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been looking at a lot of betrayal fics recently and man a lot of people underestimate or just completely forget about Percy and Annabeth's five years of friendship before they started dating. and a lot of them completely underestimate Annabeth herself.

how many of them start with Annabeth suddenly deciding Percy isn't worth the trouble? like bitch please if she was going to do that she would have done it in book 1 when he decided fighting the god of war was a good idea.

how many of them have Annabeth as this emotionless puppet master building Percy up and using him for his fame? friend idk how to tell you this, but she spent five years certain he was going to die at 16. she would've chosen some other demigod to turn into a hero and she would have done it beautifully.

how many of them have Annabeth being controlled by some outside enemy forcing her to be horrible? as if she didn't break through Circe's charmspeak and resist her offer of immortality at 13 for Percy?

a realistic betrayal would be Annabeth holding an intervention because she thinks Percy's gone too far, and it driving a wedge between them. a realistic betrayal would be Percy accidentally hurting someone, and Annabeth telling Chiron despite a promise to keep it a secret. A realistic betrayal is Annabeth seeing how Percy's stopped taking care of himself, and telling someone to get him help he doesn't think he needs.

Annabeth would only ever betray Percy for his own wellbeing. gosh i need to write a fic about this.


I know! Always gets so frustrated at those fics! Fucker forgets that their relationship didn’t start off as romantic immediately. There was a 5 year old build up that challenged their friendship as much as it’s strengthen it.

They were loyal to each other way before they were even dating.

Not to mention how they sometimes write JASON out of all people to replace Percy as Annabeth’s boyfriend.

Like- Bro, have you SEEN those two?


riordanverse fans, how many of the series have you FINISHED reading?

just PJO


PJO, HoO & ToA

Kane Chronicles only

Magnus Chase only

Olympus Books + KC + related short stories

All main series books but NO short stories

All main series books AND all short stories

All main series books and only SOME short stories

Other (please elaborate in tags!)

See Results

You said to elaborate, so I’m gonna elaborate.

I have finished and reread Pjo, HoO, ToA and all of the PJO related short stories.

That’s it.