


😜SpongeBob fan, meow meow, he/him 23 Latinequis 🇻🇪 currently in the norwegian tundra i love women (feminist) i am miss cementbitch right hand arm. man. i am miss cementbitch everything. her confidant, her best friend. her silly rabbit, married to Moomin Mama on the astral plane (I call her Moomin Mamacita 🥵😈❤️‍🔥) Señorita Awesome. Nepeta kin. sex haver (recreational) self-proclaimed trouble maker🏴‍☠️ ❤️‍🔥✝️ list of people that should drop dead: Kristalina Ivanova Georgieva-Kinova, Pedro Carmona, Blaise Compaore, Lars Thorsen, Santiago Abascal, Giorgia Meloni, Arne Tumyr, Riksen, Henry Kissinger,Elon Musk, Chris Pratt etc 😈 💖KIN LIST: Bruce shark (jaws) Mario 64 Mario (mario 64) Uni (japanese cat) Ingnacio Varga, Charles mcgill, James mcgill, Eduardo Salamanca, Jesse Pinkman (better call saul) Russian zombie guy from russian sleep experiment (creepypasta) (i am sleepy) Floating Crab (blue planet) Niko the seal (toba aquarium) frog that sings (over the garden wall) colossus 3 (shadow of the colossus ps2) Cesar Vialpando (gta san andreas ps2) American phsyco (Amrican Phsyco) squid (squid game)  tony Hawk (tony hawk pro skater 2 ps1) Plankton (spongebob season 1 episode 3b) high australian turtle (fiding nemo) Ein, Spike Spigel, faye Valentine, Jet, Edward (cowboy Bebop) Baby green crab (fiding nemo) trollmor (norsk kurs) Jesse Pinkman, Skinny Pete (el camino) the king of all cosmos (we love katamari PS2 pal version) Charles Mingus (the black saint and the sinner lady) Jesse Pinkman, Skinny Pete (braking bad) amzonian manatee (endless ocean 2) Jerma (Jerma clips I enjoy 2) Said (la Haine) Bruno Madrigal (Disney princess) Tuca (Tuca and Bertie) Jesse Pinkman (Bojack horseman) communist Jesus Christ (bible) Nepeta (tmblr) doctor neo cortex (crash bandicoot) General interests: third cinema (the hour of the ovens is my favorite sorry for being basic) Lego (hyper fixation) milfs MILFS MILFS! *MILFS!*

1. Marxism is not a religion or celebrity cult where people "stan" Marx and the validity of his theories is proven by his exemplary personal life, it's a science of political economy that's been used, adapted, critiqued, and modified by billions of people for almost two centuries. It's called "Marxism" for the same reason it's called "Darwinism" - he's the guy that laid the theoretical foundations of a scientific theory.

2. Presuming this is about "On the Jewish Question" (one of Marx's earliest writings which predates The Communist Manifesto and indeed his own formulation of Marxism), the myth that it's a virulently antisemitic text has been repeatedly debunked (short version from Jacobin, long version from Jewish socialist Hal Draper). He was in fact arguing for the emancipation and granting of citizenship rights to Jews within the overwhelmingly antisemitic climate of early 19th century European politics.


Why are the memes for breaking bad so much better than the actual show?

This is literally an exchange from the actual show

my controversial metric system opinion is that the meter should be 0.0692285593% shorter. This would have no practical benefits, but it would make the speed of light be 300,000,000m/s instead of 299,792,458m/s

alas, since a meter is not only the distance light travels in a vacuum in 1/29,792,458th of a second but also 1/10,000,000th of the length of a half-meridian, this would make terrestrial measurements yucky and bad. the only viable choice is to reduce the Earth's circumference by 0.0692285593% to achieve total cosmic harmony


Change the length of a second you fools

Happy Birthday, Mariela Castro Espín! Daughter of Cuban revolutionaries Vilma Espín & Raúl Castro, Mariela has been a champion for LGBT Rights for decades. In 2008, her work helped passed a law that guarantees free SRS for trans people in socialist Cuba.