
Spirituality With Tally


Random Messages (12/14/22)

Text me to book a reading , prices in my pinned post 💕💕

If your birthday is on the ..

13th , 26th , 30th , 6th , 3rd , 25th , 15th , 24th , 8th , 28th :

There was way too much of you not recognizing your potential this year. Too many dark days & it’s definitely time to get out of this funk that you’ve been in. You have more options than you think!! You just have to stop being soo pessimistic & cultivate healthier coping skills for the way you’re feeling about life right now. Better days are coming, just keep your faith strong. I know it’s easier said than done but try to do something that helps you feel better everyday. You don’t have to feel this way forever & you won’t.

If your birthday is on the ..

31st , 11th , 17th , 14th , 16th , 19th , 9th , 10th , 29th , 12th :

There’s a connection in your life right now (or coming within the next 2-6 months) that is sooo spiritually aligned. You’re really meant to grow & glow with this person. They’re unlike anyone you’ve ever been with before & really help you learn new things about life and yourself. You’re on the same page, the same path, and the feelings are mutual. That doesn’t mean it’s gonna always be rainbows & peaches, but it is genuine. Let this person in, you can trust them.

If your birthday is on the ..

21st , 7th , 22nd , 2nd , 4th , 23rd , 1st , 20th , 5th , 27th , 18th :

Don’t let pride turn you into a mean spirited person. No one is ever too wise to learn from others. You are not always right. Don’t push people away by being so argumentative, as well as closed off. It’s important to heal those habits so that you can keep genuine people around you. If anyone around you has this energy, it’s okay to move away from them if they refuse to change. Not everyone wants to learn & it’s not your job to enlighten everyone. But remember to check yourself if it’s you with this energy.

Observations about degrees nobody talks about in astrology pt.1

3°=People who have their personal planets or prominent placements (like angular houses or when two strong planets form a conjunction) at 3°, you were born to be a journalist/ teacher/ writer/editor or work in media in general (same for 15°/27°)

7°/19°=People either love you a lot or really hate you there's absolutely no middle ground

9°= Luck/success degree especially about fame, i have my sun (in cancer in 10H house) my venus (in gemini in 9H) and my north node (in taurus in 8H) at 9° and i will come back to you in like 2/3 years if I managed to achieve success in the tv and cinema industry as an actress/screenwriter or director!!!

Big 3 (especially moon)/4H cusp at 10°=Being forced to do things you don't want for cultural or family traditions/customs.

Ascendant/ mercury 11°/23°= Being seen as weird or hilarious. I have my mercury at 23° and i always been either considered as "weird" or funny.

-12°= "THE" degree of spirituality, people who have this degree at their personal planets or prominent placements are the masters of manifestation,they are easily able to astral travel and decree their own reality.

Prominent 18°=Having people around/attracting mentally ill people/backstabbers or criticizing you a lot all the time.

25° (especially on ascendant/on mars/in aries or the cusp of house in which aries is placed)=Always being brought into a position of leader/savior even if you don't feel like it.


✨Aries Mars✨ Okay, their anger is rational, but they often times over accelerate their force. They can be so calm and collected one moment and the next they’re beating your face in. They have such quick instincts it’s incredible. I notice they only get upset when they feel threatened or they want something to go their way. It’s not that they’re controlling, it’s that they don’t take the time to be persuaded (their instincts just kick in, they take action immediately). So to other people it seems like they’re controlling but really they just don’t have patience. These people NEED daily exercise. They have more energy than the average person.
✨Taurus Mars✨ When they want something they get it. Completely irrational but only when they’re after something. For the most part they’re very passive in the sense where they don’t care for drama so they don’t put themselves in it. Rarely ever having to show their force or assertion, unless there’s something in it for them BUT it has to be something of good value. Taurus Mars stick up for others very sternly but they know people make their own decisions so they’re passive in the way where they put their foot down and if someone crosses that line Taurus Mars just asserts their zero tolerance for bullshit. Taurus Mars have a consistent stamina, once they start going it’s hard for them to stop. Will give the silent treatment to avoid drama, they simply don’t care. They’re so secure within themselves.
✨Gemini Mars✨ Either gives the silent treatment or completely destroys someone with their words, but not in a ruthful way. It’s more of an observation they make & once they have all of the puzzle pieces together they just spit out so much information against the person they’re mad at. It’s like they notice small slights or minor tense moments that someone has towards them, but Gemini Mars are so passive they don’t take offense until they’ve truly had enough. Once they’ve taken enough stabs, then they just UNLOAD everything that’s ever rubbed them the wrong way about the person they’re upset with. The crazy thing is that once the tension has died down, it’s like nothing ever happened. They can go back to having a normal, silly, conversation. I think they do it to avoid conflict. Gemini Mars don’t like being mad. These people have A LOT of energy but it comes in spurts. They rest for a moment then they go, then rest, then go. Their instincts are quick witted and sly, every action has already been thought of and they act on which is best. They also ask other people for their opinions to take into consideration when making their decision to act.
✨Cancer Mars✨ They want to be passive so badly, but they do a bad job at hiding it. They often get mad at people for not having good morals. They’re the type of people to get mad at someone for being openly rude or being a bully. Their argument is being rational about how they feel and/or how it makes others feel— “You did this to me and it hurt my feelings, I’m not going to be around you if you keep this up.� Sometimes this can be seen as sensitive but honestly Cancer Mars are such good friends to have, they look out for the ‘little guy’. Their energy level is consistent, never off beat. They take time to nourish themselves when they’re tired so they can get up and keep going. I notice these people are so clean and tidy.
🖤▪� Astro Notes ▪�🖤

♣� Gemini placements can be very curious about everything they do, tho these people are very curious most of times. Their curiosity hits even in the most unexpected moments. ♣�

♣� Pisces Placements are big indicators of someone who is very artistic and charismatic♣�

♣� Aries Venus and Mars can get very jealous and very easy, i describe this as the bulls when they see the red color. They are not aggresive but jealousy can suffocate them sometimes ♣�

♣�Virgo Mars is a very attractive placement, most of these people can be switch. (Dominant or submissive depends on their needs)♣�

♣� You just know that a Capricorn Mars is gonna do everything for you to feel good, doesn't matter how you feel these people will always try to make you feel good ♣�

♣� Taurus/Libra Venus can love so passionately, these people are the Venus definition, these type of people can spend the whole day to make you love yourself, and to value yourself :> such cute people ♣�

♣�Your 5th house Sign can show you how like to experience sex/love:♣�

For example: 5th house in Scorpio can be very passionate, a lot of kinks

5th house in Aquarius can make someone to try different and new things during love time

5th house in Gemini might be the type of people who wanna make love all day either to have more round of love.

♣� I don't think i said this before but Uranus - ascendant aspects want to be different from the public/ other people, and that's not a bad thing they are doing their own things in their own unique world ♣�

♣� Sun in Scorpio have a very sexual aura around, that's the energy their radiate ♣�

♣�Sun in Aries are ultra dominants, i don't think i ever saw an Aries to be submissive, they just like to be in power and control all the time ♣�

♣�Mercury - Pluto aspects might like dirty talk too much, is like they see this as the key in their love life, i don't know why but i think they might lose interest if you don't talk dirty with them 😭

♣� Uranus - Mars aspects might have an addiction for making love, they just have a very high libido and a very unique sex drive ♣�

♣�If you wanna balance yourself with your own beauty start to dress yourself like your Venus sign in colors:

For example: Scorpio Venus looks very good in dark colors, black, dark red and dark blue

Sagittarius Venus look very good in light red, purple, turquoise and magenta

Pisces Venus look very good in white, silver, green -light blue and dark green

Aquarius Venus look very good in purple, blue - black, dark pink, neon colors and yellow

♣� Most people with Doe Eyes, have either Neptune - Moon prominent in their charts either Pisces/Cancer/Libra, if you have Doe Eyes but you don't have any of the above look if you Neptune/Sun/Venus/Moon - Ascendant aspects

♣�When Moon/Neptune are transitioning your first house you are gonna be more sensibile than before. I said this about Moon but Neptune here makes you to heal yourself a bit slower because, you are going in a new emotional cycle so you need first to heal your wounds to enter this cycle

♣�Any planets/asteroids in in your fifth house are gonna influence your sexual life, especially if you have a 5th stiellium, you kinda are meant to feel pleasure:

Example: Saturn in the 5th house, this placement, Saturn is gonna make you feel very intense he will try to make you learn a lot of things during love time

Mars in 5th house is a very passionate placement

here Mars needs to feel pleasure at a very deep level, is also a very artistic placement, Mars tells you to take attitude and to enjoy

Uranus in the 5th house, well....here Uranus is telling you to try different things in order to find your favorites things during love time

♣� Juno - Mars (harmonious) aspect can show your spouse will be very sensual with you and you will have a lot of good toke together

If it's makes and harsh aspect that means your spouse can have hard time to be intimate, maybe they are afarid of something and they will fear to be intimate. Together you need to feel both good

♣� Juno - Chiron aspects: there is a high chance for the relationship to be a karmic one and too need to solve a lot of karmic things together, either your spouse heal your wounds either you will be the one to heal their wounds. It matters because you 2 will need to heal eachother.. if it makes and harsh aspect with Juno then the relationship can turn into a healing karmic process when you both will learn a lot of things about life together ♣�

♣� Venus - Chiron aspects need to learn to give love either to receive love from others ���

If it's a harmonious aspect (Semi sextile, sextile,trine, conjunct, quintile, bi-quintile) between these 2, you need to give love to others, to give love to the ones you think they deserve to be loved. But you also need to love yourself and to be happy with your own person

If it's in a harsh aspect (Semi square, square, opposition, conjunct, quincunx) between these 2, you need to learn to receive love from others, because it might be hard for you to feel love, to de affection from others :(, you also need to love yourself to start being happy with your own body, mind, heart and soul. Be happy with everything around you ��

♣ï¸? Lilith in Virgo/6th house, might have an obsession with trying to be perfect, trying to be on everyone likes, these people can be hard on themselves :(, please take a deep breath of air and remember is good to be different, is good to be imperfect, is good to be yourself and never change yourself just because someone wants that. I wanna hug you all because you have it really hard on these subjects (â? âŠƒâ? ï½¡â? â€¢Ì?â? â€¿â? â€¢Ì€â? ï½¡â? )â? âŠƒ

♣� People with water Moons (Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer) can possess psychic powers, that's because water represents the subconscious mind and these Moon can have their subconscious awaken very often ♣�

♣� People with Saturn in 4th/6th/8th/12th houses really like to sleep a lot because they can be tired 24/7 😭♣�

♣� Venus in water and fire signs can be very posesive of their partners, they are very jealous too and horny all the time 🤣😭♣�.

♣�Venus in Earth signs are most likely to take it slowly and very serious when they met potential partners, for them because it's important to take it step by step 😲♣�

♣�I can already see how Venus in Air signs will talk a lot with their partners about everything that happened in their life its so cute to met such people to tell you everyday stories of their life🥹

♣�Juno (3) asteroid in Air Signs (Gemini,Libra, Aquarius) can find a really attractive partner who they can talk all day with, is something very unique in their partners 🥹♣�

♣� Can we talk about how Midheaven and Juno harmonious aspects (Semi sextile, Bi-quintile, Quintile, sextile, Trine, conjunction) show that a lot of people would like you as a couple?🥹 A lot of people will love you 2 together 😲

If it's an harsh aspect to Midheaven (Semi Square, Opposition, Conjunction, Square) be careful because people might be very jealous of you. Especially Juno - Midheaven conjunction because is the strongest 🥹

How people with Mercury in Air signs type messages so fast 😭😭, like they can spam you with messages just in 2 minutes

With Love, Harmoonix��

Placements that (imo) are tough to have 🎅🎄

Highlights: Pisces/12H; Aquarius/11H; Aries Moon; Moon-Mercury; Mars-Pluto; Virgo/6H; Capricorn/10H Moon

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(„• ֊ •„) ♡


Pisces/12H placements � not being believed or getting falsely accused.

Chiron in Aquarius/11H. No sense of belonging. Like you belong to everywhere and nowhere in a society. Maturity level between you and your peers is like chalk and cheese. Having hard time making friends with peers. Getting bullied.

Aries Moon natives have it hard in life. The truest rebelliant of Zodiac. In this world, there never was a place for individualism, assertivness, straightforwardness and honesty. You must to have strength to follow your own path, apart from the crowd. People hate other people who possess this strength. They hate it when you have your own mind, your own moral compass and when you follow your own path. They will tell you to shut up, they will try to suppress you, but do not ever let them do that. ðŸ??

Moon square/opposite Mercury may have hard time getting along with women. 🫠

Pisces/12H Moon or Venus natives love with all of their heart, soul and mind. The purest and deepest form of love. Love beyond the body and mind. Unfortunately, some evil person could easily take advantage of this. Or native does love someone so much it causes almost physical pain to be apart from their lover.

Mars trine/conjunct Pluto, I think this kind of energy may be overpowering for other people so they can’t withstand your presence for a long time. There definitely draws a difference in a room when you walk in. 🌚 You’re a strong personality.

Virgo/6H placements may be hard to have because resting feels uncomfortable to the native. Like you have to be doing smth all the time in order to feel useful.

Capricorn/10H Moon natives are accused of being emotionless so it may be annoying and overwhelming, but believe me, no one is emotionless. There are just different ways to express emotions. However natives may be having hard time understanding and accepting emotions so they may come across as emotionless.



  • water moons are just so … love naive. it breaks my heart how much these people get taken advantage of. if you come across a manipulative, hard cored water moon, know that they’ve already been hurt too much. this especially goes for cancer moons. like when a crab closes its shell
  • i already spoke about capricorn and scorpio placements getting the most hurt in this life but i’ve noticed it’s somewhat different. capricorn’s pain is obvious and “logicalâ€?. these people couldn’t catch a break because saturn and pluto have been transiting the sign of capricorn and now aquarius so it’s decades od having two malefics going up and down on your placements. mother died, father left, grandma got ill, parents divorced.. whatever it was, naturally, when you hear their life story, it makes sense as to why they behave as rigid or even pessimistic and frustrated with others, with themselves. they’ve been through so much and their childhoods were one of the most difficult i’ve seen (especially aquarius/capricorn stellium). burdened by everything that happens, they usually buckle up and dig themselves in their work. work is the most favorable medicine for saturnians.
  • scorpio, on the other hand, might not even have any of these life circumstances. i’ve noticed plutonians can create their own misery. they can be healthy, employed, even have both parents, a house, friends../ yet somehow they’re suffering. this is because scorpio needs the wound to keep it going. it needs something to die over, then be reborn, because without it - there’s no point. it wouldn’t be a scorpio to begin with. say you might be going through a heartbreak. and you hurt, you buy icecream, you go shopping, cry for a while, then move on. regular life, it happens. plutonian going through a break up is like peeling the skin of your bones. it goes on and on. it can be years over something that can be finished in a month. they hurt with every cell in their body. everything is deep, everything is big, everything is an apocalipse. this is how scorpio/pluto processes hurt and betrayal and most often in secrecy. i say - the rest of the zodiac suffers, and then there’s scorpio
  • venus being harshly aspected by saturn could manifest as having an extremely low self esteem that you’re not even aware of. it could prolonge a happy relationship or any sort of relationship at all. if you do get into a relationship, make sure they are treating you right. there’s a good chance you have to work on your confidence a lot
  • i’ve witnessed libra mars be so peaceful about an issue that i wanted to pluck their words out with pliers. they can really swipe things under the rug and just stay aggressively silent. my father has this placement as well and i’ve seen him stand up for himself and loose his cool maybe - two times. other libra placements don’t have this sort of passiveness (except maybe libra rising) so idk where the stereotype on libra suns is coming from. also, i find libras to be much darker than people see them to be. maybe because there’s a good chance they’ll have some scorpio placements as well but. i think this sign needs a deeper analyses
  • SYNASTRY TIME! there is one guy who has loved me for the past three years no matter where he’d been and who he’d been with. whenever he sees me it all starts all over again and these are most significant synastry aspects that we have: - my saturn and mars square his moon (he is hurt all over again every time. i have a situation where i’m the moon and i was the hurt one. beware of malefics on your moon!) - my sun conjuncts his venus (this aspect seems very powerful be it in synastry or composite, but i don’t feel it much. my venus also conjuncts his sun and i see him as nothing but another friend) - his neptune opposite my venus and mars (he is the infatuated one, not me) - my moon, venus, mars and jupiter in his 8H (feels possessive over me, stares at me to the point i have to yell at him to stop, looks at me like a lost puppy, has no control over his dignity and if he sees another man flirting with me he gets mad and the rest of his night is ruined) - my ascendant conjunct his moon and my mc conjunct his sun (i have no idea how this plays out but it seems important)


-That's insane how vedic astrology shows the letters in the name/ moon sign/appearance/character/job and when and where you will meet of your spouse!! I decided to put more details that i find in vedic in spouse reading (i noticed that there are more informations about the spouse in vedic than western). Be quick to buy cuz i will close the readings in a month!!

-Mercury in 11H= Being a gossiper/ the person who knows everything/ a professsional stalker. You guys have to be a FBI agent at this point.

-Neptune in 10H/ conjunct mc= Being seen as a very nice person/angel even if this is not the case by the public. I know someone who has this placement and people see always her as a very innocent and good person while she was a b*tch loll

-Chiron in 1H, i'm so sorry that people made you feel like you are a big shit/ a joke, that everything is wrong with you or you are not enough, but i swear you that there is nothing wrong with you and you are enough <33

-Saturn in 1H/ conjunct asc people, i swear that either they appear older than they are or it's the complete opposite. In any case, they age like wine.

-Venus in taurus/ leo/ virgo/libra stop forgive your gf/bf who litteraly cheated on you!!! You don't have to be loyal towards a j*rk a*s and i know that you seek excuses or don't believe that they cheated on you but i promise they did and there is no excuse

-Prominent capricorn placements woman= the rich and cool auntie

-In every family, there is a 40+ years old virgo sun auntie who is waiting to marry like for years, in mine she was a pisces but had prominent virgo placements (she was my mom's aunt and died 4 years ago)

-Gemini sun people are so easily noticed omg!!! Maybe bc i have two gemini siblings idk but i really notice quickly gemini sun people, like they all have the same vibe that's hard to explain.

-Inversely, sagittarius sun people (especially when they have a scropio stellium) are unnoticeable. I either think that they are a scorpio or a capricorn lmaooo

Interesting astrology observation of mine from a friend’s chart. She has 12H gemini and her mercury is in libra 4H. She’s also in her 12H profection year. She recently got a job with a foreign company (12H) but she works at home/in her home country (4H) and her job involves communicating with clients (gemini) about giving them recognition for their achievements/boosting their ego (libra). Interesting use of profection years.

i actually love tarot and astrology and tbh any other form of divination in the sense that it is a conversation i have with myself. i treat it as a self-discovery and decision making tool based on a language with fixed associations and symbols and how they bounce off my own pre-existing feelings. why does this confirm my worldview? why does this association surprise me? did I already know the next logical step for me to take all along? it’s a way of working through my feelings first and foremost. when I read my natal chart and the planets describe a personality, what resonates with me? does it resonate because of a narrative im trying to attach to my life rn? these can be really powerful conversations you can have with yourself (and other people too if they’re articulate about it, it gives you the opportunity to experience them and get to know them from so many angles, although in the end it’s like a hall of mirrors).

there’s also beauty in recognising and attributing new and more personal meanings to the traditional ones. The imagery is full of poetry tbh. you create a whole new language to talk with yourself, your own language that speaks of you, of how you define yourself, how you change during the different phases of your life, in the little things and in the big once in a lifetime decisions you make.

i don’t see it as that different that working through personal issues through tv shows, writing, etc.

solar return observations

these are just personal observations 💖 and im not a professional astrologer :)

notes. this is my first time posting an astro observation <3 based on my experiences as well as my friends' and i'll be telling a ton of those stuff below just to make the points clearer + provide examples 🥰 don't take these too seriously <3
all placements observed are from the solar return chart on its own!

sun square moon indicates a busy, life-changing year, although it also indicates having tension at home, especially with mother or female/feminine figures in your family.

pluto in 1H: major transformation in self. could be on your appearance but i find it to be more about your personality and self-image.

uranus in 4H is commonly known for a home move, but i also wanted to emphasize here that it's sudden.

my best friend had 4H uranus the other year and one day she suddenly came to class n told me "hey i'm going to study abroad, i just decided yesterday" - it was super unexpected 😃
i wanted to go study abroad that year too but my parents didn't approve until some time the next year bam "i'm going to go study overseas" and guess what? i didn't have 4H uranus the year my friend went, but i had it when i did got to go.

i travelled a lot on years i have sun in 9H, both domestic and abroad.

sun in 9H AND uranus 4H would be a pretty strong indicator for traveling to another country to study in my opinion.

the best friend i mention had both these placements when she went studying abroad and i had both of these too the next year that i also went.

venus opposite uranus indicates a change in one's relationship status, like a break up. if you're single then there'll be chances of getting in a relationship.

i had this (10H venus opposing 4H uranus) the year that a lot of people liked me romantically, throughout the year and even at the same time. chose to stay single hehe but love interests was everywhere ✌�

venus in 1H and/or conjunct ascendant: glow up. and it's also emotionally loving yourself more for your appearance as it is 💖

2H stellium can mean spending a lot of money, since planets in 2H show what you'll be spending money on.

jupiter in 2H is spending money for knowledge and traveling. and i'd say that having this can also indicate spending lots of money because jupiter expands/grows everywhere it's at, plus traveling costs a lot of money.

i bought tons of books: mangas and nonfiction n fiction novels (i count manga as books sksjks still knowledge tho) and i travelled a lot that year too so i literally had a luggage full of books. i had more books than i have clothes skssj

pluto in 2H could have you spending money on things with dark/taboo themes.

i actually bought a tarot deck called occult tarot skskjd *screams pluto*
i had this in conjunct with jupiter and saturn in my 2H stellium. so with jupiter i noticed that the books i bought were all very dark themed: about death, horror, depression, etc. and one particular book called "a midnight library" was about the phase between life and death. it's fiction btw and it's really good, would totally recommend reading but tw. depression and suicide.

saturn in 2H is feeling the need to manage how u spend money, wanting to be more responsible in spending money.

i tried making a budget and track my spendings sjsbsj but it was so hard when jupiter wants to expand while saturn wants to limit 😭 i wanted to limit/stop myself from spending money but well xD mission failed hahah
but i remember wanting/trying to make money as well! 2H in capricorn and saturn in capricorn btw like selling old clothes or books i don't need or planning business ideas

uranus in 5H is having sudden and random burst of creativity, like getting ideas at a random time or place.

for example i got fluffy writing ideas from cockroaches 💀

venus square uranus could indicate not wanting to be in a relationship because you value your freedom, or wanting to be in a relationship but also wanting to be single.

neptune in 3H may like daydreaming or have vivid thoughts. it can also mean overthinking or being distracted/lost in thoughts.

3H neptune also shows the use of music and fantasies to express one's thoughts or act as a means for escape.

i started writing fanfic the year i had this hehe
i made lots of playlists too and paid attention to the lyrics more than i used to but also the melody/vibes

neptune in 6H may have a messed up sleeping schedule.

mine is sleeping at 6am and waking up at 6pm 💀 but i'm trying to fix this <3

sun opposite neptune is wanting to "bring yourself out there" one day then wanting to escape the next day.

saturn making many hard aspects may mean overworking or constantly feeling restless when you're not doing anything/making any progress.

planets that square mercury show what you think about a lot.

square pluto: taboo/dark subjects, occult, sex, death, rebirth, etc.
square jupiter: deeper learning, beliefs, higher education, philosophy, etc.
square saturn: fear, limitations, responsibilities, career, reputation, etc.

so having many mecury hard aspects can mean overthinking too.

moon in 11H could enjoy playing games, going on the internet, and hanging out with friends for comfort.

venus in 8H shows a year with lots of sexual activities, with self and/or others.

with sagittarius rising you'll be more curious, more engaging in fun activities, open-minded, outgoing, and philosophical. you may see things in a positive light as well.

i had one of the best year if my life with this. of course the rest of the chart matters but i just like how i am that year <3

libra risings will want to be diplomatic and fair in situatons which is wonderful but may have people pleasing tendency :(

capricorn risings approach things very calmly and mature.

cancer risings would listen to their hearts more than their mind. they can be moody and emotional more often.

moon conjunct neptune shows being very intuitive that year.

mc in virgo will have the tendency to make things more organized. could be more of a perfectionist too.

i am usually quite messy and lazy but the year i had this, i organized everything. from my photo album of 8k pics and vids, to my entire closet and room, and pinterest as well as my spotify playlist.

gemini dc will attract either geminis or people with gemini-like personalities - good at communicating, friendly, talkative, intellectual, quick-witted, and hilarious.

venus trine saturn is being more mature in relationships. is noticing red flags and able to stay away from toxic relationships.

♡ i'll stop here since it's pretty long now !! hope everyone enjoyed reading this <3

♡ feedbacks and reblogs are absolutely appreciated 💖

© 2021 umepnnn — all rights reserved. do not plagiarize, steal or repost.

..⃗.ðŸ??•̩̩͙â?º SR SUN THROUGH THE HOUSES ⤾·˚ ༘ ◡̈
(solar return chart)



â?? which area of your life is shining this year? â?ž ✧ ೃ༄


hi ♡🥭 i decided to start off a solar return chart series! i’ve been extremely interested in SR charts lately, & i want to learn more about it along with you guys. keep in mind: i might not finish the series, because i barely finish anything 🗿 but i’ll try 💀��
feel free to ask questions!



â?€ sun in the 1st house â?€
the primal focus this year this is YOU! ☀� your personality is very distinct & noticeable this time around—the aspects to the sun can indicate how you will express it. this placement (depends on the rest of the SR chart) can bring some newfound popularity; it can be amplified if there is sun conjunct ascendant. it is a good time to work on yourself, practice getting to know yourself, develop self-confidence, build up your personal self-expression or identity right now! you might have a strong desire to feel noticed, be more authentic with others & yourself. (astro observation 🌾 ; having this placement or sun conjunct ascendant in a SR chart can indicate potentially having clearer skin) you might find yourself being more spontaneous, energetic, & boastful this year. there is also a sense of a positive outlook on life. this year is going to feel like a new beginning for you 🌟🌺


â?€ sun in the 2nd house â?€
the primal focus this year is finances, your material possessions, comfort, & your self-esteem 💸🥑you could be wanting more stability this time around, but the aspects to the sun can show what will come along the benefits or struggles with it this year. it is possible that you are more in touch with your senses too. (for example: you might want to go out in the nature more often, redecorate your room, buy plants, eat more food, or buy perfumes / lotions 💄) being in touch with your physical appearance or body is also possible. there is going to be a 🌳 sense of grounding 🌳 this year. you might be more focused on your finances, so it is possible that you might working to achieve a financial goal. there could be a spotlight on your core values 🎙—what you value or prioritize this year. your habits could be prominent too.



â?€ sun in the 3rd house â?€
the primal focus this year is communicating with others, school, education, your siblings, & your mental (the mind ��). there is an allure to expressing your thoughts & opinions with others this time around. you might be more in touch with your “immediate� people—your family, close friends, cousins, schoolmates, & more. it is possible that you will put your vitality into teaming up with others this year too. you’re going to be more observant, & be more in touch with 📚 learning 📚, taking in information from the world more often. developing certain skills are also possible. you’re going to be more social, getting in touch with the views of others, getting to know other people, & be more collaborative. you might take short trips or undergo some type of transportation often 🚘


â?€ sun in the 4th house â?€
the primal focus this year is your privacy, your security, your emotional world, your family, your conditioning, & your roots. you’re going to feel a sense to be more in touch with your foundations, where you came from, & where you seek comfort. it is highly recommended to do self-care or practice self-love this year �🦢 this year is also about taking care of your inner world. it is possible that you are exploring or fulfilling your emotional needs. you’re going to notice you’re way more nurturing than usual (or least you’ll feel the need to be) an observation on all of the water houses on the sun in the SR return chart is that there is also sense to isolate or retreat from the outside world in a way 🌬 there could be a tendency of not wanting to socialize with others, go outside, attract attention to oneself, or go to work. this year is about having comfort & safeness. it is also possible that you’ll try to be more in touch with your femininity this year, especially if there are more cancer, 4th house, moon energies in the chart ♋�🌙✨



â?€ sun in the 5th house â?€
the primal focus this year is your 🎨 self-expression 🎨, where you shine, & your individuality. you’re having fun! this year could be a year of taking up creative hobbies, finding what makes you—you, developing self-consciousness of who you are, & enjoying life. affairs with others can be possible as well as developing crushes & dealing with flings or small flirtations with others. a sense of a refreshing romance 💋👩�����💋�👨� you’re going to notice that you’re more playful, expressive, & daring than usual. you’re going to lean towards entertainment & exploring your qualities. this placement can also be an indicator of a potential pregnancy, putting attention onto your inner child or children in general 🤱�💗 drama & an exhilarating year is also possible, especially if there is leo, 5th house, sun prominence in the SR chart ♌�✨


â?€ sun in the 6th house â?€
the primal focus this year is work, your health, your sense of usefulness, your routine, & your pets. it is possible that you are setting to develop routine or order into your life this year (this could be with exercising, a new diet, skincare, etc. 🪴�) you might want to put more effort or shed more light into your work portfolio, whether it be at school or an actual job. either way—there is sense of order or a need to feel important or useful this year. you might be more helpful, selfless, & gentle than usual; because there is a sense of reliability & responsibility. there will be a significant type of effort this year. this could also indicate working on yourself, investing in self-improvement. virgo / 6th house energy is about “working on your craft� 🔨💡�� you’re more analytical & thoughtful of what you do this year.



â?€ sun in the 7th house â?€
the primal focus this year is relationships (whether that be romantic, platonic, friendships, work relationships, business partnerships) & overall connections with others. there is strong sense to compromise, collaborative, & love 💕� this is one of the placements that can indicate a new relationship sparking up, or gaining a partner, especially when there is libra, 7th house, venus prominence in the chart ♎�💓✨ this might be a year where you don’t want to be alone as often—& you want to get in touch with the outside world. there is also a tendency to be disconnected from yourself this year, due the focus being towards the opposite of you. you’ll also be very considerate & affectionate with others this year though. there is sense of sharing also 🫂


â?€ sun in the 8th house â?€
the primal focus of the year is rebirth, intimacy, & the taboo 🌪 there is a sense of transformation & rejuvenation this year; you’re going to be diving into the deeper parts of your life & yourself. it is also possible that you will develop deeper, intense & intimate connections with others too. there is a theme of 💣 forbidden 💣 activity, perhaps you are exploring the forbidden parts of yourself (parts of yourself that you are considerably supposed to be ashamed of) so you can get to know yourself better & become more evolved—this placement can also indicate dealing with some karma within a year. it is possible that you are also sharing or “merging� 🌑 with something or someone this time around. it is also possible that this year is the year for letting go, walking from things that aren’t serving you anymore. a sudden gain in money, resources, or some sort of inheritance is possible 💵��✨



â?€ sun in the 9th house â?€
the primal focus this year is expanding your horizons & learning 🛩 📸 you’re going to be shedding light on your beliefs, & your personal philosophy (maybe your religion �). you might be searching for answers this year, perhaps you are going to travel or go to college! there is a sense of taking the world by the horns & taking in as much as you can. you might even want to try new things, this doesn’t have to necessarily be college or learning, but just expanding yourself in general. your morals might be something important this year. you’re shedding light in your faith, optimism, & outlooks. this placement, especially if there is a 9th house stellium or jupiter/sagittarius dominance in the SR chart ��🌉✨ the divine might be more prominent in your life this year. you’ll feel more guided & � good luck � might come to you easily (unless there are some aspects that are disrupting that)


â?€ sun in the 10th house â?€
the primal focus this year is career, your reputation in the public eye, your portfolio of work, duty & responsibility 🖥⌚� you’re going to be out in public more—more seen by others this year. it is possible that you will receive some type of popularity, fame, or attention in your public perception this year. this is AMPLIFIED if sun is conjunct the midheaven 🌞 you’ll also receive lots of attention from other authority figures—it is either positive or negative depending on the aspects to the placement. you’re also going to be more hardworking this year too, trying to climb your way to the top 🪜🗞 you will feel more responsible & disciplined than ever. you’re going to feel a sense of being more presentable this year too. you’re going to have long-term goals you’ll be working towards & there will be a sense of structure 🗄📂



â?€ sun in the 11th house â?€
the primal focus this year is friendships, social connections, goals, big ideas, & associations 👨�👩�👧�👦🧺 you’re going to feel more like a visionary, collaborative, humble, & social this time around. you’re going to desire to connect with others & meet common grounds to achieve something bigger or just enjoy these alliances. perhaps you’re going to be more interactive with people on social media👩��💻🚀 you might do humanitarian/contribution acts like charity, community work & more. whether you’re actually going to be social or not, you’re going to rather be � socially aware 🌎 you might feel a strong sense to make a difference, whether it be small or whether it be big. you might want to help others, & make someone’s day better more often this year.


â?€ sun in the 12th house â?€
the primal focus of the year is being in your dream world, ☮� spirituality ☮�, the subconscious, reflection, & seclusion. it is possible that you are more isolated, alone, or internal than usual. you are easily hidden from others & you are often revising yourself. you might desire to not be noticed as much this year, because there could be a lack of being in touch with your confidence, identity, or just—you 🧚 you might be more spiritual, connected to the spirits, & more intuitive! especially if there is pisces, neptune, 12th house influences going on in the chart ♓�💤✨ you could be in your head a lot & you might be more creative than usual, so you should take advantage of it. there is also a sense of mystery, so there is a slight blurriness & confusion this year. you’re not as in touch with the real world, & you often feel detached 💭⚛� but this often depends on the aspects & the rest of the SR chart since the 12th house is a house that can vary in how it plays out. you might have to deal with karma at some point too, perhaps even healing or soul-work 🌨



solar return chart - moon placements (signs and houses) 🌙

pic not mine.

Aries moon / 1st house - this may be a year with a greater focus on developing. this could be a year with a greater focus on improving your appearance in some sense. you may be more sensitive to criticism and self-esteem, and physical body may be a more prominent issue in your head (and emotional) during your year.

Taurus moon / 2nd house - during the year you may be looking to achieve even greater emotional, financial and material stability. yes, we all seek that. but for the moon in taurus, it’s essential to have stability, otherwise the humor and the sense of emotional north are impaired. that is: material goods and knowing that you have some kind of stability can make you feel better during your year.

Gemini moon / 3rd house - your need for the year will be to have more contact with people. socialization can be extremely important to you, and if your natal chart goes against that, you can live with a certain duality. knowing new things and experiencing unusual situations will bring you more inner happiness.

Cancer moon / 4th house - your emotional sensitivity will be higher during the year. it will be a year of contact with family and home affairs, and you can be more attached to your family, as well as being sensitive to what happens in that family environment.

Leo moon / 5th house - your emotional needs may be on the rise during your year. being recognized for what you do, being noticed by others and being able to express yourself and shine can be things that you will seek. and the lack of it can bring bad feelings. your emotional reactions can be dramatic.

Virgo moon / 6th house - you can be emotionally demanding during your year, but you won’t charge things in a verbal way or as expressive as a leo would do, only if other positions (natal placements or solar return) collaborate with it. you will be looking for more organization in your feelings, which can be particularly bad and can bring you an excess of rationality. your emotional need will be to feel useful and organized.

Libra moon / 7th house - your emotional needs during your year will be more sensitive and open to others. you may wish, more than ever, to be close to those you like. you can get more emotionally closer to the people you like, especially if you have a boyfriend / girlfriend.

Scorpio moon / 8th house - during your year, your emotional may be undergoing internal transformations, and you may be more psychically sensitive to things. you may have a greater desire to hide your vulnerabilities.

Sagittarius moon / 9th house - your emotional will want movement and to know something new in which you can identify, believe and defend. in your year, you tend to be more outgoing, wanting to live new situations.

Capricorn moon / 10th house - during your year, nothing will bring you more comfort than feeling aligned with your life purpose. you’ll feel a greater need to work towards your goals. on the other hand, you can be much more emotionally closed, preventing your internal sensitivity from flowing.

Aquarius moon / 11th house - during your year, your emotional will want to have even more contact with your friendships or with social groups. you will be looking for more freedom and independence from other people.

Pisces moon / 12th house - your emotional will be more sensitive, and you may be looking for solitude. this solitude won’t be useless (at least that’s what i advise): use your time alone to enjoy being alone and also to know more about yourself.

Solar Return Suns in Houses
i have the sudden urge to write about this 😌 i would love to hear about your personal experience and observations too!

What is a solar return chart?

SR chart calculates the position of the planets every year when the sun returns to the exact degree of your natal sun. It is the natal chart for a specific year and resets on your next birthday. It can be used as a prediction tool for the energy and theme of that year.

*Don’t be afraid if the SR chart has ‘negative’ placements for that year. Everything depends on YOU. If you approach a ‘bad’ year with an open mind and willingness to learn, it will be much easier for you. If you approach a ‘good’ year irresponsibly, it will turn bad*


- Sun in 1st house: This may be a year full of self discovery! You will connect more to yourself and there will be positive changes to your self image. You may feel the urge to speak up for yourself more and be more authentic. What makes you feel the most confident? Who are you when you don’t care about what others think? Who are you? You shine simply for being who you are!

- Sun in 2nd house: This year will bring your self-worth into focus! It can also be a year where you find new ways to make money. You can see more clearly how wealth influence your inner security. You gain a deeper understanding of your values. You will know your self worth and refuse to settle for less! What are your standards, for yourself and others? You may find your personal aesthetic as well!

- Sun in 3rd house: This year is full of meaningful connections! May feel closer to friends and siblings as well! You may develop an interest in gaining knowledge through reading, listening to podcasts, or just talking to people and learn from them. What do friendships mean to you? How do those friendships help you become a better person? What kind of support do you need? Enhance your communication and presentation skills!

- Sun in 4th house: This year is all about your home. It is usually related to family, but it can also be about your inner self as well! You will learn what makes you feel safe and have a deeper understanding of your emotional needs. May encounter your soulmates (more likely platonic). What does family mean to you? Who do you see as family? What does your safe space look like to you? When do you feel the most at peace?

- Sun in 5th house: Connect back to your inner child! You know that feeling of running barefoot on the grass without a care in the world? What gives you that feeling? What does happiness look like to you? What would your inner child want you to do? May pick up old hobbies if you’ve been abandoning them for a while. A year of creativity and self expression, in whatever way that’s truest to you! A healing year to remind yourself that life is full of joy!

- Sun in 6th house: This is a year of connecting back to your physical body! Have you been taking good care of it? Have you been communicating with your body? Don’t forget that your physical body affects your mind and soul as well. This year, you may be more mindful of what you consume (you are what you eat afterall!). You will develop more healthy habits. May have a work out routine or a new diet this year. I haven’t seen anyone say this, but it could indicate a glow up because you’re taking good care of yourself!

- Sun in 7th house: Your relationships will be the main focus for this year! It is also about self discovery because we can always learn about ourselves from others as everyone is a mirror to show us parts of ourselves we don’t see. What do you want in a partner? What do you need in order to feel loved? Can indicate a new romantic relationship! If you’re already in one, can mean you guys will see a new side of the relationship. May also mean you will see more clearly your relationship patterns and habits, good or bad.

- Sun in 8th house: A year of transformation! What is it that you need to let go of? What is holding you back? What are the parts of yourself that you struggle to accept and love? You will learn how to be there for yourself. You will develop resilience and self respect. You will get in touch with the depth of your emotions. Deep seated issues may (re)surface. But fear not! They’re meant to show themselves so you can release yourself from them and heal yourself.

- Sun in 9th house: A year of self discovery through expanding your perspective! If the 1st house is about discovery things within you, the 9th house is about learning things you never knew about yourself! Where do you want to go this year? What philosophy and mindset would you like to explore? What new experiences do you seek for? What fulfills you? If you’re in college or about to go to college, this can be the year when you find your calling. Can indicate travel or just more experience with different cultures.

- Sun in 10th house: What does your inner girl boss look like (Jk but not really)? This year is about knowing who you want to be! What can you offer to the world? What is your purpose? What moves you to action? What do you want to see in yourself? Who are you when you’re at your best? Career and public image are the focus! You should create vision board every time you have an idea of what you want, this can be the year to turn those into reality!

- Sun in 11th house: This is the year of recognition! If you want social media presence, this is the year for you. You will find communities that share your interest and welcome you, or you may become closer to the communities you’re in. What makes you feel accepted? What community do you want to be in? What does your dream life look like to you? Focus on building the right connections with like-minded people. Network your way into your dreams!

i have my solar return sun conjunct mars in libra in the 11th house this year and my contents have been gaining a lot of engagement!
i have 2 instagram reels that reached 200-300k views and 20k+ likes each and my astrology contents also do super well too!

- Sun in 12th house: This is a year of introspection and solitude! The focus is to let go of control, of your ego, of your fears. What are you afraid of? What do you want to control a bit too much? What if you go with the flow? Have faith in the higher power, whatever or whoever that may be to you. Trust that you are protected no matter what may come. If you are already a spiritual person, you may gain a deeper connection with your sources.

— thank you for reading! 💌

🌷� Transit Venus in Capricorn for all Rising signs

The transit of Venus in Capricorn brings out our more elegant and dignified selves. We want to surround ourselves with objects and individuals who are considered respectable and admirable. When it comes to investing our hard-earned money, we like to spend on items that will last a long time. We want to attract people who can help us achieve our aims and reflect our ambitions. The image we present to the world becomes more important for a few weeks.

🌷 Aries Rising: Venus will transit your 10th house. This transit can help your reputation and career ambitions. It is easy to make a good impression on your boss or managers and build better relationships. Venus transiting this sector of your natal chart makes it easier for you to project the image you desire to the rest of the world.

🌷 Taurus Rising: Venus will transit your 9th house. When Venus is in this area, it is easier to form long-term relationships with individuals from other countries or with academics. The desire to arrange an important vacation is also stronger. 

🌷 Gemini Rising: Venus will transit your 8th house. This transit may cause you to feel envious. The urge to be as successful as others is strong. Others may approach you with an offer to invest in their ventures. People who are untruthful yet affluent may also enter your life. Some offers appear to be too good to be true and may conceal something (Ghislaine Maxwell has a Capricorn stellium in the 8th house, and her kindness concealed something horrible). It is a good time to invest if Venus forms favorable aspects to your planets.

🌷 Cancer Rising: Venus will transit your 7th house. This transit is ideal for establishing long-term close relationships and partnerships. People you encounter right now are friendlier and more tolerant than normal, and they are less fearful of commitment. Existing connections and collaborations are working well right now, especially if Venus makes favorable aspects to your planets.

🌷 Leo Rising: Venus will transit your 6th house. This transit makes mundane tasks more enjoyable. Coworkers and clients are being more considerate and helpful than usual, and you can get greater benefits at work. You are also more inclined to collaborate with others to face workplace challenges.

🌷 Virgo Rising: Venus will transit your 5th house. This is an excellent opportunity to indulge in your favorite pastimes. This transit is all about having fun. Whatever makes you feel more alive is where your energy should be directed. Going on dates at great restaurants and indulging in some luxury wine is an excellent way to use this energy.

🌷 Libra Rising: Venus will transit your 4th house. There is a strong desire to put time and effort into your house. The vision you have in your head of what your dream house would look like is clearer, and it is easier for you to start making changes right now. When Venus is in Capricorn, she wants to live in a beautiful and stylish setting; investing in high-quality furniture is a good way to use her energy. Receiving at home is also an excellent option during this transit.

🌷 Scorpio Rising: Venus will transit your 3rd house. At this time, your surroundings should be more pleasant. People in your neighborhood are more friendly and helpful than normal. The chance to meet new individuals who live close to you and broaden your social circle has increased. Those connections may be useful in the long run.

🌷 Sagittarius Rising: Venus will transit your 2nd house. Right now, there is a strong desire to spend on more classical and timely pieces. This transit provides the individual with enough money to spend on whatever they desire.

🌷 Capricorn Rising: Venus will transit your 1st house. Right now, the desire to be pleasant and make a good first impression is stronger. Venus in the 1st house wishes to improve her beauty and make herself more appealing to others. This is an excellent opportunity to go shopping and refresh your wardrobe. Reading books about charisma and charm is another effective way to take advantage of this transit. It is also an excellent time to socialize; people will respond positively to you.

🌷 Aquarius Rising: Venus will transit your 12th house. Venus can stir some hidden feelings about your career and achievements. The desire to succeed is stronger, but it is concealed. You may feel more concerned about your accomplishment, which may keep you up at night.

🌷 Pisces Rising: Venus will transit your 11th house. Now is the time to engage in more social activities. You will be able to make connections with people who work in your industry or who are a little more experienced and established than you. If Venus is nicely aspected, these new connections will be beneficial to you in the long-term.


Hello👋�, what do you think of leo(POF too)in the 8th house? Or some interesting ways it manifests

Oh goodness, well 8H Leo can go many ways. Really it would depend more on what chart you’re looking into because the rest of the planets play a part in how that 8H will develop, even if there isn’t anything but POF in said house. Personally I read 8H Leo as one who would want to be acknowledged by their assets. This isn’t to say they are shallow, but basing evidence from Cap rising I’d say the native would work hard for what they have and want to be acknowledged for it.
As far as POF goes, the way I understand POF stems from ‘wealth in the self’. I see it more of a personal gift. Leo POF relates to wealth in self esteem— being able to harness a lions confidence, the strong force of creativity, being able to fixate and hone in to creating ones own path. In doing this there will be other’s who look and see this part of the native and think “Wow they’ve touched my life personally.�
Regarding the 8H, it could be they’re saying “Wow look at all of their assets. They’ve inspired me to work hard and put in continuous effort to achieve what I want� (‘What I want’ being anything related to 8H traits)
To me, POF has nothing do to with actual wealth but has more to do with a personal gift of value that one is able to share with another individual— not a physical gift, but a psychological gift. Something that impacts another so much, it’s seen as a fortune.
With NN and Uranus in Taurus we have definitely over the course of this transit seen a growth in:
-People not being afraid of leaving jobs for better ones. And not being ashamed of saying they’re leaving because money is low.
-The natural beauty makeup trend. Lipgloss, dewey skin. If you’ve noticed the goal is to make it look as natural and low effort as possible.
-A rise in social media involving cooking. Like seriously, I know it’s not just me who peeped that.
-People really are putting themselves first and putting their boundaries strong. If it don’t fly, let it d—. But my health and wellness comes first.
What have you noticed during this transit?
Synastry Observations VI

🟫When your Rising falls in others 12th house tells us about a mirror relationship, I would dare to say that it is even more mirroring than if it fell in the 7th house. It may be an unpopular opinion, but if we analyze it, the 12th house is a house that tells us about the hidden, what we hide and/or repress from ourselves. You will be the reflection of the other person in terms of what he does not show, either due to fear or personal insecurities. In this relationship, you will help them to open up more, to show themselves in a transparent way and not to be ashamed of being who they are. They will feel drawn to precisely because you will be the reflection of what they feel they do not have or have not known before. You will help them to know sensations, feelings and things that they did not know or that they subconsciously refused or did not believe they deserved (i.e. to be loved, to have a good friendship, to open up, etc).

🟫If you have a stellium and it falls into a house of your partner that does not have planets, you can help them find a deeper meaning to the themes that that house rules, and you will help them develop the themes of that house more easily. But, if that stellium falls in the house where your North Node is, it is very likely that what you live together will be a very important part of your own development, you will teach you important and decisive lessons in your life and you will be able to begin to be the version of them that they themselves have as a goal to be.

🟫When a person's Jupiter is making a conjunction, trine or sextile with your Rising, you will notice that with its presence your spirits will improve a lot, that your perception of life will be better and more positive and that you will see yourself in a more constructive, optimistic and beneficial to yourself. This person, in addition to bringing you new perspectives, will help you develop self-esteem and encourage you to be more independent and authentic. Contrary to what you might think, this person will love all sides of your personality, even the ones you're ashamed of or don't share with others (it's enhanced if their Jupiter falls in your 12th house but it's conjunct Rising).

🟫The opposition between Moon-Moon is a fairly common aspect in marriages or long lasting relationships. This is because their emotional needs are more similar than they seemed, despite the small differences at the beginning, they understand the other and treat them with sweetness and delicacy. They may have similar ideas about family life and their ideologies about traditions. However, they have a somewhat different way of showing their emotions and finding comfort. Despite this, one of the purest and sweetest expressions can arise.

🟫When your Venus is conjunct their North Node, the romance that you experience will be something very significant for them, something that will mark them deeply and something that they will remember for a long time. This aspect indicates that both will bring out their romantic side much more easily than they would with other people. They will love each other sweetly and with a touch of passion and they will share many hobbies and preferences, their way of loving will be similar and they will teach each other that it is possible to have a nice and tender romance.

🟫If Sun or Moon are conjunct IC, no matter if it's on 3rd or 4th house, the planet person will play a crucial role in the life of the IC person. CI is the most sensitive point of the entire chart, so anything that comes into contact with this point will be very important for the person's life. The Sun/Moon person becomes the soft spot of the other, provokes in him emotions that he probably never imagined he would feel, or at least with that intensity. They become very memorable to the IC person and it will hardly be possible for them to forget them.

🟫If your Rising falls in their 3rd house, they will be very intrigued by you from the start. You are probably at first that stranger they saw on one occasion that they can hardly stop thinking about. Once they get to know each other better, they will think that you are a very witty, creative and intelligent person, someone with whom they share opinions that they consider crucial and a person with whom it is easy for them to spend hours and hours talking. They seem delighted by the way you express yourself and even if they are very quiet or reserved, they will become very chatty if you are around them and they will talk to you a lot about the way they see you and what you mean to them.

🟫When you have the North Node squaring the other's North Node it is usually indicating that you will teach each other important lessons, especially related to ego and balance. Both will be taught patience and perseverance, to learn to discern when it is valuable to fight for something and when it is not. In case these people want the other in their life, they can put a lot of focus and desire in the relationship, even if external factors want to get in the way.

🟫In case the Nodes are positively aspected (trine or sextile) we find a relationship in which they mutually help each other to achieve what they want, it is very usual for these people to be that peace after the turbulence, things can be more fluid than what they perceive from the outside world. Both will help each other grow and will be very understanding of what the other feels and thinks.

🟫When your Rising falls in someone's 9th house it indicates that this person sees you positively, as a very charming, fun and radiant person like a ray of sunshine. You make him feel and think that there are still good and well-intentioned people in the world. You have a knack for inspiring them and opening their minds, they may feel more open to receiving new ideas, especially if they come from you. They see you as a teacher and as a person who subconsciously motivates them to be a better version of themselves.

🟫Many people either take this aspect as a downfall or do not give it much importance. When it comes to a square between Moon-Venus both people can teach each other new things in terms of relationships. The basis of this aspect is that both have somewhat different emotional needs and preferences, meaning that if both are very stubborn and closed-minded, they see it as an immediate off. But, what happens if we open up to meet the other or if there are other positive aspects? Both people can teach the other to open up to other ways of making themselves feel loved. For example, if one of them has difficulty verbalizing their feelings, and the other is more verbal, they may find themselves intrigued and fascinated by this quality of the other, since they feel that they cannot do it themselves. This square is one of the easiest to work with, since the nature of both planets is already quite compatible. If they share other trigons or conjunctions, they can be used as ways to work this square.

🟫The positive aspects between Mercury and Mars (trine, sextile, parallel, quintile or biquintile) make both people easily happy and motivated when talking or after talking with the other person. The Mercury person learns to think and plan better for the future and to put his ideas into action, he feels that his ideas are clearer and he learns to think and plan independently, as well as to say what he thinks and be faithful to what he really wants. While the Mars person obtains a better direction, he learns to be more rational and analytical when undertaking an action or idea. Both teach each other to be more spontaneous and feel more dynamic being together. Communication is fluid and somewhat fun.

🟫Saturn-Venus contacts can be truly sublime for both parties. For the Venus person, they can feel that they are taken seriously, that they have found someone very devoted to them and someone who can give them that firmness and sense of stability that they may have lacked in past relationships. While the Saturn person will be fascinated not only by beauty but also by sweetness and affection, being able to melt that hard shell with which he usually approaches love. Both can have a stable relationship and it should be added that there may be a fear of making a mistake in the relationship that makes the other feel misunderstood or unloved, this happens especially for aspects such as conjunction, opposition or square. Even so, no matter how tense the aspect is, it does not take away the loyalty and commitment of the relationship.

🟫The Sun-Mars conjunction is extremely interesting and gives us a powerful attraction for both parties, but especially for the Mars person. Both of them can become and behave very flirty with the other, they can find themselves irresistible and feel a fascination for the body of the other. The Mars person sees the Sun person as alluring, powerful and dominant, while the latter will see the Mars person as someone chaotic, intense and equally seductive. There can be some competition in some cases (especially if Mars is making a lot of tense aspects with the rest of the planets), and it can give us an enemies to lover vibes at times. They both feel very dynamic after spending time with each other, especially the Sun person. There is that sexual tension that is capable of being felt from the beginning.

🟫There is a spiritual touch to the relationship of those with a Jupiter-Pluto trine/sextile. They both feel that they grow with the other, that they learn a lot and that together, they can face whatever life throws at them, becoming much braver since they are with each other. They feel a strong connection because of their similar beliefs and ways of seeing complex issues, such as death or sex or even the true meaning of life. Both learn to see life with different eyes and can feel that they begin to truly enjoy it with the presence of the other person. Jupiter person will bring a lot of light, joy and new insights to Pluto person who will be very intrigued by it. While Pluto person will bring transformation, changes and an intense union to the life of Jupiter person, who will feel very attracted to them.

🟫Many times when we are told about the square between Venus-Mars it is painted as something fully sexual and somewhat chaotic. One of the problems that can arise is the difference when it comes to showing desire and forming love. Both may have very different ways of showing love, but that doesn't mean they don't feel it. To solve this square, two factors are crucial: good communication and acceptance. If both are mature enough, they will understand that they cannot change the other. When we see this aspect, it is recommended that both make clear the way in which they want to be loved and what attitudes they do not like. The attraction is very strong, as much as the adoration for the other.

🟫When your Rising is conjunct someone's MC this person shows a lot of admiration for who you are and what you have accomplished. In their eyes you are a great person, someone who achieves what is proposed and in general someone who inspires and motivates them to try to be better every day. This is because the MC often displays traits that we admire and what we consider to be superior to ourselves in some way. With this overlay-aspect we have a relationship based on motivation, admiration and self-improvement.

🟫When your Moon is conjunct another's North Node, it means that this person will help you develop your emotional side. The North Node native will be delighted with the Moon person, they will feel a lot of inexplicable warmth towards this person and they will have a well-developed instinct to protect and care for them. While Moon Person will see to their well-being and pay a lot of attention to them, treating them with great delicacy and treating them with great affection. Both of them will feel that this connection was fateful and they will see each other as a very special person in each other's life, especially for the North Node person, who will see the other as a very special person in their life regardless of the time that has passed or if the other person continues or not in their life.

🟫If your Saturn is aspecting your partner's Sun or Chart ruler, chances are they think you bring order and stability into their life. You make them have a need to want to improve either as a person, professionally or in any other way so that you see and feel that something stable augurs you with them. In your case, you can see them as people with whom you can have a lasting, solid and secure relationship. There is a lot of trust between them and they can feel that they finally have someone to rely on.

🟫When a Mars-Rising conjunction occurs but with Mars positioned in the 12th house, both natives are extremely attracted to each other, in an uncontrolled way and seem not to understand exactly why, at least initially in some cases. A feeling of having seen the most fascinating person in the world, with a touch of having connected before or feeling like you know the other. The Rising person is the one who usually feels this much more magnified than the Mars person, this is because, as I have mentioned many times, the person who will always feel the effect of the overlays is the house person. However, the Mars person is also included, since it is set to the Rising of the other person.

Astrology tea ���

Credit goes to my blog @astroismypassion

Trigger warning mentions of de**h, d***s

� You know how Sagittarius Sun truly express their feelings? It shimmers through just a bit when they exaggerate a story. If they exaggerate a piece of information, you bet they were very surprised, too stunned to speak at the time it was happening. And them being surprised, shocked often equals exaggeration of a story.

� Try to see where Juno and asteroid Groom overlap. If you have a Cancer Juno, yet Groom at 28 (Cancer degree), it could be a Cancer Sun that ends up proposing you.

� But when you look at your own asteroid Briede (19029) sign, this is the Sun sign YOU might be the most serious about and who you would propose to.

� Cancer Venus always gives a thoughtful, yet small, sometimes a cheap gift that relates to both of you, connects you two. For example you both like drinking tea and they buy you a tea cup and tea bags. Or you both really enjoy vinyl records and they buy you one. It’s always something that connects you two. 😀 You guys are really thoughtful gift-givers!

� Aries Mercury gets really bored of one way of communicating for too long. For example, if you were sending each other audio messages for too long, they will want to change it and do phone call instead or video call etc.

� Gemini Chiron and Gemini Lilith often gets scars, bruises on their fingers, hands. Or they may get skin on their hands, fingers easily burnt when cooking, when starting a fire.

� Virgo over the 5th house might develop a crush on any person that they share the same ideas, viewpoint. If they like someone’s arguments, life philosophy, habits. They might develop a crush on someone when they think “This (wo)/man thinks just like me!�. They could also strongly relate to certain book authors and writers, because of the way they think, they might have a strong liking of their work. They might be prone to cheating mentally, if this would exist. When they are starting to agree more with someone else’s viewpoints, opinions than their partner’s, you might be losing them. 😬

� Sagittarius Suns with Scorpio Mercury are oddly preoccupied with the idea of death and them dying and how they will die. Some have special requests on how they wish to be buried or which song they would like to be played at their funeral.

� I noticed Scorpio Mercury are controversial, but for some reason Taurus Mercury seem to be too. Like Taurus Mercury celebrities Kanye West, Megan Fox, Kristen Stewart, Lena Dunham, Miranda Kerr, Donatella Versace, Abigail Breslin, Cher, Kirsten Dunst, Renée Zellweger. They had some controversial views and opinions throughout years. They are just likely to be canceled on the internet or just really disliked due to jealousy, envy they evoke in others as much as Scorpio Mercury. They could also receive public dislike online.

� If you have Aries Part of Fortune you might find yourself in struggles in life (difficulties in college, financial issues etc.) that not even your family members will be able to advise you on or support you. In times of conflict and stress you will often be alone to find the real courage and strength needed.

� People might not believe Pisces Moon when they say they don’t do drugs. Also, they could experience random drug tests.

� However, also on Pisces Moon: they have weird fascination with psychedelics, yet dislike weed and drugs. Some believe psychedelics could heal their trauma. 🤷��♀�

� I noticed Aries Moons often have a female sibling. They grew up around strong women in their family who are very independent, unmarried or career driven.

� Sagittarius Sun when younger might have often been the butt of the joke in their friend group. This is one side of Sagittarius Sun that hasn’t been talked enough. People have made fun on their expense often times when their were feeling insecure enough on their own. That’s why they try to not show much emotion, appear unfazed and diffuse things back with humour.

� Aquarius Venus might date their friend, or multiple people until committed or could ghost. But Uranus in the 2nd house?? These guys don’t participate in hookup culture (and rebel against it), don’t entertain multiple people (doesn’t have a roaster), don’t do ghosting.

� Taurus Venus has a love language of gift giving and this is also how they flirt, they just start buying you things or food. Yet, sometimes this can come across trying to buy their loved one’s love. 😬

� Venus in the 6th house looves using hand cream. People compliment them for their soft hands more than they would any other placement.

� Asteroid Kiss sign in the Kiss Persona chart could indicate the Sun sign of the person you will share your first kiss with.

Credit goes to my blog @astroismypassion