Its Getting Cold..

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277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Just looked thru my intro post and realized it’s outdateddddd lolll so I’m making a new one

  • Hi! My name is Scottie, but I also go by Karl and Stardust
  • I use any pronouns, but I prefer he/they
  • I am panromantic and asexual :D
  • I’m not organized enough to have side blogs, so all my interests go on here. Also I don’t have any fandom organization tags, so very sorry
  • All of my original posts or random talking bits are tagged under #The Crab Speaks
  • I do art! I’m not consistent at all with posting it, but any that I do post, you’ll find under #Crab Doodles
  • ^^^ I made an art blog! Check out @scottie-draws-sometimes
  • If I ever post irl photos, I tag them with #irl pics
  • I decided to start posting pictures of my bro’s dog hehe. I tag these with #my brother’s dog :)
  • If I ever make any tagging or tw mistakes or forget something, please tell me!!
  • Uhhhh I don’t know what else to put. Shoutout to @/fumrell hys hot AND funny. Anyways
Pinned Post this is so much shorter than my old one but that’s probably a good thing sorry beloved for mentioning you at the bottom tehe I had to add something I’m using this as an excuse to not work on homework tehe The Crab Speaks intro post

Sorry, I could never be a capitalist, I suffer from “wanting humans to have their basic needs met” disorder, where I care about people who aren’t me.


Someone once asked me if, assuming we got universal healthcare, I would be okay with the rise in “healthcare tourism” where people who are sick come to our country to get their medical bills taken care of and life-saving medical treatment cheaper than in their home countries.

I was just like, yeah thats fine, I’d actually prefer it if 0 people died from preventable causes kept behind a paywall for no reason.


“even the addicts?” yeah dude did i fucking stutter