Pizza Box Raccoon (Posts tagged giant merman au)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna


He just wanted to make sure that the diver’s ok because it’s getting dark and they’ve drifted away from their group. He probably misjudged their ability to tell that there’s something huge in the water with them and they took out their flashlight. Uh… Surprise! xD

His awkward smile is rather toothy and not too reassuring; glowing tapetum lucidum isn’t helping. The diver regrets taking out their flashlight. :)

God he’s so awkward the boi

Taglist under cut cuz why not (let me know if you want to be added/removed)

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giant merman au ts virgil mer virgil awesome art oh i love it he looks so caring but so much more nervous let him help!

Anonymous asked:

Wait? How big is Troll boi V? What you mean he can put Mergil on his lap? (Also that would be hella cute boi deserves some hugs) 🐙

muppenthings answered:

I haven’t worked out his height yet because I’m unsure if he’s the version I’ll go with, but he’s 300ft plus. :)

He can wade out to Mergil like


I said big and I meant it! But the difference looks dramatic because Mergil has a large/long “fish body” and the Troll is more “compact”. xD

So if Troll!Virgil is mindful of Mergil’s dorsal fins, he can have him sit on his lap. Like he’s a very, very long toddler. xD

mythical au giant merman au ts virgil awesome art always a bigger fish or troll mer virgil surprised pikachu face

Watermelon wish

Submitted by prplzorua

So, it’s been a bit…I wanted fluff but, uh, it’s bitter sweet?

Heh, whoops 😅


TW: pain, mild injury, blood, unconsciousness. 



  ‘Wish upon a star’, they said. ‘You never know! ~’ they said. Yet, they never once said what to do on the off chance that the star actually granted the wish.



 That’s the first thing he noticed on the night of the new moon.

  It hurts! It hurts so bad!

  Every inch of him ached, the pain radiated from his hair down to the tip of his tail fin. 

Everything felt like it was being compressed.

  His ribs felt bruised and his gills struggled to function, it was as if he had swum into the endless depths below and the pressure was consequently wreaking havoc on his body. He would fight it if he could, swim up and away from the cause of his pain, except…

Except, he was already on the surface and had been for quite some time.

  The sun had gone down no more than an hour or so and the “Scratching cliff” was a familiar spec in the distance ahead. The next meet up with his humans was to be in the morning, many, many hours away.

  He coughed and gagged; the scent of his own blood was beyond alarming. However, the pain radiating throughout his form kept him immobilized. That, of course, made his panic all the worse. If he could move, he would have been flailing and thrashing about in an attempt to escape whatever it is that was causing all this pain. 

Instead, he could do no more than writhe and whimper, while somehow remaining buoyant for the duration of his agony.

  The pain only grew more intense and to make matters worse, he was sinking

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giant merman au giant merman au fanwork recursive fic mer virgil ts logan ts patton ts roman awesome fic oh so good hugs all around and the cute bonus


Start | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

If only his nerves had held up for just a little longer. :)

giant merman au sanders sides mer virgil mer!sides ts virgil ts remus ts roman ts patton ts logan ts janus awesome art oh no he flinched and is trying to make himself smaller oh Virgil lots of misunderstandings pun from Patton Janus is not impressed Logan’s face still looks like he’s exasperated with the whole thing maybe he’s upset he couldn’t show some mad ninja skills to save Remus Remus loves him new hand hammock this is awesome love it so much good work


So a few wondered what would happen if Virgil did wake up here.

Yeah the twins woke him up. Would've been fine if they didn't start pulling at his teeth.

This was a super fast/rough comic. Just wanted to see if I could make one in a day. I could not. So the rest will come later. But for now, Remus is gone. 😂

giant merman au sanders sides mer virgil ts virgil ts remus ts roman ts patton ts logan mer!sides awesome art he he he bye Remus you agent of chaos love the last panel the 3 are exasperated Janus has the I told you so look Patton wow the big guy can swim fast Logan I can’t see a thing

themadauthorshatter asked:

You don't have to draw this if you don't want to, imagine the other Mer!sides seeing giant Mer!Virgil, the ones you've drawn, I mean😃

muppenthings answered:


Roman: *whisper yelling* “Trenches deep–! Remus! I’ll slap your tailfin if you wake them up…!”

Janus: “I’m so glad we decided to go to a kelp forest today.”

Patton: “Maybe they’re friendly? You can’t judge a mer by their scale!”

Logan: “Are you refering to their size or their literal scales?”

Patton: “Yes.”

Remus: “Think those are sharp? Let me just- ”

Everyone: No!

giant merman au sanders sides ts remus ts roman ts logan ts patton ts virgil mermay awesome art this looks amazing so detailed it’s Remus oc he walke him up swimming away very quickly ty!