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Eddie he/she/fae 23 ⚣♿ 🇮🇪🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 ΘΔ

Disabled fairy otter on the internet. White. Moderate support needs. Grown-ass manchild. Learning Marxist. Furry, for better and for worse. This is my personal blog where I post about whatever I want 🦇🦓🦄🐱

Neocities- faeriemachine Under construction

  • No minors following me please, I am not here to befriend you
  • I have many sideblogs, I will always like and follow from this blog.
  • Occasionally NSFW- if I follow you on a blog that only allows SFW interaction, it means I have a SFW sideblog I will interact from.
  • I’ve had this blog since 2012, I’m no longer into AoT or DMMD
  • I block people who like Dayshift at Freddy’s or Dialtown

Please tag: Flashing/strobe lights, moving patterns, blurry/shaking gifs/videos, eye strain

💉 Tags; my artwork tag | aesthetic tag | weed tag | music tag | furry tag | web revival tag

Operation Olive Branch



Please help an Iraqi trans woman seek asylum! She is a friend of one of my good friends and I’ve spoken to her before. Her situation has been very difficult and it has not been easy for her to make this choice to ask for help. Chip in what you are able, she’s a great comrade and I really want her to get to safety.

We are at ¼ of the way there and donations have stalled over the past few days, please keep spreading.


FYI I just came across a thread on twitter which says that an author shared on google docs an explicit story with a friend for beta reading and google removed the file due to violation of TOS (apparently it has been updated where you are not allowed to share anything with sexual content). Not sure if it’s just this instance or if it’s going to become a widespread thing but if you guys write in google docs MAKE BACK UPS!!

(Instagram link to the screenshots)

Edit: also wanted to add that it seems that Microsoft word has the same language in their TOS so onedrive is not a safe alternative!



my attempt at making a fursona

“No matter how suspicious you might find the neighbor who never opens their blinds, they will never be as suspicious as the neighbor who wants free reign to peek in through people’s windows.


No matter how suspicious you might find the neighbor who never opens their blinds, they will never be as suspicious as the neighbor who wants free reign to peek in through people’s windows.


look man I’m gonna be real if you as an American can watch a genocide unfold done in your name with your money with most likely the enthusiastic support of your elected representatives and the most pressing fear in your life is still the 2024 election I don’t think there’s hope for you, you’ll eventually watch 10, 50, 100 million people killed for your continued comfort by either a democratic or republican president with the same apathy you feel now, you’re not human anymore


what’s so striking to me about younger queer generations rn isn’t the lack of knowledge about queer history, but the complete unwillingness to engage with it, when confronted with an identity or history they haven’t heard of before they react with disgust rather than curiosity. (for example) instead of asking where the leather pride flag came from and what the leather community is and represents they immediately question the need for something like that to exist, not even willing to listen and learn from both elders and peers. this is also more broadly a problem in leftist spaces in general, being reactionary is somehow the default now, and anything that’s different or unknown must be an attack and bad. really hoping y'all manage to grow out of this deeply conservative way of interacting with the world.




hi im seriously so sorry to do this. the other ones keep falling off. my fiance needs help paying his car note, it’s the one thing financially dragging him down and due to him starting a new job he is short. i’m also starting a new job, so funds are tight as you can imagine. please, please help if you can. and thank you to those that have helped so far! 💖💖

It is due Wednesday.




Please guys we have like 2 days




big fan of those edited plane gifs/videos where they start flapping their wings. or the one edited to be the fly aggressively headbutting a door cam. like ohh yes thats a critter right there.

Airbus A340


i found another one btw. i couldn’t get the video to embed properly so you don’t get the delightful audio with it unless you go and look for it






U.N. security council passed a shitfire resolution that will allow the zionist occupation to wipe Ghazzah off the map after Ramadan ends. This world is overrun by demons and I want no part in it.

The United States of Amerikkka pushed to replace ‘permanent’ with 'lasting’, and then didn’t vote. So the only 'guarantee’ (remember that the zionist occupation has still bombed and killed its way through every ceasefire, albeit at a reduced rate) is a Ramadan-length zionist ceasefire.


And remember that before this comes in effect, the zionist occupation will do as much damage as it can before the ceasefire begins, just like it attacked every Ghazzan hospital in November of 2023 before the 4 day ceasefire.

May every zionist experience unbelievable pain and suffering, may they see a Nakba in their lifetime the way they forced us to live through one. May the suffering they inflict on Palestinians be returned to them.

[ID: cut off text that reads: “…provision and distribution of humanitarian aid…demands an immediate ceasefire for the month of Ramadan…to a lasting sustainable ceasefire, and also demands the…”]
