
a gay mint


some people think writers are so eloquent and good with words, but the reality is that we can sit there with our fingers on the keyboard going, “what’s the word for non-sunlight lighting? Like, fake lighting?” and for ten minutes, all our brain will supply is “unofficial”, and we know that’s not the right word, but it’s the only word we can come up with…until finally it’s like our face got smashed into a brick wall and we remember the word we want is “artificial”.

I couldn't remember the word "doorknob" ten minutes ago.


ok but the onelook thesaurus will save your life, i literally could not live without this website



Reblog to save a writer's life,,,,

Are you trapped on tumblr right now?

Is there something you planned to do before you got trapped in the endless tumblr scroll?

Are you yelling at yourself to get up and do the thing, but you can’t, because you’re trapped in the endless tumblr scroll?

Consider this your save point.

Put tumblr down, stand up, stretch, and go do the thing you planned to do. Future you will be incredibly grateful.

Things people in the notes have been able to do thanks to this post:

  • eat breakfast
  • go to bed
  • get out of bed
  • take a shower
  • write
  • practice
  • watch Superman Returns and write a paper on it
  • retain shreds of sanity

I need y’all to know that you’re doing amazing, and I’m so glad that I was able to help you break out of a procrastination loop you did not want to be stuck in.

Helpful post I’ve added to my queue in case it helps someone else at the random point when it’s posted.

"This last re-read of Jekyll & Hyde really entrenched me in my interpretation, that Jekyll and Hyde are the same person."

"Well. Duh. That's the point of the story."

"No, you don't get it."

As (alleged) ceo of yoohankim I have made it my mission to respond to all of the birthday art I received this weekend 🫡 we are stimulating the Economy!!! Most of the originals are on my Twitter, so go check them out!

Stay tuned for more :)

being a fan of a character is sometimes “look at how complex he is. he’s so intricate and his story is so tragic and he’s so much more complicated than people give him credit for” and sometimes it’s like “haha look at this failure of a person. I wanna throw him off a cliff and see what happens”

every monday i go on tumblr to see how the tgs fandom is doing and i love seeing how we still flip our shit despite expecting jekyll-hyde (or hyde-jekyll, whatever)

I love how Lucy, Lanyon, and Rachel have not a single clue how old Hyde is, which is fair, but it's really funny to me that their like "err, middle teens?"

Rachel; "It's ok kid, we'll help you out."

Edward; "How-how old do you think I am???"

Rachel; "Like, 14? 15?"

Edward; "..."

Rachel; "What? A bit older?"

Edward; "I'M LIKE, 23!"


science textbook doodles 2: electric boogaloo

this particular chapter is about electricity, something Hyde should not be left alone with at all costs

Lanyon: I’m proud to identify as morosexual. I’m attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. Jekyll asked me what the Spanish word for "tortilla" was once, and now I dream of kissing him under the moonlight. Hyde: What kind of animal is the Pink Panther? Lanyon, already taking off his clothes: God, Hyde, you’re so fucking stupid.