
i’m gone πŸƒπŸ’¨



if ToG characters were in an art show

elide: some super pretty landscaping painting

chaol: a 3D metal sculpture

dorian: photography

rowan: a clay bust

manon: a charcoal drawing

aelin: i made my (amazing) booty out of straws so you guys could sUCK MY ASS

everyone: ...



KoA safety concerns

yrene: you all need to be more cautious, stop doing dangerous things!

aelin: *sacrificing herself*

dorian: *going to morath alone*

lorcan: *putting his shield down during battle*

elide: *riding over a battlefield before a tidal wave*

lysandra: *against armies as aelin with no magic*

aedion, sitting in his tent: *swallowing a tortilla chip veRtiCaLLy*


do you ever look at someone and wonder β€œwhat is going on inside their head?”

aelin: planning, screaming, daYuM i look good, and lots of lust (blood lust included)

rowan: cAAAAAAA, where is aelin? i looked away for one second god damn it

chaol: these bitches crazy, dorian my platonic sOuLmAtE

dorian: books, iT’s NoT a PhAsE mOm, kiNKS