


Art and stuff
He/ she/ they
Is it too much to ask for just an ounce of serotonin?!

Te: Gore on new post

You have been warned (I hate school)


And with her we conclude the trilogy

Here we present our dear Tallulah (just realized I wrote the name wrong )

She deserves the world and I love her and I’m slightly bitter that she is the only out of the three that is alive and well

Anyways, Idk if Wilbur is back yet but I hope to see a reunion between these two

Also she being adopted by Phil was so sweet and it hurt


Now into hc: she’s got no wings

Like her dad (Wilbur) both have the chance of having wings but they will never be permanent or strong enough to keep them in the air

She longs for that feeling, the sun on her skin and wind blowing her hair as she goes through clouds and sees the world from above

Chayanne is very protective of her but she reminds him that he is also young and doesn’t have to carry the burden of keeping his loved ones safe alone (She tells him Technoblade was surrounded by allies and he never had to do stuff on his own)

She loves music and flowers and fighting

She takes more of a defense role, being the shield to Chayanne’s sword

And here are the three of them

But something feels weird….


Next is our child that fought to the very end

Tilín takes a lot after Quackity (as he was the only parent they were able to rely on in the beginning)

Duck wings which unlike the other’s, their wings are not strong enough to fly, they can glide tho!

Little duckling didn’t have the best so they spent a lot of time at Jaiden and Roier’s house, which Bobby wasn’t very welcoming to that

Love language is teasing and giving flowers

Their blue jumper is a hand down from an old hoodie, fixed by Quackity and the pin came from Flippa

Gone and only then did papa Quackity realized he messed up (he keeps their bow tied on their wrist ;-;)

Two out of three are finished

The last one is very obvious but I think that Wilbur will be back on the server by the time I finish

Anyways, gotta start thinking about drawing the parents

Also finish the egg designs


Now we have our little slime dragon

She left us way too soon ;-;

(I hope I got her right)

Our dear Juanaflippa, first one to taste death and second one to die permanently

Horn melts a bit (due to slime DNA) and has normal wings that give of the idea of melting (again slime DNA )

Bad eyesight because all three of them are blind usually quiet but she’s very funny once you get to know her

Takes more after Slime but has a few things from Mariana

(Wonder who the other two are)

(Just realized I made it so f*cking clear ;-;)


Bobby chingon

(I’m late with this since Bobby is already ded :(, but I like the spider-bird family)


In my hc for the Qsmp eggs, they imprint on their guardians and inherit their traits (wings, extra limbs, skin and hair color, etc)

Bobby seems to take more after Jaiden with him inheriting wings and a tail (the wings can be retracted into his back in which they look like tattoos, he can also alter the size of them if not wanting to pull them out completely)

But he also took after Roier’s fierce eyes and fangs (also an extra eye hidden behind his hair and bandanna)

Pyromaniac and a mama’s boy

Rip Bobby ;-;
