Writer/Artist in Progress

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How many days a week are you happy?








How many days a week do you avoid major emotional upheavel related to events in your own life? Crying over fiction is recreational, and should not be included in this poll. In this case unhappiness requires being in serious emotional distress for over one hour.

I was stuck between 4 and 5 I picked 5 I think I'm usually happy and if not happy then some form of content Weirdly no one said only two days My life is not so bad and my disorder is mostly regulated by my medication now happiness polls

Having an emotionally mature partner is TOP TIER. You're able to express yourself freely and openly. They don’t insult you. They don't give you the silent treatment. They don't become aggressive or manipulative. They listen, they respond—they patiently hold a safe space for you.


Find that person for you.

Be that person for them.

Help each other stay as those people.

I want to be this person I also need to find them too
being the human in a muppet movie get me out of here lol polls

Loneliness and demisexuality do not mix well… I think it is a root of my problem. I am a biromantic demisexual and that has historically not worked in my favor. I need to stop romanticizing friendship so damn much. I’m just happy when I find someone who will actually talk with me about interesting things. I want friends to lovers so bad in my life but it NEVER works out. Oof.

I am honestly happy just being a good friend of theirs BUT I also have feelings for them not their fault at all But they were being flirty before so...??? I don't like being confused Again I could just be niave and inexperienced BUT why mention you are single to your friend so much as if they would forget??? I know you are- do you want a reaction? Again the bipolar and obsessiveness that I've worked on do naturally worry me because I'd much rather have them in my life as a friend than not at all pathetic perhaps but true!!! mychatter