tired. here. queer.
? ? ?
star ocean 2 R

27 Nov 2023

26 Nov 2023

6:16 AM

Harassing people… is bad.

“But they’re a bad person!”

Okay? And what will harassing them online do? Stop being bad? Or make you feel better? You get some pleasure from harassing someone online? If so, please stay far away from me.

Most people have social boundaries about harassment; most people don’t have to be told that harassment is wrong.

But when you start making exceptions, when you start justifying harassment against specific targets, you start to erode those boundaries. It becomes easier to harass and justify harassment because you’re losing that natural sense of “whoa, hang on, I’m doing something wrong.”

When you give yourself permission to be an absolute cunt to someone and still see yourself as a good person, you’ll be amazed to see just how quickly you start justifying being a cunt in general.

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