

@edupunkn00b / edupunkn00b.tumblr.com

my heart is on my sleeve and my fics are on A03 https://archiveofourown.org/users/edupunkn00b/works I am older than Star Wars. Side blogs: @laboratorysoundsystem, @edupunkbitch, new: @loganslaboratory, @eduwrites
Mod for @intrulogicalweek and @intrualityweek, co-mod for @tss-storytime and sous chef for the creative events on @tsspromptmonth

My Heart is On My Sleeve and my Fics are on AO3

Current Stories:

Increasingly Inaccurately Named Coming Soon List:

  • Thrall - The conclusion of the vampire/werewolf Beside Me universe, takes place immediately after Ours and Dee
  • Just Like Magic - Endgame QPP Mage Loceit and more
  • Echoes of Our Future - Platonic (?) Intrulogical, canon(ish)verse, part of Echoes of the Past October writing event

Recently Completed Stories:


the whole mutual thing is really overhyped on this site. sometimes interests don’t match up and that’s the only reason why there isn’t a mutual following. if you’re a regular in my inbox or my notifications, i have visited your blog before. if i didn’t want you around for any reason, you would be blocked. so yeah. you can spam my notes and/or talk with me (and possibly become my friend) even if i’m not following you back. no worries.


This is very true. Like being a mutual is cool and all, but I enjoy people who just regularly Like or Reblog or Reply to my posts! I’m happy you’re here! I am very selective about which blogs I follow AND how many because otherwise it takes me too long to browse my dash and I compulsively want to see EVERYTHING on my dash, so it’s better for me to be choosy, and that’s not a reflection on anyone. I appreciate my friends who follow me even if I don’t follow them back!


I’ve been trying something a little different today and I’ve been reblogging every Sanders Sides thing that crossed my dash.

Every single thing.

Whether or not I’ve reblogged it before, whether or not I agree with it. All of it.

There’s not much. I follow over a thousand blogs, most of which I’ve found by following people who’ve liked or reblogged something Sanders Sides related.

Let’s keep reblogging. I think Tumblr’s Tumblr-doesn’t-have-an-algorithm algorithm has been up to shenanigans.


I make fun of those I love! It’s how I show affection.

Are you confident that is a healthy way to expect others to accept your love?


I keep thinking about Janus’ name and the meaning behind it, which I think we forget about? He was ‘Deceit’ for forever and it’s hard to see past his liar and self-care functions. But you know what the root of his name actually is??


Janus is the Roman god of doorways and transitions. Meaning Janus showed up at the beginning of season 2 to mark a major CHANGE for Thomas. Not only did he start the era of the dark sides, but he also took Thomas by the hand and completely changed his personal worldview.

It’s interesting, the more I think about the song Change from Jan’s playlist, the more I realize that it could be about him confessing that he hopes he is strong enough to carry Thomas through his own darkness in order to come out the other side a changed, but stronger, person.

Like someone HAS to be the bad guy in all this, and it’s easier to hate a villain, so THIS is the role he’s playing.

Yep, he’s become one of my absolute favourites for a reason 😌💛🖤


part of my job as archivist for a LGBTQ center involves working with an interviewing elder queers, and the disconnect between our generation and theirs is so upsettingly palpable. so many young queers think that elders aren't up-to-date on identity politics and are "set in their ways" when it comes to understanding the nuances of gender and sexuality, but that is so incredibly far from the truth.

if anything, the real problem is in the reverse. young queers aren't giving the time of day to our elders and its only alienating all of us from our shared history. just about every elder I've spoken to is doing their best to understand how our identity politics have evolved and is actively supportive of our generation adding our language and experiences to our sprawling rainbow tapestry.

there is also this strange idea that elder queers no longer contribute to that tapestry, that their time is gone and its only the youth making progress. but again, that prevailing idea is just alienating our generations from one another. most elders I've spoken to are extremely active in the community and work hard to do what they can to preserve our histories and assist in current activism.

the fact of the matter is that we are losing our elders, both to time and estrangement, and it is critical that we make conscious efforts to bridge the gap before its too late.

TLDR: We have to do better when it comes to including queer elders in our current activism. They are our history, they are our family, and we need to give them the same love they give to us.

For some reason the terfs found this post so this is me firing gunshots into the air. This post is not safe for you. Terfs are tar pits and community killers and there is no room for them in my activism.

-The Transexual Faggot who made this post

Anonymous asked:

Out in the desert wastes, far below the wealthy airships that treat the barren earth they'd left as a waste dump for their lavish livelihoods, lay miles and miles of trash and metal and parts. It was a surface-dweller's best bet on getting materials worth anything to sell or work with, and especially for those who loved to make little automatons and robots.

This day, cooler due to cloud cover and safe due to the lack of ships, seems to be one like any other, still and quiet and dead as all things left here should be.

Remus tramped through the trash heaps, salvaging bolts, wires, and honestly anything he could find that looked like it was made of undiluted metal and would be safe to remelt without letting out fumes. He cleared away a hunk of a tin roof only to drop it in surprise. Was that a.... hand?


Patton smiles, showing off the newest outfit. "Good? You can stay up here in my room, if you'd like!"

"Id like that a lot. Your room is so nice! Much better than the workshop!"

He giggles. "I was allowed to make it special. The only other ones who have a key are Roman and the king. So it's all special and private."

"Ooh! Fun! What do you like to do?"

"I mean, these pretty outfits are nice!"

"They are extremely nice! You look so cute!"

He blushes, swaying in his little skirt. "I'm sure if you ask, sir will give you some activities! He got me some music, but also lots of books to read."

"Books??" He lit up.

Patton nods, pulling the other into another room that's wall-to-wall with bookshelves. "This is just my room, not even mentioning the actual library!"

"This... so many. More?? This isnt all the books?"

"No, there's so many books!"


I finished it. It took a while to get the ending right, but it’s here. I’ve updated the tags appropriately (there was a time when the ending looked very different.)

Chapters: 9/9 Fandom: Sanders Sides (Web Series) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Logic | Logan Sanders, Anxiety | Virgil Sanders, Morality | Patton Sanders, Sleep | Remy Sanders, Deceit | Janus Sanders Additional Tags: Parent!Logan, life is just not a fairy tale, vent fic, Alternate Universe - Human, Hurt No Comfort, Angst, Child!Remy, child!virgil, Child!Patton, yeah this story just hurts, none of our bois are really unsympathetic‚ they’re just going through some stuff, Mentions of past self-harm, Random OCs - Freeform, Kelly Croft-OC, non-graphic description of hospital, non-graphic discussion of suicidal ideation, References to past injuries, archive warning tags updated once story is completed and ending was determined, Hopeful Ending Series: Part 2 of Butterfly Stories Summary:

Logan Sanders thought he had secured a fairy tale ending when he married Kelly Croft, mother to his first child. But real life is just not a fairy tale. Happily Ever After is a very different story when Janus meets Remus at Jack’s party in Objections.


Hey. Hey you. The person aimlessly scrolling, stuck in an immobilized standoff with your brain

It's not your fault. You won't be stuck forever. I know you're trying. I know you hate it. It's ok.

And tell the Mean Voice in your head that it's not helping. It knows as well as you do that you would get up and Just Start the task if you could. You're not doing this on purpose.

Take a deep breath. Relax your jaw. I see you trying so hard to break out of it, but you can't force it. You'll get Unstuck eventually. All you can do in the interim is be kind to yourself.