Pizza Box Raccoon (Posts tagged tw snakes)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Anonymous asked:

I have an art idea!

(you don't have to draw if you don't want to)

What ifffffff, for example: Roman exchanges his sword with Janus' cane.

Can`t see Roman just giving away his sword.

Might be best to ask Janus first…




Thanks for the ask anon. This was fun.

(Click for better quality.)

ask reply sanders sides thomas sanders roman sanders ts creativity janus sanders ts deceit tsart sanders sides fan art fan art my art ink digital art comic thing tw snakes tw scales tw food tw caps tw eye strain tw just in case the raccoon that wears a pizza box art ask anon


Something waits in the dark…

(Click for better quality.)


Tag list:




tag list reblog sanders sides thomas sanders janus sanders ts deceit sanders sides fan art snake monster monster janus fan art tsart my art tag list reblog watercolour pencils digital edit tw eyes tw scales tw snakes tw teeth tw body horror tw eye contact

A few people asked how I made Heckle and Jeckle, so I made this tutorial.

A few side notes,

This is a very basic make a pattern, cut out fabric and sew together. It can be applied to any plushie not just a snake.

I’m lazy as heck with my sewing, I hardly use pins to hold things together and my patterns change as I go. I’m not the best at explaining stuff, but hopefully this make sense and helps.

Feel free to ask me anything.

This is not the first plushie I’ve made. So please don’t be disheartened if you don’t get something straight away. (the pillow will collect your screams.) Just take your time and keep at it. You can do it!


• Think about the type of fabric you’re going to be using, I used a yellow throw blanket. (No, I didn’t steal it from Markiplier.) Some fabrics don’t have as much give when stretched so can change the look of the finished piece when stitched together.

Step 1 : Pattern


•Plan how big you want your plushie and think about the scale of the head compared to the body.

•Sketch out the head shape on paper, folding it in half to mark the middle. (Messy and only half the face works fine.)

• Folding the paper in half while cutting out your pattern makes it symmetrical.

Step 2 : Cutting out

Okay it looks a lot but bear with me.


• because mine was a throw I cut the hemmed edges off.

• I made sure the fur direction was natural. ( umm like stroking a cat/dog the fur goes snoot to tail.) and the fabrics give I used widthways, this helped the bodys shape later.

• I used the head pattern and measured 4 heads across the top, (plus 1 inch for seam allowance) for the width, then cut down the blankets full length to get the rectangle for the body.

• Pin the head pattern in place and cut around it leaving about ½ inch gap for seam allowance. (making sure the fur direction goes from snoot to tail.) Repeat till you have 4 head shapes cut out.

Step 3 : Sewing the Body


• 1. Fold the rectangle in half lengthways. Sew on the opposite edge to the fold, I used a back stitch for this. Leave a 5 inch gap for the necks and start sewing down to the bottom. Taper towards the middle and double back on yourself tapering towards the folded side, to form a V shape for the tail. Cut off the exsece fabric. Turn it inside out and fill with stuffing. (up to you how squishy you make them.) I use a knitting needle to push the stuffing to the end of the tail.

•2 and 3. Cut 5 inches down the folded side the match the gap the left above the sewing. These will form the necks.

• 4. Using a ladder stitch, start at the base of the V and one at a time work up each neck. Once done add stuffing.

Sewing the heads


• Sandwich two head shapes together, with the back of the fabric facing out on both. Sew together with a back stitch. Leave about ½ inch sem allowance from the edge.

• Turn it inside out. Sew on your buttons or beads on for the eyes.


(I found some cool translucent brown beads that made awesome eyes.)

• Add the stuffing. Tip: add a little at a time so you don’t overstuff. (up to you how squishy.)

•Repeat these steps with the other head, so you end up with two.

Step 4 : Attaching the heads.


• Tuck the edges of the neck and head in and add a bit of stuffing. Use a ladder stitch to connect the two.

•Repeat with the other head so they’re both attached.

• And Ta-da! You have a plushie perfect for hugs and cosplay needs.

(Optional: I used embroidery threads to make a few clusters of scales on each head and four black dot a long the lower snoot for the pits. I thought about adding seed beads in a few clusters for scales and some little tongues, but got lazy.)


Thank for all the love on the original post.

Hopefully this make some sense and is helpful.

Check online for stitch tutorials.

If you do use this tutorial to make anything, please tag me I would love to see it. ✨💛✨🐍✨💛✨

Have fun!

sanders sides thomas sanders ts deceit janus sanders roman sanders patton sanders remus sanders tutorial heckle and jeckle plush snake how to plushie craft how to my art hand sewing tw needles tw snakes tw just in case long post sorry cant spell for toffee so tired but got it done night night