Asexual Slut™

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

It’s wild seeing people go “okay it’s clearly Stockholm syndrome” to freed hostages thanking Hamas, saying goodbye and smiling/waving to Hamas as the IOF takes them and then also Israel keeping hostages under tight media supervision and advising them not to speak on their experiences when in actuality what probably happened was during this time the captives learned closely the the propaganda of their government that paints Hamas and Palestinians more broadly as monsterous subhumans wasn’t true. You can’t deny that hostages have consistently reported they were treated well and that the real fear was from the constant bombardments.

Comparing that with Palestinian captives being released after years of torture and abuse, some unable to even recognize their families, mothers crying over the lost years with their children, all of them detailing the horrors they face AND the fact that israel is keeping the bodies of those who died during imprisonment to finish out their sentence, them telling release children that they will be back, banning celebrations and expressions of joy in public at the release of captives as “supporting terrorists”

Idk just the more you see the more warped everything is.


"Stockholm Syndrome" was invented when a hostage complained that the police kept doing reckless things that endangered her life so the hostage-taker kept protecting her from the cops.

She was fully aware he was only protecting her because she was useful as a bargaining chip, however the fact remains the cops were the only danger to her life during the hostage situation. Rather than admit this the cops had someone make up a diagnosis as part of a smear campaign.

So the hostages that have been protected by Hamas while Israel dropped countless bombs in an attempt to kill them do in fact have a connection to Stockholm syndrome.



By god. By making it, “friends hanging out doing errands together,” he removed the social pressures of a date for the two of you, but you still got to have the experience and bonding time of a date.

This man is a genius.




As an autist I'd actually love this. Let's act like we're already friends and you're also tryna date me.



BDS has added a specific MARVEL BOYCOTT because the next Captain America film features “Sabra/Ruth Bat-Seraph”—a character that personified apartheid israel.

This character is known to:

  • work for mossad
  • continually talk about her hatred towards palestinians and arabs in the comics
  • have attacked the hulk for helping a palestinian child (hulk briefly convinced her that palestinians are humans)
  • have a syrian character (batal) as her antagonist
  • bear the name of a horrific massacre (the sabra massacre—where pregnant women were murdered and their babies were cut out of their wombs) *i am aware sabra refers to a fruit but let’s be real: it is still connected to a massacre carried out by israeli armed forces on innocent civilians. (here’s a longer statement)

Marvel is complicit in anti-Palestinian racism, israeli propaganda, and the glorification settler-colonial violence. Having this character in a movie by of the biggest franchises in the world, especially now while there is a genocide going on, is appalling and disgusting. There is no new approach one can take when the character has always been grounded in racism and propaganda.





You want more minority representation in media but if they have flaws its problematic and if theyre perfect theyre a patronizing mary sue. If they crack under the pressure of the conflict the author thinks that minority is weak and if they overcome the adversity they must be a neoliberal bootlicker who thinks real world bigotry is a matter of personal attitude. You want minority characters but if theyre a villain its violently problematic and if theyre the protagonist then we circle back to the very first sentence. If theyre a side character theyre being sidelined and the author is once again bigoted, and don't you know that every single minority character death is unilaterally bigoted, without exception? You want more minority characters but if their identity is a big part of their personality or struggles then they're problematic and if their identity has nothing to do with their personality or struggles then the author is tokenizing that identity for clout. You want more minority characters but every time theres a minority character who doesnt have every single experience that you have then you tell the author to kill themselves on twitter. You wonder why not even minority authors will write minority characters.

I would ask you to read Catch-22, but you'd just call the military base problematic.


“This potion will give you the body that your heart desires, the body that will bring you true and lasting happiness. But be warned: don’t expect beauty. I’ve seen men become literal monster from the darkness in their hearts. Happy monsters, but monsters nevertheless.”



Every time I see this post, I think, yeah, I’d be happy being exactly this. The Fuck Yea Dragon.




They really awake his bloodlust, uh


The virgin pit bull vs the chad Great Pyrenees


Listen. I grew up with these dogs. Im a cat person, no shame, but Great Pyrenees are hands down my most trusted domestic animal and are hardcore as fuck.

When I was a kid, between six and fifteen, one of our Pyrenees would escort me, off-leash, between my grandmother's house and mine. I'd just have to call him, and he'd show up and walk me there, placing himself between me and anything he considered threatening- Cranky farm animals, holes in the ground, bodies of water, etc.

That same dog found a (unfortunately deceased) lamb my grandfather had buried a few hours earlier, dug it up, realized it was cold and not breathing, and carefully carried it to our barn, where he covered it neck-deep in straw and tried to cuddle it warm again to bring it back to life.

One of our older dogs, at about sixteen years old (keep in mind, this breed tends to average out at about 12 years max) had arthritis in his hips, a bad back, and a respiratory issue, was fucking ancient and essentially palliative, but would still go stock-still out of nowhere, let out one subtle "boof", and then set out at an awkward-yet-speedy bunny-hop sprint at the slightest whiff of a cougar, bear, or wolf. Like, grampa would jump fences. Gentle geriatric giant would kick up to 7k to protect the family, never mind the three other, much younger dogs already on the case.

When I was a baby, like a literal in-diapers infant, he would lay on the ground and let me dress him up as a wizard and crawl all over him with zero complaint.

His nephew was 100lbs and often alarmed visitors who mistook him for a bear, yet never so much as bumped into a person in his life and feared only string and kittens.

a Great Pyrenees is not Balto. A Great Pyrenees is Robert McCall, John Wick, and John McClain wrapped in Marry Poppins and a snuggly Mr. Rogers wool sweater.

They are not only the best dog, but I would argue that they are also the MOST dog.

I will die by this


I have a female 2 ish year old Great Pyr we rescued and the ONLY reason she has not fought the coyotes in the woods to the fucking death is because I don't let her.

With me she will lay on her back on the couch and plop her giant goofy fluff head in my lap and paw at me with her giant crime paws until I pet her gently, and then she will snuffle happily as I do so. She is very careful with the cats. She likes to nap sprawled on the floor like an inconvenient white shag carpet, preferably right over the air conditioning vent. She won't bite into an egg I give her unless I break the shell for her first. When I walk her past the neighbor's cows she has to sit and stare at them and the calves for a bit. When she was a stray she was chased out of several cattle barns because she kept trying to get in to sleep with the cattle and calves. Never tried to hurt one. She will also sit and stare at chickens for hours very happily. Won't hurt them, will just, you know. Keep an eye on things.

But holy fucking shit if she hears a coyote nearby she is a snarling ball of canine rage in about a tenth of a second and nearly snapped a heavy duty leather leash she was on trying to charge off and commit coyote murder. If someone broke into our house without me telling her it was okay that dog would kill or die no questions asked.


Flock guardians are the BEST. Their prey drive is almost absent, but their desire to Protect is in every hair they shed (all over everything). Herding dogs have to have a job to do, to be kept busy. Guardians, though, are doing their job while they're draped all over your lap: they're watching and listening, and storing up love for their charges so they have the courage they need when it's time to rain Hell on something dangerous.


the dog's head on Michael Jordan's body as he says "and I took that personally."ALT

okay i wanna do one of these. PLEASE interact: fraternal twins, people who were blonde as children, geminis, scorpios, roleplayers (ttrpg or larp version), roleplayers (tumblr blog or discord or omegle edition), gif makers who are terrified of the death of tumblr bc they will have nowhere to post, people with septum rings, non supernatural fans who nonetheless have opinions on the characters by osmosis, ace attorney investigations enjoyers, people with old laptops, people who do not own airpods, flautists, people with ocd who are very messy, collectors of weird objects, drinkers of iced coffee only, and winter haters


Im not American so please forgive me if this comes across as rude but when Americans start a sentence with “during the 2016 killer clown craze-” I can’t help myself. Talked about like it was a force of nature. Said with a nonchalant air like its an inevitable part of growing up. The killer clown craze.


england is literally throwing a celebration for their killer clown rn what are y'all talking about


England also did actually have the killer clown craze too! I don’t know if any of them actually killed but I know people were arrested for dressing up as clowns and jumping out w weapons or some shit like that.


No actual deaths by clown, and the craze died away after a few weeks, but we did have a lot of idiots lurking around with make-up and knives for a while, trying to look creepy, scarring children for life and annoying all the actual clowns I know.

One showed up in the alley next to my house, so, given that our neighbourhood is about eighty percent elderly people, I took to doing nightly clown patrols for a while (literally just doing a circuit of the neighbour, with intent to explain why giving people actual heart attacks isn’t funny).

It was only later that I realised I had been doing so in my cute bat hoody, with the wings and pointed ears, and that dressing up as a bat to hunt for evil clowns was perhaps not the sanest use of my time.