
I Have No Clue What I'm Doing


Please ignore anything I say.

at any given moment part of my brain is screaming I SHOULD BE EATING SMOKED SALMON RIGHT NOW. torment

I went to a college farther north from what I was used to. Not by much, but the cold weather, short days, and long hours spent in class or studying meant I was barely getting any sunlight and my mental health was tanking.

One night, after a good hour or two of stress-crying on my dorm floor, I went grocery shopping.

When I saw the canned fish section I was struck with such a profound craving that I dumped a whole assortment of packets and cans of fish into the cart- smoked herring, salmon, sardines, pre flavored tuna, just so much fish. I grabbed crackers to eat it on almost as an afterthought.

In the produce aisle they had herb plants and the smell of the rosemary almost made me cry again, so I grabbed one of those too.

When I got back I almost immediately started eating fish and crackers. I think I ate like two or three cans of what I bought? And I just felt so much better afterwards it was crazy. I planted the rosemary in a large mug and everything felt lighter, just a little less stressful.

I looked it up some days later and yeah, the omega 3s, vitamin D, zinc, and magnesium in fish are all things that can help with seasonal affective disorder and depression in general.

So my advice is if you find yourself craving fish, especially in the winter, just do it. Buy some salmon. Buy some kippers. Eat 👏 some 👏 fish! 👏 Your body might be telling you something, and you’ll probably feel a lot better.


Listen to me. Men are boxes and women are circles is made up. Those how to draw anime books are made up. 99% of all style guides are made up. But color theory is very very real.


fandom hcs are like:

-shy anxious person is ace

-badass but nice girl is bi

-mean bitch is a lesbian

-bubbly extrovert girl is pan

-all men are gay (unless they're flirty in which case they're bi)

everyone in the notes is so god damn stupid this is a criticism of bi/lesbo/aphobic fandom culture you shouldn't be AGREEING with the stereotypes

I made a graph



I think the reason a lot of leftists struggle with disability justice is that they haven't moved past the concept that discrimination isn't bad because it's objectively "wrong." yes, sexists are objectively wrong when they try to claim women are dumber than men. yes, antisemites are objectively wrong that jewish people are inherently greedy and run the state. yes, racists are wrong when they try to claim that white people are the superior race. and so on.

but then with disabled people, there are a lot of objective truths to the discrimination we face. people with IDs/LDs do fall behind and struggle with certain concepts. physically disabled people are often weaker and less capable of performing demanding tasks than able bodied people. many of us with mental illnesses are more reckless and less responsible. a lot of us are dependent on others and do not contribute much "worth".

and guess what? disabled people still deserve a place in the world. disabled people still deserve the supports they need. because they are people, and that should be enough to support them and believe they deserve a place at the table.

if your only rebuttal against discrimination is its objective inaccuracies, you are meeting bigots where they are at. you are validating the very concept that if and when people are truly incapable of being equal to the majority, that means they are worth less. this causes some leftists to then try to deny the objective realities of disabled people and/or become ableist themselves.

your rallying behind marginalized groups should start and end with the fact that people are completely worthy of life and equity, because they are fellow human beings and that should, frankly, be enough.


Coolest Quick Changes in “Nerdy Prudes”

Wanted to take a moment to draw your attention to some of my favorite quick changes from Nerdy Prudes Must Die:

Max > Dying!Max, and Richie > Mascot!Richie These two were fairly obvious and straightforward with only one item of clothing to change, but they had to build these costumes to make them easy to get on and off!

Detective Shapiro > Bryce’s Nerd, and Officer Bailey > Kyle

Just right there in the opening. Wigs, hats, glasses, jackets, and even shoes. They had one short verse to go from their law enforcement looks to their student looks, and they made it look easy.

Kim’s Nerd > Karen Chastity, and Mark Chastity > Officer Bailey

Kim and Curt each had one short scene to get these quick changes done. Again, the number of articles of clothing and accessories (like the shoes and glasses!) are fantastic!

Peter Spankoffski > Dan Reynolds > Barbecue Guy, and Ruth Fleming > Donna > Ruth Fleming

These must have been intense. You can see them running offstage for all of these quick changes, and they have basically zero time for this. Joey’s quick changes here took less time overall, but Lauren had a more complicated change because of the wig/headgear, dress, and shoes. These two do a scene, change, do a dance number, change again, then come back for one of the funniest scenes in the show. Crazy impressive!

Stephanie and Peter > Homecoming outfits, and Max Jagerman > Homecoming student

Once again, after the scene of Max’s defeat ends, they have one tiny filler scene to change their whole outfit—again, including the shoes! Will’s quick change gets bonus points because even though he had more time, he had to get all of the ghost makeup off of his face, neck, and hands.

Honorable mentions go to all of the wig and hairstyle changes that the female performers had, because it was a LOT. Major kudos to the costume designer, June Saito, and the cast and crew members that pulled this off!