above

anything else you need you can send me an ask or message

theme 219      static preview    
code: pastebin / google docs    
my ko-fi <3
base code @eggdesign 
& captions/audio @seyche

  • i recommend that you reset defaults before using it, so the new settings won’t have conflict with your current theme, but it will work if you don’t do it anyway

sidebar settings in the appearance

as default, you can change: font type (you can pick any from google fonts. just type their name in the appearance. ex: Open Sans), color, size, font weight, font style, text transform, and position regarding the text mostly for posts and sidebar

  • 4 sidebar links, option to use them or not
  • option to use title or not. you can also edit font style, size, position, text transform
  • option to use sidebar image (size 268px)
  • position sidebar content top, center or bottom
  • change the background of the sidebar: scroll down until you find the box with its name. you can also add a gradient, you can pick one on this site and copy the second background code

how to change the icons on sidebar!

in the appearance, you’ll see boxes with Icon on their names: Index Icon, Ask Icon, Sidebar Link 1 Icon, etc

enter here on feathericons and choose an icon. you’ll only need their name, then add that in the appearance. it’s done!

posts settings

  • 540px,       500px,       400px

you have to use only one of the sizes of posts available. i recommend you to enable/disable all of them and then enable only the one you desire.

  • tumblr dashboard captions or regular captions (with blockquote). also have an option to use custom icon in front of the username
  • posts borders
  • box-shadow, and customize color and opacity

other options

  • you can disable the underline on links if you don’t want them
  • custom controls with hover or use tumblr’s default
  • option to use images black and white with opacity
  • add background image

anything else you need you can send me an ask or message