
“Got it off a new guy. Recommended off a few people at group.” He sat back. “So hows the fam. Everyone doing okay? You’re doing alright, aren’t you? You know I’m always a text away if you wanna rant about shit.”


If it had come recommended by more than one person then whoever Cam had gotten it from must have good this. “Yeah, I’m fine” Ezra nodded, it was actually fully the truth this time. “Ryan’s seemed a little off lately, but nothing he wants to talk about.” despite not being blood related that seemed to be a common thing between the two and even Olivia, though she was most likely the one to at some point just make all of them sit down and talk about shit.




“Oh? But you just said the kitchen’s closed,” Mara said with a faint smirk. “I wouldn’t want to make a liar out of you. I’ll just pop on over to one of the other sandwich stores in town, then.” She grinned teasingly, making a big show of turning around and slow walking back toward the door.


“Oh well in that case if you want to pick me up something too” Daniel teased back as she made her slow walk to the door. “I’m guessing you didn’t actually come for a sandwich?” he asked with a raised brow, wondering what the purpose of her coming in might have actually been since Mara wasn’t the type to come in right at close to get something to eat.




“Oh, okay. I can do my best to help you with that,” Sara said with a nod. “Do they like more traditional boy or girl toys? Do they have any special interests?” she asked, trying to get an idea of where to start.


“I’m not sure on the traditional toy thing, but the kid loves unicorns if that helps any.” Olivia really hoped that that would be enough to spark some sort of idea of where to start.



Daivi’s brow was furrowed as she concentrated on the bubbling pot in front of her. It was late. Technically she should have been sleeping but instead she was standing over a stove. It wasn’t food that bubbled away though it could be mistaken as that. No. For the first time Daivi was trying to see if this spark of something that had mutated inside of her could actually do something more than make lights flicker and go out. She turned the stove off and moved the pot to let the concoction cool. She was carefully ladling out the remains of things unneeded when she heard the sound of someone shuffling into the room. 

Mera pyaar, it’s late. Go back to bed.” She said before even looking up. Knowing Leo had walked in, just knowing the sound of him without seeing him. As she lifted her eyes she smiled softly at him, clearly still half asleep. Moving from the counter she brushed his hair back and kissed him softly. “I won’t be much longer.” @orchestralcollage


Leo kissed her in return until she had pulled back from it. “What are you doing up?” he asked, wondering what had kept her up. He’d been trying to go back to sleep for a bit himself, even putting on his glasses to read the latest book he’d picked up from the library. A period romance that was better than it had any real right to be.



who: matt and kirby


kirby had asked matt to meet them at the diner as soon as he could. they’ve had a lot on their mind lately, they’re not super close with their siblings still because truth was they were a little afraid. kirbys at least met a couple but has yet to tell connor since they noticed his eye as well and when matt finally showed up, kirby was deep in thought. him sitting down was what pulled them out of that trance and they couldn’t hold it back anymore, “how do i tell the cop that keeps arresting me that i think he’s my brother?” kirby kind of just blurted it out as they chewed on their thumb nail trying to get their leg to stop bouncing.

“Oh umm wow, okay well that sure is a way to greet someone.” Matt said with a bit of a chuckle as he pulled one of the menus over to look at. “I’m guessing just walking over and saying hey I think we came from the same parent is not in the cards? Sorry, that’s probably not any help. I can’t say I’ve ever been in this type of situation. Are you sure? I mean what makes you think this guy might be your brother? You want to split one of the appetizer combos. Chicken strips, mozz sticks, fries ooo and tots oh shit and buffalo wings?!”


“Let me get whatever’s the strongest drink you have in the place” Daniel told Kirby as he moved to sit in one of the empty seats at the bar. “and when you think it’s strong enough make it stronger”



“Did you want one?” Daniel asked with the cigarette between his lips, figuring that he should offer before he tucked the pack back away inside of his pocket.



“So I was thinking that if you wanted to you could design like a logo for me or something. I’d pay.” he added the second part as he looked over to where Sutton was from the couch. The two taking a break from Sutton’s newest piece he was working on that Ellis had been sitting for. “Also when is the food getting here? I swear I ordered it like 10 hours ago” It had in fact only been 30 minutes.



“Look if you’re having a hard time deciding what you want I’ll give you a discount if you get all the ones you’ve been looking at” Ellis offered, as the other had been there for what seemed to be forever. The hybrid had almost completely sold out of the goods he’d piled into his VW bus for the day, and he was getting close to packing up and going home. If only this guy would make up his mind.



“Here try this” Ellis pushed the bowl towards Ryan, inside was a batter like consistency, the colors inside of it having a sort of blue and purple cosmic like hue to it. “It’s a new recipe I’m working on.” The batter didn’t have any of the added ingredients that was the reason people bought from Ellis added in just yet. When it came to knew recipes and flavors he always tried to get it down straight first. This particular batter had a sort of nutty maple taste with just a little bit of a kick of heat that hit you at the end. “So what do you think?”
