
i’m gone 🏃💨



aelin: i just learned that *sniff* dogs don’t like it when you hug them and it makes them stressed?? but i hug my dog ALL the time

aelin: i feel like a terrible person, my poor dOG *sobs*

fleetfoot: *comes over cause she senses aelin’s sad*

aelin, (ugly) crying harder: I DON’T DESERVE HER


aelin is the sun to feyre’s moon

okay bear with me here,,,

aelin and feyre are VERY different characters, which plays into the phrase of “different as the sun and moon/ night and day”

WELL feyre is the high lady of the night court and aelin is the heir of fire blessed by the sun goddess mala!! maybe it’s just me but when i realized this i diED


aelin: let’s see them aliens

lorcan: you’re gonna get shot and killed

aelin: they can’t stop all of us

rowan: stop joking about that, someone is going to think it’s actually happening and show up to Area 51

aelin, sweating and putting her plane tickets to Nevada away: heh heh yeah,,, joking


lorcan: aelin i think you have ptsd

aelin: yeah i do nerd! phenomenal talent for sucking dick!!

rowan: we also need to talk about you using humor as a coping device

aelin: is no one going to acknowledge how absolutely genius that was