
🪽 Kihnindewa • 25 • generally pronounless • bfgf to @astrolanguini

🪽 african american • native (yesán) • real country mf

🪽 two-spirit • tme • femme man + woman • DID system -> the whole lgbt all at once (we will not always identify ourselves when posting), physically disabled, semi retired divinator & reiki healer & sex worker

🪽 byf: 18+ | heavy substance user + lots of weed talk | dnfi uncomfortable with polyamory | I AM A MAN !!! DNFI UR DNI INCLUDES MEN DUMMY DONT PISS ME OFF !!! | dnfi uncomfortable with multigendered ppl who id as lesbian/gay or have relationships with lesbians/gay men (or follow fl**resensitive) | trans*ndrophobia truthers are deeply unwelcome here. love and support trans women. | i love cluster bs including npds/“narcissists”

🪽 i rarely follow back nonblack ppl. will unfollow for rbing appropriated aave/blackvoice regardless of ur own race/ethnicity. almost completely on an untagged queue, including personal posts.

I will unfollow or block you for using or reblogging the term “bipoc”. Prioritize black native oppression in ndn country or get off my blog.

Anonymous asked:

I don't trust asking white people this question for obvious reasons but I've been studying things in genetics and biology and I keep seeing things saying how race is a social construction and not a biological reality? Is that true or...?/g

Yep that is true. I can’t say I know much about biology but pretty much every alleged biological difference between us can be explained by racism. So-called lower intelligence is manufactured by racism (denying poc educations, measuring intelligence by white standards & norms, etc). Being prone to certain medical conditions more so than white people is manufactured by racism (denying poc healthcare, creating worse living conditions & more stressors for poc, etc). And so on. Cultural & phenotypical differences are real, but the racial categories we are made to navigate are 100% made up by white ppl for the purpose of creating a hierarchy which benefits them the most.

That said, I don’t really know what it is about being a black person with a popular post about racism that inspires ppl to do stuff like this but I’m gonna need yall to remember I’m not your mom and I’m not a free resource for you or even your friend. Being approached by random people to answer questions about racism on subjects you haven’t even spoken on recently is really odd. I blocked a total stranger who wasn’t even following me yesterday for sending me an ESSAY (and I mean MASSIVE ask complete with pics) about a racist tumblr user they’re beefing with. I blocked them both bc while I do not mind a heads up, all of that is just not appropriate.

I have not posted about biology or that vein of racism. I don’t know much about it. Your only reason for sending me, a stranger, this (instead of someone you know maybe…?) is that I’m a poc who made a post about their own tribe’s issues which blew up :( that doesn’t seem cool to u does it…..


I hope everyone who was so ready to praise Macklemore for creating Hinds Hall are also pushing him to cancel his show in UAE for their funding of the ongoing genocide in Sudan and normalization of relations with Israel.


Here’s a link to a petition to protect Native American land in NC from a gas station chain which poses immense environmental threats, has violated workers rights, and will destroy land with historical significance to natives. My ancestors traveled the trading path they plan to build over. Please sign if you have a moment


A question - is this like calling reps where you shouldn't if you don't live in the constituency? Or should I sign even though I'm in PA?

When you sign, it asks if you live in the area but from what I can tell it doesn’t stop you from signing regardless of where you live (I may be wrong but it’s just a text box to put your answer in & I just stated where I live and it went through)

I can’t say I know for sure if it makes a difference atp but I *feel* like when we’re dealing with smaller, lesser known, non federally recognized tribes like ours there is some power in the fact that people from all over are watching. People don’t expect anyone to stand up for us bc nobody even knows us. So i definitely encourage yall to sign regardless if you’re able 🫶🏽


Here’s a link to a petition to protect Native American land in NC from a gas station chain which poses immense environmental threats, has violated workers rights, and will destroy land with historical significance to natives. My ancestors traveled the trading path they plan to build over. Please sign if you have a moment

Choosing a random rb for a pointless addition just to let yall know how much it matters to me that you signed. I could not believe how fast it was gaining signatures last night and the fact that it’s kept that momentum today is incredible. Ty all for caring


Apartment tour in 1 hour if anyone has suggestions on stuff to ask :)


How come when I’m driving I can’t really feel how fast I’m going until I start to lose control at around 80 but in a passengers seat anything above 45 feels like warp speed


Thank you for the update anon! I’m gonna look further into it myself when I get a chance and see if I can find out what we’re doing now besides continuing to collect signatures

Unrelated though I’m a bit confused why ppl keep talking about lumbee instead of saponi � like we have related ancestry so no doubt they’re relevant too but from what I can tell the closest tribe is the other saponi band out here and lumbee is actually pretty far away from Mebane..? But ppl are exclusively mentioning lumbee in my notes

Anonymous asked:

I just signed the petition, I live near NC and had no idea about this, could you give some more into on the darker side into Buccees? Everything I try and Google just comes up with very pro bucees articles but I want to learn more

No, I don’t know anything about them besides what I read on the petition website. I didn’t know this was happening either (like I said, seems nobody said anything to my tribe and mebane is like 1.5 hours from us), I just happened to be scrolling TikTok and heard “mecou” (my language) so I stopped and shared her link


i think people should talk more about the unique sense of hopelessness which stems from the realization that “help” in the form myth promised you does not exist; there is no help coming and you must create from scratch the tools that will dismantle (or at least diminish) your own suffering, and do this not once but every day for the rest of your life


Here’s a link to a petition to protect Native American land in NC from a gas station chain which poses immense environmental threats, has violated workers rights, and will destroy land with historical significance to natives. My ancestors traveled the trading path they plan to build over. Please sign if you have a moment


hi can someone send me $17-$30 so that i can order food and avoid having to interact with my racist roommate while we're alone at the shelter together pls? haven't eaten anything but a microwave meal in like 36-ish hours but i was asleep for most of it

ppal vmo and cshapp are @/aster/onauts


1 of the biggest reasons I’m so inactive now is bc antiblackness specifically targeting black ndns, from other natives, is so normalized & accepted in leftist™️ circles on here bc most ppl are not familiar enough with ndn issues to recognize when popular nonblack ndn bloggers are perpetuating antiblackness. And black ndns efforts to combat that never move at all bc most ppl are also afraid to correct or challenge a nonblack native. And there’s like no more than 8 of us on this website so it’s like exhausting seeing the same 4 in my notes over & over, knowing for a fact that everybody else who could really make a difference is scrolling past


And I do have black ndn ancestors with documented ndn ancestry who’ve been denied due to bq/dna testing. And I’ve had every struggle navigating access to ndn community or resources bc I’m black. And my blond blue eyed cousins have absolutely NO trouble. And it’s also documented that when my tribe was establishing as a political entity post-colonization they weren’t afraid to claim European ancestry but would have to deny their African ancestry to secure enrollment. So like………….get serious. Stop calling every mean comment about your light skin and hair blood quantum of all things. A lot of you have not lived that specific struggle at all