Pizza Box Raccoon (Posts tagged roman sanders)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Happy Halloween!

My piece as part of the Sanders Sides 7th Anniversary Zine put together by @tssfanzine over on Instagram.

Full zine here

There is so much amazing stuff from fans please check it out. Awesome work from all involved.

sanders sides thomas sanders happy halloween 7th anniversary zine patton sanders logan sanders janus sanders roman sanders remus sanders virgil sanders tsart sanders sides fan art fan art my art ink digital art tw bright colors tw just in case

Finally free! From one hero to another, I thank you. You haven’t freed my brother yet have you? Some words of advice…free him last.

Happy Birthday Roman!

I did myself a mischief, so it’s been slow going working on this. Good to be drawing again.

sanders sides thomas sanders roman sanders happy birthday roman dragon roman ts creativity dragon design spyro dragon design dragon sides happy birthday roman 2023 tsart sanders sides fan art fan art my art ink digital art tw bright colors tw sword tw just in case

Pumpkin Heads for Everybody!

It’s that time of year again and what better way to celebrate then with carved pumpkins. Remus is very willing to share.

Hope you all had a fun and safe Halloween.

sanders sides thomas sanders remus sanders logan sanders janus sanders patton sanders virgil sanders roman sanders halloween pumpkin heads tsart sanders sides fan art fan art my art ink digital art markers tw bright colors tw eye strain tw just in case

Happy 6th Anniversary Sanders Sides.

I finished some more tarot card designs.

Card meanings.

Thomas - Fool

Innocence and Wonder.

Roman - Empress

Beauty and Creativity.

Janus - High Priestess

Wisdom and Inner voice.

Remus - Magician

Willpower and Resourceful.

Patton - Wheel

Fate and Opportunity.

Logan - Hermit

Self-reflection and Solitude.

Virgil - Death

End of cycles and New beginnings.


Finally got these finished. Two thirds down, only one more till we have a full set. Might be this time next year before I get the chance to finish the rest. Oh so busy.

This show means more to me than just being a comfort series. I’ve met so many incredible people and developed so much as an artist. I don’t know where I would be without it. Thank you for the journey so far, looking forward to what the future has in store.

5th anniversary tarot card designs.

sanders sides thomas sanders roman sanders janus sanders remus sanders patton sanders logan sanders virgil sanders sanders sides anniversary sanders sides tarot cards tsart sanders sides fan art fan art my art ink digital art tw eye contact tw eyeball tw bright colors tw weapon tw sword tw frog tw snakes tw bones tw skull tw spiders tw just in case

Recoloured Spiritfarer au.

2 years of learning digital art. I didn’t change the line art to much, just how I coloured each character. Still amazed by the difference.

Sleep/Remy as Gwen. Flower is a coffee plant flower.

Remus as Giovanni. Flower is a green dahlia.

Dr. Emile Picani as Stanley. Flower is a hibiscus.

Logan as Gustav. Flower is a petunia.

Patton as Atul. Flower is a baby blue eyes.

Thomas and Teddy as Stella and Daffodil.

Virgil as Alice. Flower is a corncockle.

Roman as Astrid. Flower is a rose.

Joan as Buck. Flower is a alstroemeria.

Janus as Summer. Flower is a black eye susan.

The Critic as Elena. Flower is pine.

(Link to 2020 version and Thomas recolour.)

sanders sides thomas sanders sleep sanders remus sanders dr emile picani logan sanders patton sanders teddy the turtle virgil sanders the critic roman sanders Joan janus sanders spiritfarer tsart spiritfarer fanart sanders shorts stress to impress cartoon therapy sanders sides fan art fan art my art ink digital art tw bright colors tw just in case


Do merfolk dance?

I hope they do. Bet it looks pretty.


Tag list:





@ idrawgaystffs

tag list reblog sanders sides thomas sanders roman sanders ts creativity ts princey mer roman mer based on a featherfin betta mermay 2022 tsart sanders sides fan art my art tag list reblog fan art ink digital art tw bright colors tw just in case


Happy Birthday Roman!

Have a magical day.

It took a redesign but I got it finished. Thank you graphic tablet for hanging in there till I got half of it done.


Tag list:




@ andey-moonglow

@ idrawgaystffs

tag list reblog sanders sides roman sanders ts creativity dragon roman happy birthday roman 2022 tsart sanders sides fan art fan art my art tag list reblog ink digital art tw sword tw bright colors tw eye contact tw just in case