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    he can't keep getting away with saying this shit!!

  • Levi and physical touch

    Levi didn’t realize he was starved for touch. He would receive touches sometimes, like when Hange would try to hug him from behind, but he would quickly shrug her off. Or Erwin would give him a congratulatory pat on the back once a while. Levi didn’t touch anyone else unless it was necessary, or if he felt like it (which was very rare). But that would look like ruffling some brat’s hair if he felt they did a good job, but that was it. He didn’t need touch. He learned to live without it. The last time he felt a touch that was comfortable was his mother’s. She would cradle him in her arms, humming his favorite tune as she was stroking his hair. But soon after she was gone. And Kenny was definitely not one for affection. The only thing he had learned from Kenny in regard to touch was how to hurt people. He knew where to place his hands and the perfect spots to target on the body in order to cause pain. With no guidance, he was forced to learned how to self soothe, placing one hand into the other and holding on tight, squeezing so hard he felt he might snap his fingers. His touch was the only touch that he needed. But then there was you. He remembered the first time he felt your touch. Your hand briefly touched his shoulder as you asked if he was okay. He must have been lost in his thoughts or something, but the sudden contact startled him. If you had been looking close enough, you might have seen him flinch. It wasn’t like Erwin’s touch, which was strong and firm. Or Hange’s touch, which was overbearing. But your touch? Yours? Your touch brought comfort. But still, it was a strange feeling for Levi after not having received it for so long, and you knew that. You understood Levi and respected his space but of course there were times when you wanted some skin to skin contact with him. He would never deny you of this. You’d do things like place your head on his shoulder affectionately or light place one soft hand on his rough one and just hold it there, just for a few seconds.

    What broke the camel’s back was when you came for a surprise visit during lunch. He opened the door to see you standing there. He’ll never forget it, you cupped his cheeks with both hands, smiling as your eyes looked into his cloudy ones. “Hi.” You greeted him. “Hi.” His greeting came out more as a sigh, his tone light and airy. You had never touched him like this before. Your hands were so warm. He instinctively closed his eyes and let himself lean into them, the combination of your touch and sweet scent creating an oasis for his mind to retreat to. There was peace for him for a brief moment in time. There was that feeling again, just like when his mother used to hold him.

    Ever since then, he would try to recreate that moment with you, over and over again, in any way he could. He would never ask for it directly, of course. But you knew when Levi wanted touch. He’d rub up against you at the most random moments or hold out his hand awkwardly on a random surface, hoping you would notice his lonely appendage. You always did notice it; and you would never deny him, like him with you.

  • The different shades of Levi's eyes over the years

  • Wtf is with people on Wattpad, man. The community is so toxic. Recently I have had a slew of comments making donut jokes about Ace and it's so fucking gross. They're not funny and never were.

    The only thing stopping me from deleting my Wattpad at this point is the huge number of fic thieves there that I have no doubt would take advantage of my absence .-.

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    'But thy eternal summer shall not fade.'

    This Crowley is very much inspired by Shakespeare's 'fair youth'. 🖤

  • Eren: I got called pretty today.

    Eren: Actually the full statement was “You’re pretty aggressive” but I’m only focusing on positive things today.

  • Oh My god I want to draw this !

  • Anonymous
    sent a message

    Hello! Random request but can you do a headcanons post of Levi having a crush on reader? I feel like there isn't enough of these ;-;

  • Levi Has a Crush on You

    A/N: Hi! I hope this turned out alright!!

    ⚔️You were another captain, like Levi and Hange

    ⚔️You often teamed up with Levi’s squad on expeditions

    ⚔️Over time the two of you grew to become close friends

    ⚔️You’d spend nights doing paperwork together, or going on late night walks when one of you couldn’t sleep

    ⚔️This also lead to Levi developing a crush on you

    ⚔️He didn’t realize it at first, because he’s never really felt this way before

    ⚔️It started with an increased heart rate every time you spoke to him

    ⚔️Then to his eyes growing brighter whenever you entered the room

    ⚔️He wanted to go on late night walks more often

    ⚔️Even saved you a seat beside him for every meal

    ⚔️Levi doesn’t accept the label ‘crush’ until Hange doesn’t shut up about it

    ⚔️That’s when he tried to make it more obvious, just to see if you felt the same way

    ⚔️Made you tea when he knew you’d be up late

    ⚔️Refused to leave you alone when you’d return from a gruesome expedition

    ⚔️Gently guides your head to rest on his shoulder when he sees how exhausted you are

    ⚔️He’d even sit beside you in your bed during the nights when you were plagued with nightmares

    ⚔️Levi doesn’t quite understand his feelings for you just yet

    ⚔️All he knows is that he has a huge fat crush on you and he’d take a bullet for you if need be

  • Levi: Please sit in this chair. I’d like to ask you some questions.

    Armin, whispering to Eren: Deny everything.

    Eren: That’s not a chair.

  • 看完群友口嗨把以前的图眼睛改了😙  — 困七困七 (@Zoewadewilson) May 9, 2023ALT

    Handsome Doffy.

  • Obey Me Masterlist 2

    Masterlist 1



    Brothers react to:

    "I used to love you..."

    "If I had to choose one of you to kill me..."

    "What a Catastrophe!"

    "You are cordially invited to the Royal Wedding..."

    "Now I'm just a ghost..."

    "I meet her in my dreams sometimes..." (new)

    "I'm afraid... they'll kill me again!" (Dateables) (new)

    Yandere! MC






    Goodbye Dear MC




    MC is summoned during their Dangaronpa execution

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Brothers forget MC's birthday

    Part 1: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan

    Part 2: Satan, Asmo, Beel, Belphie

    Brothers dying in MC's arms

    Part 1: Lucifer, Mammon, Levi

    Part 2: Satan, Asmodeus

    Part 3: Beelzebub, Belphie

    Brothers coming back from original timeline to get MC back

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Kind! MC gets attacked for their pure soul

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Demon King adopts MC at first sight

    Part 1

    Part 2

    One-Shot Asks

    Asmo reassures a body concious Succubus! MC

    Solomon and Barbatos swap cooking styles AU

    MC turns brothers into different animals!

    Child!MC and Luke fall in love

    MC gets turned into an ACTUAL SHEEP

    Small sized! MC who is stronger than Beel

    Little sibling! MC greets brothers with a hug after a long day

    Brothers react to MC with wing scars

    Lucifer loves MC who is with Barbatos

    Newly Dateables react to MC getting keychains dedicated to them

    M!MC with a schlong bigger than Diavolo(Brothers react) [NSFW]

    MC is Solomon's s/o

    Halloween Fright Headcanons

    Solomon is MC's long lost granpdpa!

    Luke crying because he can't marry MC

    Demon brothers taking care of an MC whose lost all their siblings

    Eldritch monster! MC

    Brothers react to Venom! MC

    MC thinks they don't deserve love

    "I thought I lost you!" MC runs and hugs the brothers

    Luke sees Parasite-demon!MC's true form

    MC dislocates a knee

    Brothers hear about Cat Island

    Dom M!MC who unlocks the brothers praise kink [NSFW]

    Prompt Request Series


    • Old Flames and New Faces (Replaced MC AU) [Complete]

    Chap 1 // Chap 2 // Chap 3 // Chap 4

    Chap 5 // Chap 6 // Chap 7 // Chap 8

    • My Seven Sins (Seven MC's for Seven Sins AU)


    Proud Much?

    Greedy Little Monkeys

    Possesive Type

    Anger Management

    • "How Long Will You Pretend?" [Complete]


    "It was your fault!"

    "For Better and for Worse"

    "Please Tell Me Where it Hurts?"

    "Proxy Apologies and a Wish."

    "Sorry, Dear Demons. But This is Goodbye."

    Epilogue: "I'm home."

    One Shots

    Best Received Works ⭐

    Aesthetic Mood Boards










    That's all for now folks! Keep checking in, this will be pinned and updated regularly!

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    &. lilac theme by seyche