
Should Trump be allowed to hold office again?

Should Trump be allowed to hold office again?

Should Donald Trump be indicted?

Should Trump be indicted on federal charges?

Who would you prefer run in 2024 - Biden or Harris?

Who would you prefer run in 2024 - Biden or DeSantis?

Who would you vote for in 2024 - Biden or DeSantis?

Who would you vote for in 2024 - Biden or DeSantis?

Should Democrats primary Kyrsten Sinema?

Should Democrats primary Kyrsten Sinema?

Is Trump to blame for Jan. 6th?

Will 2022 be a better year for the U.S.?

Will 2022 be a better year for the U.S.?

Will 2022 be a better year for the U.S.?

Who's handled the pandemic better Republicans or Democrats?

Who's handled the pandemic better Republicans or Democrats?

Have the Trump years permanently changed the GOP?

Have the Trump years permanently changed the GOP?

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