
Plant Lesbian


Blogging about whatever... probably Naruto, BBC Sherlock sometimes, plants and animals and stuff.

I cannot put into words how much I Fucking Loathe the fact that when you search something on youtube now it will randomly intersperse blocks of "people also watched" and "for you" into the results. That's not what I searched for, youtube. I typed in a search query because I wanted to see search results, not random unrelated garbage you have placed in my way apparently to either inconvenience me or force me to scroll further for actual results. I despise your wretched little games and every time I see it I can only instantly close the tab as I am overcome with the urge to burn something down.

"I despise your wretched little games" perfectly conveys how I feel about the entire algorithm/attention economy

They also refuse to actually show the parameters you searched for. If you sort by “upload date,” the first few videos might be more recent ones by upload date, but anything past that you’ll find a video that was uploaded five years ago, then five months ago, then three years ago, etc, which—NO! That’s NOT WHAT I ASKED FOR!! PUT THEM IN ORDER!!!

Also sometimes the “people also watched” bullcrap will not only be entirely unrelated, it will also be videos with violent, sometimes outright triggering thumbnails. I’ve gotten some AWFUL unrelated video thumbnails just when searching for video game music videos.


early homo sapiens b like help i cant stop making bowls . help i cant stop domesticating plants and animals. help i cant stop developing language and architecture and religion

ok im obsessed w this tag

once in grade 6 I saw a 'pottery making club' in a ditch on the schoolyard- I assume at some point someone realized there was actually good quality clay in the ditch and when I walked up there were about a dozen 12 year olds sitting around the few girls who had brought their water bottles out to mix the clay, and a designated spot to put the finished bowls and tablets, and people going off and collecting sticks to make designs with and i really think that's the natural state of the human race

In elementary school I learned that you can make paint out of certain sedimentary rocks on the playground if you crushed them and mixed with water and at one point I had up to 25 kindergarten through third graders making cave paintings on the underside of the slides

The nature of man is such that every so often, someone recreates the neolithic era.

Yeah, every recess

[id: #9 year old girls at recess also /end id]


just asked the barista for a “12 inch” latte rather than “12 ounce” latte, tried to correct myself, and did it again.

I’m alive awake alert enthusiastic today, clearly




I can’t ever leave tumblr because I just love the tag function.. no other social media platform allows you to heckle yourself on your own post. you get to preemptively make metatextual commentary abt your OWN POST. how cool is that


The important thing that everyone remembers is that all of this magical, lighter-than-air-seeming Internet technology consists of massive amounts of real, physical infrastructure that companies like to abstract away from their consumer bases.


[Image ID: Tweet from pea poopingirl @/PoopingIRL on 8/14/23 - i think the idea of a shady dwarven salesman selling "cheap" stuff to humans and laughing to himself like "heh it will only last one generation, those stupid idiots, how will they even pass it down to their kids" forgetting that one dwarf generation is like 4 human ones is funny. There's a black bar at the bottom with an iFunny watermark in the corner. End ID.]

Elf ea-nasir selling mithril armor that will last no more than 1,000 years getting death threats from his fellow elves but doing numbers w/humans


[Image ID: Tweet from pea poopingirl @/PoopingIRL on 8/14/23 - i think the idea of a shady dwarven salesman selling "cheap" stuff to humans and laughing to himself like "heh it will only last one generation, those stupid idiots, how will they even pass it down to their kids" forgetting that one dwarf generation is like 4 human ones is funny. There's a black bar at the bottom with an iFunny watermark in the corner. End ID.]

Elf ea-nasir selling mithril armor that will last no more than 1,000 years getting death threats from his fellow elves but doing numbers w/humans


if you're just joining us, george takei is having to educate jk rowling on holocaust denial


This is of no surprise if you know JKR has been hanging around with literal Nazis for years, while George Takei is a gay man who spent some of his childhood in an American internment camp.

I'm glad to see more of the disguise slip from JKR, but can only hope more people listen to George than to her.

[Edited to expand on this because a lot of people in the notes seem not to realise:] she is not being ignorant. She is not a benighted fool who didn't take her own advice and check the sources. THIS IS DELIBERATE.

This is a Nazi talking point. This is a technique for conversion and indoctrination designed to shame YOU into not checking your sources. After all, a famous person in a position of authority (whether we like that or not) is shaming the very idea that Nazis persecuted trans people, or that trans people have a history that goes back more than a few decades.

If you haven't watched Shaun's JK Rowling's New Friends and think talk of her hanging around with Nazis is hyperbole, this video is for you:

She is in deep. She is literally friends with known Nazis. She will have been told that the people saying Nazis burned books have unreliable sources. That is why she's saying this.

You'll note that George doesn't @ her. Apart from the fact that literally starting beef with her is likely not something he needs, he knows she is a lost cause. She is primed to dismiss the actual sources. He is sharing the true information, with sources, because her statements mean that other people will now be wondering about this and he's offering those people an alternative famous person authority AS WELL AS the facts.


George is good people… as well as a former LA city councillor. It was always easy to know when he was running for office again, as at such times Star Trek reruns vanished from the local TV stations. This was because other candidates used to complain that George’s presence on the airwaves was unfair to them/gave him an unwarranted advantage, and violated the broadcast fairness doctrine.

He has a long history of using his visibility to help him stand up for uncomfortable political causes or remind people of uncomfortable truths. A local example was when George came through Ireland some years back—for a local media convention, among other things. @petermorwood interviewed him at the con about his then-planned play on internment, which is quite a loaded term in Irish politics. That interview was an eye-opener for a lot of people.

This is just George doing public service again. I’m proud of him.


I respect a doctor who has likely had to answer a lot of stupid questions about transition surgery and has just reached the end of his rope.

This is the surgeon who did both my top and bottom surgeries. Love that guy.

(I can confirm he’s like that IRL. And hot.)


the situation in sudan is dire. allied militants are targeting sudanese people in darfur on the basis of nothing but their ethnic identiy. telecommunications in sudan have all but shut down, impeding access to details of the atrocities that are being committed as we speak. people are being killed, their homes are being looted, they're having to relocate to other cities--only to fall prey to militant forces again, which are going out of their way to pillage more and more areas. although it's been difficult getting hold of footage in sudan, the ones that have managed to come out have been entirely horrific. just like palestine, sudan is falling victim to ethnic cleansing.

ramadan is coming soon, and it's a time of selfless giving and kindness. as we come closer and closer to it, please consider donating to ramadanforsudan--an initiative started by SAPA to raise humanitarian aid for sudan. as always, even the smallest penny counts. if you can't donate, make sure to spread this to someone who can. this is extremely time-sensitive, and it could use all the donations and coverage it can get.

if you haven’t seen any footage about sudan yet, it’s because they literally have a telecom blackout, giving militant forces the perfect chance to go on committing atrocities with no one the wiser. even so much as giving a sudanese journalist spotlight puts a target on their head—that’s how dire the situation is getting. it’s important to elevate sudanese voices that are trying to communicate the severity of the mass cleansing happening in real time.

with that in mind, please consider donating—however little it may be.


first you have to remember that the first disco ball was painstakingly put together by hand from nothing but an idea and lots of intricately cut glass and bandaids and then you have to think about the experience of being under a disco ball for the very first time, bathed in reflections of an era that has not yet come to past, and finally you end up wondering what else there is around you that has yet to be unearthed by something with so much as a silly name


I remembered this post a few nights ago while I was out and looking up at this massive disco ball and I needed to find it but I couldn’t so I just googled disco ball and stood there in the middle of the concert floor reading the disco ball Wikipedia entry. anyway did you know that the disco ball is German in origin.

[image description: a photo of a disco ball hanging from a ceiling. streams of white light reflected from the disco ball streak across the photo /end ID]


I want to write a book called “your character dies in the woods” that details all the pitfalls and dangers of being out on the road & in the wild for people without outdoors/wilderness experience bc I cannot keep reading narratives brush over life threatening conditions like nothing is happening.

I just read a book by one of my favorite authors whose plots are essentially airtight, but the MC was walking on a country road on a cold winter night and she was knocked down and fell into a drainage ditch covered in ice, broke through and got covered in icy mud and water.

Then she had a “miserable” 3 more miles to walk to the inn.

Babes she would not MAKE it to that inn.


Are there any other particularly egregious examples?

This book already exists, sort of! Or at least, it’s a biology textbook but I bought it for writing purposes:

It starts with a chapter about freezing to death, and it is without a doubt the scariest thing I’ve read in years (and I read a lot of horror fiction).

This book can be downloaded for free on Researchgate, posted there by the author himself: