
I’m handing out virtual hugs 24/7


Trying to cross the Ocean - it/its - iel - profile pic by @pizza-box-raccoon - header by @randomdancingpineapple

Adventures In Ikea

Summary: Logan, Janus and Remus take a trip to Ikea in order to buy a new bed. 

Warnings: Cursing

Wordcount: 787

Paring: Intruloceit

It wasn’t the weird looks that people gave Logan at work whenever he mentioned he had two boyfriends that caused him to reconsider his life choices. No. It was the fact that having two boyfriends and living in the same house came with a challenge of having to find a bed that was big enough for the three of them, and their chunky cat, named Stinky, and their one German shepherd named Lola, who was somehow unaware of the fact that she wasn’t a small puppy anymore but a big dog now. The dog took up the most space on the bed.

They had tried to get Lola to sleep in her dog bed. But since someone, Remus had spoiled her since she was a puppy, Lola refused to sleep anywhere that wasn’t beside Remus. This meant she will sleep on the bed with her three owners.

So that’s how the trio had ended up in an Ikea early in the morning, as to avoid the most people so Janus would come along, looking for a new bed. Somewhere along the way though Janus had managed to split away from his two boyfriends and Remus and Logan were now left alone.

“Do you think we’ll ever see him again?” Remus clenched Logan’s hand as he looked around the store. After having lost Janus, Remus and Logan agreed to hold hands as to not lose each other.

“Of course we’ll see him again. This is a store Remus, not some giant forest,”

“But have you seen how big this Ikea is! We probably haven’t even walked through half of it! He could be anywhere in here!” Remus gestured all around himself to emphasise his point of the store being massive.

“Knowing him he’s probably somewhere looking at plants, so I’m pretty sure he’s fine,”

“You’ve got a point but what if he-“ Remus cut himself off and pointed in the direction of a couple of beds. “OH LOOK BEDS!” He then proceeded to run towards them, pulling Logan behind.

Finally, the duo had reached the section of the store where the beds were. And just like Logan had expected, Remus launched himself on each bed to test their softness and how comfortable they were.  

When they were on testing of the second to last bed that’s when the third member of the couple decided to show up again.

“Hey,” Janus greeted his two boyfriends before he took his place beside Logan, who was watching Remus repeatedly launch himself onto the biggest bed they had found.

“Hello doll,” Logan placed an arm on Janus’s should and drew him closer to himself. “I’m not surprised to see that you’ve returned with a plant,” Logan gestures his head towards the cactus that Janus was holding.  

Janus smiled at being close to his boyfriend. “What can I say? Our house needs more plants,”


“JANIE!” Remus had heard the voice of his other boyfriend and immediately sprung off the bed towards his boyfriends. He embraced the two in a big hug, more than happy to see Janus again. “Wanna check if we all fit in the bed?”

The bed was soft, which was a big plus for all of them. Normally Janus lied in the middle with Remus and Logan on either side of him. With Lola next to Remus and Stinky next to Logan. Lying in the bed just the three of them it was easy to see that luckily everyone would fit in this one bed.

“Hey, maybe we should get another dog or cat? Since there’s probably some room left on the bed for one more,” Remus suggested as the trio were making their way out of Ikea.

“NO!” Logan and Janus exclaimed simultaneously.

“Well actually unless if it’s another cat then sure,” Janus quickly added

“Still a no,”

A whine could be heard from both Janus and Remus as they all got into the car. “Unfair!”

“Your words will have lethal consequences Logan!”

“Janus if you even touch my crofters I swear I’ll do something dramatic!”

A whisper from Remus could be heard “Oh shit,”

Logan and Janus turned to look at Remus. “REMUS!”

“SORRY!” Remus raised his hands in a defensive manner

Perhaps having to share a bed wasn’t the most difficult thing. Perhaps it was the fact that Logan had to hide his multiple crofter jars from two people. Or maybe it was the fact that both of his boyfriends were big animals lovers and constantly wanted more pets. Whatever it was that made being in a polyamorous relationship difficult. It was worth it to Logan. He loved his two boyfriends very much. And would never trade them for anything else in the world.  

This is wonderful!!! I love everything about it!


I just...

I’m kinda sad rn and I just want to tell @august-the-disaster and @deceitfullyanxioussss that I love them both so much and that they make me so happy day after day

August, you are one of the funniest person to ever exist. I am so happy you suddenly decided, one thursday afternoon, to text me. We ‘sang’ the song from the aristocats and since then you only brought me happiness. Even if we don’t talk for a few days, or only talk for 5 minutes, it’s still amazing to me that you exist on this Earth and that you decided that me, that one human being, would be your friend. Sometimes I randomly think about Long Boy (all hail long boy btw) or Buhir the yeti and smile. I love you

M (i never called you by your entire name? I like nicknames too much I guess), you are simply wonderful. You comforted me when I was feeling bad, and I hope I was able to do the same for you. You were my first friend on this website, you made me discover memes, and I think about you each time I use ‘mood’. Being on a call with you until 4am or until one of us falls asleep is amazing. I noticed you weren’t feeling very good when we last talked, so just know I’m here if you wanna talk about it or if you want to think about something else. I love you

Oh wow...

Wow, I'm sorry for seeing this so late. Thank you, this made me feel a little bit better.

Hey, it’s alright, I posted that only 14h ago! I am glad I could help a bit


I just...

I’m kinda sad rn and I just want to tell @august-the-disaster and @deceitfullyanxioussss that I love them both so much and that they make me so happy day after day

August, you are one of the funniest person to ever exist. I am so happy you suddenly decided, one thursday afternoon, to text me. We ‘sang’ the song from the aristocats and since then you only brought me happiness. Even if we don’t talk for a few days, or only talk for 5 minutes, it’s still amazing to me that you exist on this Earth and that you decided that me, that one human being, would be your friend. Sometimes I randomly think about Long Boy (all hail long boy btw) or Buhir the yeti and smile. I love you

M (i never called you by your entire name? I like nicknames too much I guess), you are simply wonderful. You comforted me when I was feeling bad, and I hope I was able to do the same for you. You were my first friend on this website, you made me discover memes, and I think about you each time I use ‘mood’. Being on a call with you until 4am or until one of us falls asleep is amazing. I noticed you weren’t feeling very good when we last talked, so just know I’m here if you wanna talk about it or if you want to think about something else. I love you


Beyond the Forest

Notes: I swear i’m still a writer, ignore that i haven’t posted any of my writing for months. 

Summary:  In a world were most have magic, those that don’t have magic aren’t kindly accepted by the world. Janus is tired of this and want’s things to change. Alongside him on this journey are his old friends and new friends that he made along the way. 

Warnings: Mention of Murder, 

Parings: Slow Burn Moceit, 

Masterlist | Next Chapter 

Chapter 1: A trio of trouble makers 

In a world where everyone had magical abilities that centered around one specific thing, there were always those who didn’t. Parents of children that lacked magical abilities could quickly tell that their magicless child would not survive long in this world. Those who lacked magic were hunted down and killed, called mistakes by the rest of the magical world. The parents that were merciful and loved their child despite them being magicless chose instead to leave their children in the forest furthest away from the town. Over the years as more and more parents started to do this, the forest surrounding any town began to be called, the “Magicless woods”. Each different forest had over the years begun to develop a small community of people that had no magical abilities. With the first child that was left in that specific forest acting as the leader of the community and the caretaker of the newest children that were left in the forest.


I just finished reading it because I’m a mess


  • The introduction? The way you put first the story of the world, then BOOM we’re in action? That was awesome!
  • Can we talk about the world’s story btw? I love it!
  • The characterization? Virgil is just enough of an anxious mess, Remus is caring and sweet but still himself, Janus is sarcastic and stubborn and still loves his friends. They are amazing!
  • And their backstoriiiiiiies!!!!!!! This is gonna be angsty and don’t even think about lying to me on this one, I know it. But I’m all for that sweet sweet angst!

Basically my love for this au is unmeasurable


Is anybody else obsessed with understanding how others perceive you like… who am I in your lives… what kind of person am I… a friend of mine told me once that I’m mysterious and I was like ??????!???)????

*me handing out a papers* I’m gonna need you all to write a detailed essay of min 45 pages describing exactly how you perceive me and why plus an oral presentation with appropriate soundtrack.

@august-the-disaster this post is me when you called me snazzy

@mostlikelytokillyouwithaspoon well I wasn’t lying when I called you snazzy

Because that’s how it be


Well if that’s how it be

You’re really funny


Is anybody else obsessed with understanding how others perceive you like… who am I in your lives… what kind of person am I… a friend of mine told me once that I’m mysterious and I was like ??????!???)????

*me handing out a papers* I’m gonna need you all to write a detailed essay of min 45 pages describing exactly how you perceive me and why plus an oral presentation with appropriate soundtrack.

@august-the-disaster this post is me when you called me snazzy

@mostlikelytokillyouwithaspoon well I wasn’t lying when I called you snazzy


Is anybody else obsessed with understanding how others perceive you like… who am I in your lives… what kind of person am I… a friend of mine told me once that I’m mysterious and I was like ??????!???)????

*me handing out a papers* I’m gonna need you all to write a detailed essay of min 45 pages describing exactly how you perceive me and why plus an oral presentation with appropriate soundtrack.

@august-the-disaster this post is me when you called me snazzy


Ceramic horse by Stig Lindberg, 1950′s Sweden

I love all of your guys’ tags and comments on this! They make my heart happy.


How I feel after eating at Golden Corral-

The continuing saga of chumby horse:


@mostlikelytokillyouwithaspoon we have found his long lost friend!!