Yeah, like the Amigo the Devil Song

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

okay okay more of you are showing up here from @shyspider’s recc post, which means I think it’s time for me to make a teaser post of the fics I’m actively tinkering with just haven’t had time to update/expand. I’ll also pin this to the top of my blog!

Rest Ye Merry Gentlemech-

Devalera reckons with her own feelings about the holidays, all the while Dead End still doesn’t ‘get’ why one baby’s birthday is more important than all the others

Note: Transformers Cyberverse. OC/Canon where the OC is a human woman. Does talk a little bit about losing a parent. Not so pertinent to this fic, but would come up a lot if I ever write a backstory for them.


Maybe it was a good thing that Kirk gave up on eHarmony.

Notes: a slowburn Justice League: Gods and Monsters fic! Lots and lots of talk about blood and medical stuff. Please heed my in-work notes, tags, and warnings!


Even though updates aren’t going to happen right away (I’m thinking later this summer), y'all are more than welcome to ask anything you’d like about these stories and characters. I love talking about them! And huge thanks again to Shy for the shoutout :)

Pinned Post murder they wrote fanfic oc/canon transformers cyberverse cyberverse dead end justice league gods and monsters gods and monsters kirk langstrom


s/o to this skeleton babe from 1936


This is a really poignant illustration of the seductive nature of glorifying war but that is a LOOK and she is SERVING it


I've seen Death depicted as a card dealer or other sort of gambler, a guy in a suit, a farmer, a robed apparition, and any other number of things, but this? This has to be the best Death I've seen yet. An old seductress saying "hey kid, don't you wanna die in a trench for a government that doesn't give a fuck about you, just like your dear old dad?" This goes hard as fuck.


"I used to know your daddy." kicks like a mule.