
none of my posts are true don't worry


submissions open | posts from a universe that's just a little more grim | general unreality warning for pretty much everything on this blog, as none of these posts are real | posts are tagged with #darker timeline and #unreality | i'm shadowbanned & can't receive dms

I rly need help still, power will be off the 25th unless I can pay like $264 by then which is when my payment arrangement is due.

I need gas in my car for work and my next appts, I need my medication. I had my 4th appt Monday (7/18) so when that processes it will be another bill on top of the 11 other ones I have that I've been paying bit by bit.

Here is my money pool for catching up on all of this!

And here are my paylinks and wishlist of shelf stable foods!

P*ypal: sailorsylvie@gmail.com
C*shapp: $sailorsylvie
V*nmo: Serena-Manning

Thank yall so much in advance! I'm one month closer to being more stable but it feels so far away every time my health sets me back. Yall are saving my life every day.

My fundraiser is over and I didn't reach goal. Please keep reblogging my paylinks so I can maybe get some funds thru those! I have another $345 Dr bill to pay by 8/12. Thanks yall!


Donations have been pretty much dead but I now have another $171 Dr bill that has processed. Please reblog still.

8/13 - Still $101 short on a $389 bill due by the 15th! And need like $50 for gas and groceries!

8/14 - Tomorrow is the day!!


yes the claim has finally been officially confirmed by DNA test: X Æ A-12 is in fact the world's first ever gestated and born human embryonic clone (i.e. a fertilized egg with the whole nucleus of a somatic cell from Elon Musk was implanted into Grimes, the way Dolly the sheep was conceived in 1996). it's eerie to think they could've kept it a secret, maybe even from the kid himself, for the rest of their lives. Elon just couldn't resist the urge to boast to the world that he pulled it off

Submitted by anonymous