
Life can be very confusing.


| Harry/Blue | 21 | He/Him | aro/ace/trans | British | I basically never make my own posts. When I find/refind a thing I like, it'll be all I post about for a bit. | Let me know if you need anything tagged.

sobbing into my plate after overhearing a conversation between a mom and her tiny daughter in this shopping centre food court

this one buffet type restaurant is away from the main food court, on the upper floor of the shopping centre - nearly no one goes there, so even in the wild rush of pre-christmas shopping, it's fairly quiet.

it's a mother with a daughter, kindergarten age. they sit at the table next to me, each with their own plate, having a quiet conversation. the daughter eats very quickly, stuffing her mouth, you know how kids sometimes do. the mother tells her, very softly:

"remember what we talked about? you and your tummy are a team and you have to be a team player! let's make sure you chew your food well so it has an easier job later, and has enough time to tell you once you're full"

the child nods, very serious and focused, because she has a very Important Mission now after all. she begins eating slower, chewing well, and additionally taking some time to Ponder the food on the fork before chomping a bit of the many different dishes she picked small portions of.

"what is your favourite thing from your plate?" the mom asks, and the child points to something on the plate. "why? what's the flavour?" the mom continues, and the daughter replies, taking the time to describe the flavour and the texture, even though she "doesn't know what it is at all but it's yummy" and the mother smiles and explains to her what that food is. I think it was mozzarella, in the form of those small balls that work well for salads and appetizers.

once the daughter's plate is empty, she looks at it a bit puzzled.

"are you still hungry?" asks the mom and as the child nods, she says "let's give it a moment so your tummy can catch up as well." - a moment passes - "still hungry?"

the child nods enthusiastically. "alright, let's walk over to the buffet and we'll pick something more"

"can you bring?" the child asks and the mom just says, smiling:

"no, because you should choose what looks like it will make you not hungry anymore. also, walking a bit will help your tummy understand how much more food you two need to feel full so you're no longer hungry but you're also not too full so that you feel uncomfortable or nauseous" and they went to get more food.

it might not sound impressive or interesting, but she was so kind and patient, and the child was clearly happy and curious and receptive to the information she was learning about her own body and how food works. none of "you have to eat the whole plate" under the threat of some punishment, none of "that's enough, you've had enough, you're not hungry anymore" none of "you'll eat what I picked out for you and that's it, no discussion." I don't know. I hope they had a nice rest of the day


if you're about to get top surgery, you may hear a voice in your head telling you to make a joke about getting something off your chest even though it's overplayed. im here to let you know it's your imperative and sacred duty to not only make the joke but to tell it to every person you talk to. and that you are right it would be funny as fuck. this is not sarcastic if you tell enough people one of them will have never heard it before and also it's still funny to every person who has heard it listen to me this is a once in a life time opportunity— [i start getting dragged out by the palace guards] commit to the bit!!! if you don't you'll forever wish you had!! heed my warning or forever suffer the cons— [castle door slams shut behind us]


we’ve made autism into a small insignificant personality trait/identity like being queer and that’s actually so fucking wrong and insulting

40% of autistics have an intellectual disability

40-60% of autistics are nonverbal

most autistics will not be able to hold a job, go to college, or live on their own

autism rarely travels alone and has many medical comorbidities like epilepsy, mitochondrial disorders, and genetic disorders (which are the most common comorbidities - these aren’t rare complications.)

we can have discussions about autism and ableism and how society sees us without spreading misinformation.

autism is a lifelong, often debilitating neurodevelopmental and genetic disorder that affects how one communicates and interacts with the world. it is not “just being socially awkward” or “social anxiety.” it is a neurological disability. start treating it like one.


google maps wrapped 2023

  • you confused your right and left 523 times
  • your most traveled-to destination was your own home
  • you said "girl shut the fuck up" to the voice giving directions every time it told you you'd made a wrong turn

this post has been a wild ride for me


I am going to live to see my transition I am going to live to see my transition I am going to live to see my transition I am going to live to see my transition I am going to live to see my transition I am going to live to see my transition I am going to live to see my transition I am going to live to see my transition I am going to live to see my transition I am going to live to see my transition I am going to live to see my transition I am going to live to see my transition I am going to live to see my transition I am going to live to see my transition I am going to live to see my transition I am going to live to see my transition I am going to live to see my transition I am going to live to see my transition I am going to live to see my transition I am going to live to see my transition I am going to live to see my transition I am going to live to see my transition I am going to live to see my transition I am going to live to see my transition I am going to live to see my transition I am going to live to see my transition


the sound of drums is just so funny because martha's in love with the doctor, jack's in love with the doctor, and the doctor has completely ignored them both in favour of pining over his boyfriend who hates him


I hate how acknowledging unfairness in the world is seen as "childish". Maybe children are right. I don't think you should be proud of the fact that you've become complacent with the state of your miserable existence and took on this loser "it is what it is" mentality. Things can be better.