Pizza Box Raccoon (Posts tagged tw weapon)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

It’s TSS Story Time!

Thanks to @the-princey-pie for sharing this beautiful story that I got to create art for. It’s been amazing fun.

You can read Summer Wine In Verdant Winters right here! Please go check it out!


(More art under here, but be warned some pieces might show spoilers.)

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tssstorytimesubmission2023 tss storytime 2023 tss story time big bang 2023 writing by the incredible Atlas the-princey-pie sanders sides thomas sanders fan art my art ink digital art tw just in case tw scars tw weapon tw sword

Took you long enough! I was starting to think my brother was keeping you away on purpose. If he’s really paying you, I can double it! Just keep telling him I’m still stuck in crystal.

Happy Birthday Remus!

He’s free, but at what cost?

sanders sides thomas sanders remus sanders happy birthday remus dragon remus ts dark creativity dragon design spyro dragon designs dragon sides happy birthday remus 2023 tsart sanders sides fan art fan art my art ink digital art tw weapon tw eye contact tw eyes tw bright colors tw just in case

Happy 6th Anniversary Sanders Sides.

I finished some more tarot card designs.

Card meanings.

Thomas - Fool

Innocence and Wonder.

Roman - Empress

Beauty and Creativity.

Janus - High Priestess

Wisdom and Inner voice.

Remus - Magician

Willpower and Resourceful.

Patton - Wheel

Fate and Opportunity.

Logan - Hermit

Self-reflection and Solitude.

Virgil - Death

End of cycles and New beginnings.


Finally got these finished. Two thirds down, only one more till we have a full set. Might be this time next year before I get the chance to finish the rest. Oh so busy.

This show means more to me than just being a comfort series. I’ve met so many incredible people and developed so much as an artist. I don’t know where I would be without it. Thank you for the journey so far, looking forward to what the future has in store.

5th anniversary tarot card designs.

sanders sides thomas sanders roman sanders janus sanders remus sanders patton sanders logan sanders virgil sanders sanders sides anniversary sanders sides tarot cards tsart sanders sides fan art fan art my art ink digital art tw eye contact tw eyeball tw bright colors tw weapon tw sword tw frog tw snakes tw bones tw skull tw spiders tw just in case


The Duke of the Deep Sea.

Octopus Pirates, eight times more dangerous then your every day pirate.


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@ idrawgaystffs

tag list reblog sanders sides thomas sanders remus sanders ts dark creativity ts the duke mer remus mermay 2022 tsart sanders sides fan art fan art my art tag list reblog ink digital art tw octopus tw tentacles tw weapon tw bright colors tw eye contact tw shirtless tw just in case


Remus’s skirt look + skateboarding =

Hotdog skateboard 2, electric boogaloo.

A little late with this but it’s one of my favourites.


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@ andey-moonglow

@ idrawgaystffs

tag list reblog sanders sides thomas sanders remus sanders ts dark creativity the duke sides in skirts hot dog skateboard tsart sanders sides fan art fan art my art tag list reblog ink digital art tw weapon tw bright colors tw food tw just in case

American’s Next Best Home Awkward Improvement D.I.Y.

Some warm up sketches I felt needed to be finished. This video looked so fun. Hope to see more in the future.

(Click for better quality.)


thomas sanders awkward adventures ts thomas ts quil ts artie ts aj ts dominic ts dahlia thomas sanders and friends tsart awkward adventures fan art fan art my art ink digital art tw bright colors tw gun tw weapon tw just in case fantastic job to everyone that worked on the video photographers and all the help behind the scenes like make up and editors everyone!!!


Roman: It wasn’t even a real pumpkin?


Patton: pfft! Ha ha ha.

Virgil: Don’t encourage him.

Janus: Take it off and take a proper shower.

Roman: Any! Time! We could have been rid of it!


Enough part 2.

Remus probably wishes he could have kept the pumpkin on a little longer but there’s always next Halloween.

Thanks for all the support with this series.

(Bonus doodles on the way.)

(Click for better quality.)

Pumpkin head Remus Master post here.


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tag list reblog sanders sides thomas sanders pumpkin head remus remus sanders ts dark creativity patton sanders virgil sanders logan sanders roman sanders janus sanders tsart fan art sanders sides fan art my art tag list reblog tw eye contact tw bright colors tw weapon