


Hillary ~ she/they ~ 20 ~ ace & pan


The first installment of my new werewolf-western-horror-romance comic is available now on gumroad and itch.io!

90 pages, mature readers only.

DARLIN’ is intended for mature audiences. This comic contains elements which some readers may find distressing, including: 

murder, gun violence, animal cruelty and animal death, blood, gore, body injury/horror, nudity, and language.

Please proceed mindfully.

(Thank you to friends, family, patrons and readers for your patience and support during the making of Part 1! 

I also want to give my immense thanks to Tin House, Mineral School Artist Residency, Artist Trust and MacDowell for providing time, space and support during various stages of Part 1’s progress. It means the world to receive validation for this weird little self-published project.)


this look so cool!!!!

I slept in and just woke up, so here's what I've been able to figure out while sipping coffee:

  • Twitter has officially rebranded to X just a day or two after the move was announced.
  • The official branding is that a tweet is now called "an X", for which there are too many jokes to make.
  • The official account is still @twitter because someone else owns @X and they didn't reclaim the username first.
  • The logo is 𝕏 which is the Unicode character Unicode U+1D54F so the logo cannot be copyrighted and it is highly likely that it cannot be protected as a trademark.
  • Outside the visual logo, the trademark for the use of the name "X" in social media is held by Meta/Facebook, while the trademark for "X" in finance/commerce is owned by Microsoft.
  • The rebranding has been stopped in Japan as the term "X Japan" is trademarked by the band X JAPAN.
  • Elon had workers taking down the "Twitter" name from the side of the building. He did not have any permits to do this. The building owner called the cops who stopped the crew midway through so the sign just says "er".
  • He still plans to call his streaming and media hosting branch of the company as "Xvideo". Nobody tell him.

This man wants you to give him control over all of your financial information.

Edit to add further developments:

  • Yes, this is all real. Check the notes and people have pictures. I understand the skepticism because it feels like a joke, but to the best of my knowledge, everything in the above is accurate.
  • Microsoft also owns the trademark on X for chatting and gaming because, y'know, X-box.
  • The logo came from a random podcaster who tweeted it at Musk.
  • The act of sending a tweet is now known as "Xeet". They even added a guide for how to Xeet.
  • The branding change is inconsistent. Some icons have changed, some have not, and the words "tweet" and "Twitter" are still all over the place on the site.
  • TweetDeck is currently unaffected and I hope it's because they forgot that it exists again. The complete negligence toward that tool and just leaving it the hell alone is the only thing that makes the site usable (and some of us are stuck on there for work).
  • This is likely because Musk was forced out of PayPal due to a failed credit line project and because he wanted to rename the site to "X-Paypal" and eventually just to "X".
  • This became a big deal behind the scenes as Musk paid over $1 million for the domain X.com and wanted to rebrand the company that already had the brand awareness people were using it as a verb to "pay online" (as in "I'll paypal you the money")
  • X.com is not currently owned by Musk. It is held by a domain registrar (I believe GoDaddy but I'm not entirely sure). Meaning as long as he's hung onto this idea of making X Corp a thing, he couldn't be arsed to pay the $15/year domain renewal.
  • Bloomberg estimates the rebranding wiped between $4 to $20 billion from the valuation of Twitter due to the loss of brand awareness.
  • The company was already worth less than half of the $44 billion Musk paid for it in the first place, meaning this may end up a worse deal than when Yahoo bought Tumblr.
  • One estimation (though this is with a grain of salt) said that Twitter is three months from defaulting on its loans taken out to buy the site. Those loans were secured with Tesla stock. Meaning the bank will seize that stock and, since it won't be enough to pay the debt (since it's worth around 50-75% of what it was at the time of the loan), they can start seizing personal assets of Elon Musk including the Twitter company itself and his interest in SpaceX.
  • Sesame Street's official accounts mocked the rebranding.

none pizza with left beef

It should be a rule of Tumblr to always reblog none pizza with left beef

ive missed you

I love None Pizza with Left Beef.


3th time i’ve reblogged this


tumblr people love this. reddit people love this. 4chan scum loves this. there is just something intrinsically hilarious about none pizza with left beef. bless 

I hope this never dies. I hope None Pizza with Left Beef will go down in Internet history alongside such legends as the Rickroll and He-Man’s rendition of “What’s Going On”.

i just laughed for a minute straight 


Always reblog none pizza with left beef

I shouted out loud “none pizza with left beef” because I was so overjoyed to see it again so unexpectedly



always reblog

Help for a disabled SE Asian artist fighting leukemia

Please, please read this entire thread

Hi friends, as some of you guys know, my best friend Allanah is in need of mutuaI aid. She is fighting leukemia, and her chemotherapy meds alone is 1,500 pesos PER PILL. She needs to take midostaurin 4 times a day EVERY DAY 😵‍💫

Allanah was mainly the one who was working for her family, and rn she is in need of our help now that she is too sick to work. Her chemo, just her chemo is costing about 120-125 usd A DAY. She needs to be on chemo for TWO YEARS at least.

Please, please please, to anyone here who can help us get Allanah her chemo, anyone with disposable income, anyone in a position to help, please rt this thread, please send anything Allanah's way on her p*yp*l

And this is her ko-fi

And this is our gofundme

Hi friends, I am humbly asking for help. Please please please. this post has gone the rounds, but Allanah has only received 10 usd, and not even 100 usd from the last round, and not enough for even 1 week of chemo. Allanah needs to be on chemotherapy for 2 more years. Please. Please please ans thank you thank you thank you.

Hi guys, this has gone the rounds, but this is an update as of June 28, 2023.

Allanah has been fighting Leukemia for a year now, and we've stopped campaigning for a bit as we've found stability with 40% of gofundme funded, but now we have run out of funds again. Allanah takes midostaurin as her main chemo, which is not available in the philippines and has to be shipped all the way from India. These meds are lifesaving as her cancer has a rare mutation and needs careful observation. Please please *please* if you only reblog one of my posts, let it be this one. She runs out of her chemo next month, which is only a couple of days away. We also live in the global south, and can only receive so much government aid.. Thank you so much, any help at all is a godsend.

I Am Not Your Asian American Doll: a comic for AAPI Heritage Month 2023

I usually spend a lot of time editing and fine-tuning my comics so that they come across as polite and inoffensive. But honestly, I’m really tired of the way Asian cultures and countries are treated / talked about while Asian people themselves are excluded, and thought it was about time I really let my rage out lol.

id in alt

your 20s are for doing hot girl shit, your 30s are for hot girl shit. your 40s? embezzlement. back to hot girl shit in your 50s  

i’m sorry, this seems to imply embezzlement can’t be hot girl shit. it absolutely can. women can do anything


I thought your 50’s were for faking your death to get away with the embezzlement? (still hot girl shit)

you’re so right