


Welp, when life gives you lemons they/them Ace Aro Agender neurodivergent

Rose O'Neill knew what was up

you Wish you has a monster wife as big and tender as this

Yes this is the same Rose O'Neill who invented Kewpies

A quote from O'Neill: “The buffoonery of the Kewpies and the passion of my serious drawings playing side by side is unusual, but not too unusual. In this droll existence, the Hamlet and Lear have always consorted with the clown.”

Here's some more of her "Sweet Monsters". This series was very personal to her, and she meant to keep all these drawings private until Auguste Rodîn insisted she show them.

You can read about this collection HERE and see more in person if you're ever in the Ozarks.


I don't have any glasses for the eclipse someone relay it to me when it happens

sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, less sun, no sun :(

more sun, more sun, more sun, more sun, more sun, more sun, more sun, more sun, more sun, more sun, more sun, more sun, more sun, more sun, more sun, more sun, more sun, more sun, more sun, sun again

It's like I'm there


patrick bateman: *licks a strawberry icecream he got from an icecream truck* hm yummy ice cream

his internal monologue: look at me . eating processed flavoring. There is no strawberry in here. It’s but a pastiche of the real deal. An ice cream with artificial flavoring, a momentary joy. Tested countless times in a lab, masquerading as if it’s authentic, genuine. Me and a strawberry icecream are alike in that sense: gentle on the outside, palatable and unassuming. The only difference is that I don’t come with nutrition facts advising of any warning signs concerned parents will scan over, and by the time I strike, itll be too late

disclaimer i have never seen this movie I just think the soul of this guy possessed me

disclaimer revoked i just watched this movie and this was dead on


My senior doctor told me that a Palestinian patient who crossed from Gaza to Egypt came with a complaint about stomach pain. It turned out that because she was starved for so long, her stomach shrunk. So, when she finally got her hands on foods she tried to eat her full, and her stomach couldn't digest it.

My senior told me that she was talking so sincerely about how she wanted to eat so much because she missed food.

Couldn't tell whether I should be glad for her or cry for her


i hope i never ever ever see this image while im high or it will also straight up kill me. it would make me so scared my skeleton would run away And id be a boneless scared heap on the ground


This was a ride ⚰️⚰️

I love posts shared from AITA because the whatever impression I get reading the title alone is almost always the exact opposite of the impression I get after reading the story.

“AITA for throwing a child out a window” will always be someone rescuing a kid from a burning building or something and “AITA for cleaning my girlfriend’s apartment” will be about throwing out her grandma’s ashes because she spends too much time thinking about her grandma instead of the OP or some shit.


being a fan of a friend's ocs is actually so humiliating....... like yes my favourite character rn is tragically doomed and a pillar of humanity who i think is relevant to the current world. you can find information about them on discord dot com and sometimes in late-night conversations with this guy i know. what the fuck

up late at night thinking about a guy who exists to three people. such a desire to talk about him until my lungs give out and read every scrap of fanfiction on the internet and yet there is NOTHING!!!! and i have to pretend to be NORMAL about this. "oh yes your character is cool. have you considered writing more" meanwhile the wolves in my brain are tearing and biting


The thing is that getting Palestine free is both very difficult but not as difficult as getting South Africa free. South Africa had more resources than Israel does, it could hold out so much longer and still the apartheid was ended by people working tirelessly and boycotting and pushing for divestment and sanctions. These methods will work for freeing Palestine too.

I know it doesn't feel like there have been many successes, but all the politicians are feeling the pressure. Pressure that we are able to sustain and even increase as we come up with new initiatives and convince new people to join.

One of the reasons they're resisting our pressure so strongly is because they know that when we see gains we will push harder, we will continue to push until the stones falling becomes a rock fall and Palestine's freedom is secured. They know if we get a taste of the power we can wield we'll turn that onto freeing Congo too. They know we're unhappy and have been for a long time and their very secure system starts to look a lot less secure when we start mobilising to change things.


i feel like a lot of the 'i hate kids' crowd would be more tolerant if they understood that due to a kid's limited experience of the world that 4 hour flight might just be the longest they've ever had to sit still for or that trapped finger might literally be the most pain they've ever felt in their short life or they might not have ever seen a person with pink hair ever so of course they want to touch it or nobody's told them yet that they can't run around the museum and they only just learned cheetahs are the fastest animals so of course they want to put that to the test. how were they supposed to know etc etc.

some of you in the notes.. i would say read the room but you didn't even read. the post