Fem!Muse/Enby Mun (Posts tagged aro positivity)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

For those of you who are aromantic, and aren’t looking forward to the holiday approaching, not feeling romantic attraction is perfectly okay, and perfectly normal. Valentines day is about all love, not just romantic. This include love for your friends, family, and other people, animals, and things you hold dear. And if that’s still not helping, just remember that all the chocolate it going to go on sale right after.

aromantic aro positivity arospec

It doesn’t matter what someone else said about you or your identity.
It doesn’t matter how important that person may be to you.
You’re real. You’re valid. You’re loved.
And nobody can ever change that.
All that matters is the way the words you use to describe yourself make you feel.
And if they make you feel good, then they’re good, it’s as simple as that.

mogai positivity otherkin positivity lgbtq+ positivity trans positivity nonbinary positivity ace positivity aro positivity pan positivity bi positivity otherhearted positivity