
I’m handing out virtual hugs 24/7


Trying to cross the Ocean - it/its - iel - profile pic by @pizza-box-raccoon - header by @randomdancingpineapple
Oh my, oh my,,, 💅

@thatsthat24 notice me-

I'm back with my bullsh*t-

This is like my first time making a proper background and coloring it and all that so please let me know what u think, hope it's good enough :))

This took around 40 hours to complete, there will be a speedpaint on my YouTube and tumblr later or tomorrow.

40 hours?

40 HO U R S



@mostlikelytokillyouwithaspoon LOOK AT THIS GORGEOUSNESS

Omg this is wonderful



Prompts: Uhh hi. Wanted to know if you could write something with Logan brin hurt (emotionally, mentally, physically, doesn’t matter as long as he’s hurt) and Patton, Virgil, and Roman aren’t there for him for whatever reason so Remus and Janus take care of Logan and there’s a lot of Logan being pulled into and set on laps and just Janus and Roman being Protective? I’m a sucker for hurt logan and Protective Janus and Remus. Okay thanks, have a good time. - anon

hey there! i absolutely love your fanfics! if possible (and feel free to ignore this), could you write some roloceit angst and hurt/comfort? perhaps with roman being the comforter and logan or janus being the hurt one? again, feel free to ignore this if you don’t want to write this, no pressure - anon

Can I request some Janus and Virgil or Logan cuddles? - anon

 The answer to all of the above is yes and we switch RIGHT back into projecting-onto-Logan mode!

Read on Ao3

Pairings: roloceit, background platonic lamp, dlamp, dlampr

Warnings: stimming, getting caught in a stim loop

Word Count:  4558

Occasionally, Logan will get stuck.

Not in a logic loop, no, he’s quite adept at getting out of those, but in certain patterns of behavior. He’ll find himself absentmindedly swinging his arm back and forth and the moment he notices it, he will be unable to stop. It will simply swing there, back and forth, completely unconsciously, and only by someone else walking past and asking him what he’s doing, or tapping him, will he be able to stop.

Wow this is amazingly written



summary: roman and dee are playing love interests in the school play, and roman is worried he’s going to ruin their kiss scene.

ships: pre-established prinxiety, eventual prinxieceit

warnings: anxious thoughts, cursing, implied (perceived) cheating, implied sex mention, I think that’s it

word count: 1519


inspired by (and dedicated to) @yalltookmyurlideas


Roman fidgeted with his hoodie strings— or, rather, Virgil’s hoodie strings.

The jacket belonged to his boyfriend, which helped him calm himself, but he was still… anxious.

“What if I mess up?” he muttered. “What if I kiss him wrong and he hates me?”

Virgil smiled softly. “Leave the worrying to me, Princey. You’re going to do great.”

“But what if—”

Roman was cut off by the press of Virgil’s lips to his, and he melted into it without hesitation.

“You kiss fine,” Virgil murmured as they pulled apart. “Better than fine, if we’re being honest, but…”

Roman laughed. “Yeah, but I’m stage-kissing Dee. It’s different, and… and I don’t want to scare him away by messing up.”

Virgil’s lips pressed into a thin line.

“I know your crush on Dee is gonna make it difficult to convince you, but… you won’t mess up, and even if you do, you won’t scare him away.”

“Excuse me, my crush? I know good and well that this is a communal crush. Don’t act like you’re not…”

He stopped.

“Don’t act like you’re not worried I’m going to screw this up for the both of us,” he finished quietly.

“Can’t say that I am, lover boy.”

Roman flushed. “Shut up.”

There was a knock on the changing room door and Roman scrambled up.

“Who is it?” he asked.

“Dee. I, uh, need to talk to you.”

“Me? As in Roman?”

Dee chuckled. “That’s the one. It’s about our kiss scene.”

“What about it?” Roman asked quickly. Virgil squeezed his hand reassuringly.

“I feel… bad. About kissing you.”

Roman’s heart sank. “Oh.”

“Not like that! I just… you have a boyfriend.”

“Oh, that!” Roman chuckled nervously. “He’s okay with it, don’t worry. It is just acting, after all.”

It was quiet for a second before Dee sighed. “It would be wrong… for us to kiss… if one of us is harboring… romantic feelings… for the other.”

Roman shot a panicked glance to Virgil, who looked confused.

Does he know? Roman mouthed.

Virgil shrugged.

Roman opened the door. “I think you should come in so we can talk,” he said slowly, not meeting Dee’s eyes.

Dee‘s eyes widened. “You want me to come in the changing room with you so we can talk about our feelings?”

Roman paled. “Oh, God, no, that’s not what I meant— just… trust me.”

Dee nodded slowly and stepped in.

As soon as his eyes landed on Virgil, he recoiled.

“Virgil! I— I’m sorry. You heard that, huh? Oh, God, I swear I’m not trying to steal your boyfriend, I just— I wanted to be honest with him, so I wouldn’t feel like I was taking advantage of the situation, and—”

Roman cut him off. “Wait. You mean… you have feelings for me?”

“Did… did I not make that clear?”

“I thought you were talking about my feelings, you idiot!”

“But you don’t have feelings for… me. You have a boyfriend, and you two are happy, and you—”

“—are polyamorous,” Roman finished. “What about it?”

Dee gaped. “You… you are?”

“Yes, I am, you dipshit! Wait. Do you have feelings for Virgil?”

“What?” Dee sputtered. “No, I don’t— I’m not—” He sighed. “Yes, I have feelings for Virgil.”

Roman grinned, then, taking Dee’s hand, asked, “Want two new boyfriends?”

Dee couldn’t believe his ears. Roman Prince and Virgil Storm were asking him out. “I would love that.”

“Then… we’re all yours,” Virgil said softly, not bothering to hide his smile.

“I… wow,” Dee said breathlessly. How had he been so blessed as to even see that smile, much less cause it?

He drew in a breath. “You’re… you’re serious? You really mean that?”

“Of course,” Roman said quickly.

Dee looked between the two of them, then burst out in a mixture of laughter and tears.

“I— I’m sorry, I’m just… overwhelmed. I didn’t think— I never thought— I never let myself think that this— I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry, love.”

Dee let himself lean towards Roman’s voice, and he suddenly had two pairs of arms wrapped around him.

“I don’t know what to say,” he admitted after a minute. “Except that… I’ll do my best not to let you down.”

Roman scoffed and squeezed his shoulder comfortingly. “You could never.”

They stayed like that for a little while longer before Virgil pulled away.

“I’m going to go grab my headset for tech,” he said, offering a flimsy excuse to leave. “You two could… run through a scene or two while I’m gone.”

He threw them both a wink, then disappeared down the hall.

The door closed behind him and a flustered Roman looked to Dee.

“I, uh— I don’t think I want our first kiss to be a stage-kiss,” he mumbled.

Dee flushed and shook his head. “Me neither.”

“Okay, um… do you want to…”

Roman trailed off as Dee’s smile widened.


Roman didn’t hesitate.


“So, how’s the scene coming along?” Virgil teased once he got back.

“Oh, we didn’t run the scene,” Roman admitted bluntly.

Virgil took note of the red lipstick smeared on the side of Dee’s face, then smiled softly.

“It’s hard to believe you were so worried about this, Princey.”

Dee raised an eyebrow. “What was he worried about?”

Roman felt his face heat up. “I thought I was going to ruin our kiss.”

“Roman,” Dee gasped. “I— you were worried you were going to ruin it? Roman ‘Hot Damn’ Prince, with his cherry red lipstick and fan club of swooning boys, was going to ruin a kiss? I don’t believe it.”

Roman sputtered. “Wh— I— there’s not a fan club.”

“They meet once a month.”

“Name three members.”

“Patton Hart, Thomas Sanders, Virgil Storm, Emile Picani, Remy Morpheus, Andy Smith, Logan Starr—”

Roman scoffed. “You’re making this up. Isn’t he, Virge?”


“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“It seemed like a good idea at the time?”

Roman buried his face in his hands. “Oh, this is mortifying.”

“We just talk about how kind and pretty you are,” Virgil offered. “They all find you very aesthetically attractive, by the way.”

“That’s it,” Roman decided dramatically, “Dee and I are eloping without you. C’mon, Dee.”

Dee smiled softly and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “You’re being dramatic.”

Roman rolled his eyes and laughed. “I’m a theatre kid, love. It’s what I do.”


“Oh, God, I’m nervous,” Roman mumbled.

Virgil sighed. “Opening night jitters, as to be expected. You’re going to do amazing, though, angel.”

Roman smiled. “Thanks, mi amor.”

Virgil pressed a chaste kiss to Roman’s lips, then turned to press another to Dee’s cheek. “You too, pretty boy.”

“Thanks, love,” Dee said quietly.

“Alright, places, everybody!” Joan called.

Virgil glanced toward the tech booth. “I’ve got to run. Break some legs!”

He took off running, and Roman sighed dreamily.

“He’s so cute.”

Dee laughed and rested his head on Roman’s shoulder. “My thoughts exactly.”

There was a pause. “Are you nervous?”

“Oh, absolutely terrified.”

Roman pecked his cheek. “You’re going to do great.”

“With you by my side, maybe I will.”

Before Roman could react, the opening number began to play. He straightened his back, shot a loving glance to Dee, and stepped out onto the stage.


“You two did an amazing job,” Virgil told them after the show.

They had already changed out of costume and into pajamas, but both Roman and Dee were too tired to bother taking off their makeup.

So Virgil did it instead.

He wiped the sharply winged eyeliner and eyeshadow off of Roman, then the foundation and blush covering Dee’s freckles.

“Pretty,” he murmured without thinking.

Dee’s face turned bright red. “Yes, Roman is.”

“That too,” Virgil agreed, face flushing. “But I was talking about you.”

“Oh, shut up.”

“Got all the makeup off,” Virgil announced. “Cuddle time?”

Roman giggled. “God yes.”



“Welcome back to Roman Lovers Anonymous,” Virgil said, calling the meeting to order. “I’d like to announce a new member— Dee, anything you’d like to say?”

“Thank you, Virge. I would like to say something, actually, and that is… holy fuck am I in love with him.”

A murmur of agreement spread through the room.

“Bitch, me too, the fuck!” Remy yelled.

Dee acknowledged him with a nod, then added, “Also, not to self-promote or anything, but if you’re interested in joining my new Virgil fanclub, text me.”

Virgil screeched and clasped his hand over Dee’s mouth.

Dee licked his hand and, as Virgil pulled it back, continued. “We’ll be meeting the first Tuesday of each month.”

“Bitch,” Virgil muttered.

Your bitch,” Dee corrected.

The room burst out laughing.

“Dee is Vee’s bitch,” Remy hollered.

Patton tried— and failed— to stop himself from giggling, and Logan adjusted his glasses with the hint of a smile on his lips. “That’s gay.”

Dee flushed. “I didn’t mean it like that. Oh shut up. Remy I see you and Anton whispering— that’s quite enough, Andy. Oh, just shut up!”

It got strangely quiet for a moment, and Virgil took that moment to clear his throat ceremoniously.

“Are you saying you’re not my bitch?”

Needless to say, the room exploded again.


I need this in multi-chapter fic format please


Omg please do please do please do



“Ugh, I’m just tired of this,” Janus laid on top of Remus, “Yeah, I’m short and cuddly, I require a lot of heat from an outer source but that doesn’t mean that I’m the small spoon!”

Remus watched Janus’ hands closely, they were gently taping his forearms together, now bound to Janus’ back. Janus threw away the tape and wiggled around to get under Remus’ shirt - just getting comfy as usual - pressing cheek to Remus’ chest before pulling himself a bit higher.

“Not a small spoon?” Remus looked down, Janus’ face almost buried in the dark creativity’s neck as his head was just barely sticking out from underneath.

“No. Anyways,” Janus nuzzled his face into Remus’ collarbone, “I would prefer to be the big spoon from now on, I think it just fits me more.”

@sinuous-scakt thank you for the prompt, hvhvhv

I love itttttt


and i can't ever seem to try and ask for help

(tsus day 13- roloceit!! challenge can be found at @emy-loves-you!!)


Roman was fine. He didn’t need help. He was fine.

Except maybe he isn’t, and maybe that’s okay.

tws: panic attacks, roman in straight up Not having a Good Time, ask to tag)

It was loud.

Not the good loud.

The bad loud.

The others were arguing. They did that a lot. It wasn’t like that was something new.

This one just…felt different.

He knew it sounded stupid, but it was true. The air felt charged, it was loud but so, so silent at the same time.

Someone was crying. Was it him? He didn’t know.

A door slammed. Probably Virgil’s, judging by the shout that followed.

His head banged against the top of his desk, and he cursed. He liked to hide under his desk. It was cosy, and nice, and small and nothing could get to him then.

Ahhdjzjdjdh i love

Anonymous asked:

I have an art idea!

(you don't have to draw if you don't want to)

What ifffffff, for example: Roman exchanges his sword with Janus' cane.

Can`t see Roman just giving away his sword.

Might be best to ask Janus first...



Thanks for the ask anon. This was fun.

(Click for better quality.)


Omg this is amazing!!!!!!!