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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

You know, when I see fictional characters who repress all their emotions, they're usually aloof and very blunt about keeping people at a distance, sometimes to an edgy degree—but what I don't see nearly enough are the emotionally repressed characters who are just…mellow.

Think about it. In real life, the person that's bottling up all their emotions is not the one that's brooding in the corner and snaps at you for trying to befriend them. More often than not, it's that friendly person in your circle who makes easy conversation with you, laughs with you, and listens and gives advice whenever you're upset. But you never see them upset, in fact they seem to have endless patience for you and everything around them—and so you call them their friend, you trust them. And only after months of telling them all your secrets do you realize…

…they've never actually told you anything about themselves.


What if Asgore suddenly backed off because Kris got emotional


…and Asgore mistook it as them not liking the hug? (he says he forgot if Kris doesn’t like hugs like that, not that they don’t)

After all, when talking about “warm” things, Kris talks about the “warmth of a loving embrace”:


…and they also apparently ask Susie for a hug, showing they do like hugs (even ones likely to be rough…)


They approach Asgore slowly, on their own, in this scene, like it’s been a while since they’ve seen him.


And if you have an egg, Kris will see the single pickle inside Asgore’s fridge and put the egg in on their own, apparently out of concern.


Kris is clearly pretty fond of both hugs and their father.

So maybe Kris just broke down a little bit when Asgore hugged them like that, and Asgore misread it and thought he did something wrong.