[ Monroe/Scorpion ]|[ He/It ]

you don't like spider-man?

thwip thwip?

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[ Monroe/Scorpion ]|[ He/It ]'s Posts


BOAMegan Thee Stallionimage

[ Monroe/Scorpion ]|[ He/It ]'s Posts




'Not possible': Palestinians too 'starved' to leave Rafahhttps://t.co/xOoOhOW5CG  — Middle East Eye (@MiddleEastEye) May 8, 2024ALT

Main points from the article

“There are children and elderly that are so starved that they can barely walk. These people cannot just relocate to another area, to so-called 'safe zones’. It is not possible,” Alexandra Saieh, head of humanitarian policy from Save the Children, said.

Several aid workers have expressed that there is no “safe” area in the Gaza Strip for people to relocate to. “The concept of safe zones is a lie,” Helena Marchal, from Medecins du Monde, said.

Restricted movement
Aid workers also reiterated the difficulty of getting aid both into Gaza and then distributing it. Both the Rafah and the Kerem Shalom crossings, through which most aid reached the besieged Strip, have closed since Sunday evening.

Roads across Gaza are largely destroyed or blocked by people sheltering, contributing to the difficulty of movement of both goods and people. Only a very limited number of routes, especially between the north and south, are available for humanitarian use, Jeremy Konyndyk, from Refugees International, explained.

Another issue is overcrowding.

“In Deir al-Balah and the Mawasi area on the outskirts of the Rafah and Khan Younis governorates, there is barely any space. There are tents everywhere, on the beach, on the sidewalks, the streets, the graveyards, the courtyards of the hospitals, in the courtyards of the schools,” Ghada Alhaddad, from Oxfam International, said.

Saieh explained that it took her team six weeks and four failed attempts to move a couple of hundred food parcels from Rafah to the north of Gaza.

“One litre of fuel cost $40 yesterday,” according to Ranchal.

Fuel enters through the Rafah crossing.

“The whole aid operation runs on fuel. If the fuel is cut off, the aid operation collapses,” Konyndyk said.

Severe malnutrition
Professor John Maynard, a surgeon from the UK who has spent the last two weeks operating on Palestinians in Gaza, highlighted complications from a direct result of malnutrition.

“I had two patients, 16 and 18, both of whom had survivable injuries, [and] both of whom died last week as a direct result of malnutrition.”

“It is at that time when infections and complications from malnutrition will start,” he added.

A famine, one aid worker explained, requires three thresholds: a sustained, severe lack of access to food, high levels of child malnutrition, and highly elevated mortality as a result of famine and disease.

All thresholds have been passed in the north, Konyndyk stated.

“If there is a Rafah invasion, this will certainly push things past the tipping point, and we will see a skyrocketing mortality related to the famine.”

Article Date: May 8, 2024.

[ Monroe/Scorpion ]|[ He/It ]'s Posts


Concentration camp.

They built a concentration camp.

CNN has released leaked images of the Israeli torture camp Sde Teiman in the Negev desert, where Israel perpetrates grave crimes against Palestinian prisoners abducted from Gaza. pic.twitter.com/nMyB9X9FGo  — Quds News Network (@QudsNen) May 10, 2024ALT

I don’t think words can describe what this other than genocide.

[ Monroe/Scorpion ]|[ He/It ]'s Posts



Tala still has hope to live in safety, far from and violence.

She dreams of a world where she can grow without fear, where her laughter isn’t overshadowed by conflict.

Help Tala find a path to a secure future and start a life filled with peace, where she can pursue her dreams and build a brighter tomorrow.

Together, we can make a difference.

[ Monroe/Scorpion ]|[ He/It ]'s Posts

[ Monroe/Scorpion ]|[ He/It ]'s Posts



Rafif, my 11-year-old sister, deprived of her childhood, miraculously survived the targeting of our displacement site, along with the rest of my family. Death follows us everywhere. We’re in Rafah, bewildered about how to escape this nightmare. Rafif sustained a minor injury to her foot, and she’s scared, wondering how we can evade death. Please help me get Rafif and my family out of harm’s way. Help us achieve the basic necessities of life, including childhood for this girl. Share the link or contribute, even if it’s just a little, to be the reason for our rescue.

Help Helles family

[ Monroe/Scorpion ]|[ He/It ]'s Posts


sorry man but u engage with blatant ragebait and qrt bigotry in futile attempts to defend yourself too much. yeah you’re not doing anything helpful And reminding me that people hate intrinsic aspects of myself. yeah you should just disengage and block man the endorphin rush isn’t worth it

[ Monroe/Scorpion ]|[ He/It ]'s Posts
